Shy Kasumi x Male Reader

424 13 5

Requested by KaseiDragon

Location - Toyama Residence, Dining Room

Your POV

"Alright, that should do it for our studying session." I said as I placed my textbook back in my bag.

"Thank you so much for helping me, (Y/N)-kun." Kasumi said as she let out a sigh, happy to be done for the day.

"You never were a fan of studying, were you Kasumi?" I asked as I let out a small chuckle.

"Yeah, I don't like it at all, and Arisa was too busy with the student council to help me!" She whined.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and smiled gently at her.

"It's okay, Kasumi. It's lucky for you that you have me to help you out." I said.

Hearing that made Kasumi smile from cheek to cheek. But before anything else could be said, my phone notified me of a text message from my mom.

"Looks like my mom is expecting me to come home now." I said with a frown.

"Aww, do you really need to go?" Kasumi asked.

"Yeah, but don't worry, I promise we'll hang out again someday." I said and started making my way to the door.

"Wait, you do think I can tell you something before you leave?" Kasumi asked.

"Sure. What's up?"

Kasumi did her best to say what she wanted to say, but she didn't. I always knew she was shy, but not this much.

"Well, ummm..."


"I'm... glad I was able to meet you..." She said.

"Is that all? Then I am happy that I met you, too." I responded with a smile.

And I walked out of the Toyama Residence and headed off for home. I wonder what is up with Kasumi, though? She never acted like this, that's for sure.

Location - Toyama Residence, Kasumi's Room

Kasumi's POV

I had to made sure that (Y/N) was completely gone. When he did, I went straight to my room, and closed the door before sitting down against it.

"Why does this keep happening?"

I like (Y/N) a lot, and I want to tell how I feel, but every time I do, I start to get nervous and say something completely different. I hate being this shy. When comes to everything else, I'll have plenty of energy to spare. But when comes to (Y/N), my best friend in the world, I'll start acting shy, and not on purpose either.

"I think I am going to need some help."

I grabbed my phone and texted the one person who can help me.

A few minutes later...

I waited for the person I contacted to come over. I was relieved when she showed up because I could really use the help.

"Hey, Lisa-san. Thank you so much for coming." I said.

"No problem at all, Kasumi." Lisa replied with a smile. "Though I was a bit surprised when asked me to come over."

"Hehe, sorry about that. I really do need your help with something." I said.

"Okay then..." Lisa started as she sat down next to me. "tell your big sis what's on your mind."

I was too shy to be sharing this information with Lisa, but I did call her over here for some help. And so, I began to explain about (Y/N) and my feelings towards him. Lisa was taken aback by my problem.

"Wow, I never would've guessed that you of all people would be so shy about someone." She commented.

"Yeah, but... I can't help it, you know?" I replied. "Everytime I see (Y/N) and that cute smile of his, my heart would start to melt."

"I see, and did you try to confess your feelings to him recently?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah, but... I was thinking that maybe I should give up on him." I sighed.

"Give up?! Why would you want to do that?!"

"I'm sure he doesn't want to be with someone who is shy all the time..."

"Ah, so that's how you feel, huh?"

Lisa gently placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me comforting smile.

"Don't sell yourself short, Kasumi. I'm sure he'll still want to be with you."

"What makes you say that?"

"Even though you're shy around him, you still do your best to make him happy, right?" She explained. "And that's all that matters."

Thinking about Lisa's words, I knew that she had a point. Shy or not, I'm going to try to let (Y/N) know that I have feelings for him.

"Thanks Lisa-san. I know what I need to do now!" I said, trying to sound more confident in myself.

"It's no problem." She replied with a grin. "Let me know how everything turns out."

A few days later...

Location - Station Entrance

Your POV  

I received a text massage from Kasumi telling me to come meet her at the station entrance. It was quite unusual as I am usually one who does all of the inviting. Once I got to our meeting spot, Kasumi was already there. She was taking some deep breaths as if she was worried about something. I could hear her say...

"I can do it... I can do it... I can do it..."

I walked over towards her with a smile.

"Hi Kasumi!" I called out.

"Huh? Oh, (Y/N)-kun... h-hello." She replied shyly.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. "You wanted to see me, right?"

"Umm, y-yeah, I did." Kasumi began. "I have... something I want to talk to you... about."

"Oh? What is it?"

Kasumi gulped.

"Do you... believe in love at first sight?" She asked.

"Love at first sight?"


"I do, and I recently found the love of my life, too."

Kasumi gave me a rather nervous look.

"W-Who is it?" She asked.

"Here is a hint."

I lean in to give her a kiss on the lips. Kasumi blushed as I moved back.

"Y-You mean..."

"Yes, Toyama Kasumi, it's you that I have fallen in love with." I smiled.

Kasumi smiled back and hugged me tight. I hugged her back and just wouldn't let go. Hugging Kasumi gave me a warm feeling on the inside.



"If I asked you out, would you say yes?"

"Yes... I would."

"In that case, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yes! A thousand times yes!"

And the two of us shared another kiss.

The end

A/N: That is it for this one-shot. Thank you for reading, and I hoped you guys liked it. As a reminder, requests for the second one-shot book are still open. And you have until May 31st to send one if you haven't already.

See you guys in the next one-shot, and have a good one.

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now