Eve x Dense Female Reader

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[Non requested idea]

Your POV

Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). I'm a female high school student that is dense sometimes... Most of the time... Okay, all of the time. I'm especially dense when it comes to romance. Whenever someone asked me what was my favorite romance movie, I wouldn't give them an answer. That's mostly because I don't understand the point of being in love.

Maybe I am saying all of this because I have never been in love before, and wouldn't know what would it be like. But little did I know that I would meet someone who would change my life forever, and made me realize how important the power of love is.

I first met her on my way to the library. Reading is my favorite thing to do, so I would go to there a lot. As I was walking over there, I spotted someone who I've seen too often. It was Wakamiya Eve, the keyboardist of Pastel*Palettes and my favorite model. I couldn't believe she was just hanging around here like a normal person.

As I thought about whether or not I should talk to her, she came over to me with a smile on her face.

"Hi there. Did you want to talk to me?" Eve asked.

"Huh? What makes you say that?" I asked, trying my best to keep my cool around Eve.

"Well, I couldn't help but notice that you were staring at me earlier, like you wanted to talk to me." Eve explained.

"Huh? I was doing that?" I asked and blinked.

"Umm, yeah, you were." She said.

"Oh, umm... sorry about that, Eve-chan. I didn't mean to stare at you." I said as I began to look away from her for some reason.

"Hm? How do you know my name?" Eve asked.

"Well, truth be told, I have seen you a lot in fashion magazines, and I have seen you online a lot, so you could say that I am a fan of yours." I said with a small blush.

Eve gave me the sweetest smile ever.

"A fan, huh? Thank you so much for your support then." Eve said and suddenly gave me a hug.

I was surprised and happy that I was getting a hug from Eve, but I am a bit confused on why she is doing it in the first place.

"Umm, is it okay for me to ask why you're hugging me?" I asked.

"I'm just doing it because I wanted to show my appreciation to the people who supported me." She explained.

"That's so kind of you, Eve-chan." I smiled.

"You're welcome." She replied. "Oh yeah, I forgot, I didn't ask you what your name was."

"My name? It's (Y/N) (L/N)."

She giggled.

"(Y/N)-san, huh? What a nice name." She said.

"Oh, really? It is? T-Thank you." I said as my cheeks began to glow. Not only that, but I was also getting butterflies in my stomach. What is going on with me?

Then the sound of a phone went off. It was Eve's phone. She checked it, and looked shocked.

"Goodness me, I got to get going." She said before quickly putting her phone in her pocket.

"Oh, do you have somewhere to be?" I asked.

"Yes. I got to go to the Talent Agency to see the other members of Pastel*Palettes." She replied.

"I see..." I wish Eve didn't have to go.

"It was nice meeting you, (Y/N)-san. I hope to see you again someday." She said.

"Y-Yeah, me too."

Eve went on her way, leaving me alone to wonder why it hurts to see her go. What is going on with me? Figuring out something like this is going to be harder than I thought. But I do know someone who can help me out in my time of need.

Later today...

Location - (L/N) Residence, Living Room

After going to the library and hung out for a few hours, I went home and found my grandma hanging out on the couch by herself. I've been living with her ever seen my parents got killed in a car accident when I was little.

"Ah, (Y/N)-chan, how was the library?" She asked.

"It was alright, I guess." I replied.

My grandma got curious.

"You don't seem to be happy about it, though. Did something happened?" She asked.

"You could say that, yeah..." I said and sat down beside her.

Then I told my grandma everything that happened today. From my encounter with Eve, to the odd feeling I've gained when she left. I know my grandma is wise, so she should be able to tell me what the problem was.

"Ah, so that's what's been going on, huh?"

"Do you know why I am feeling like this grandma?" I asked.

"It's simple my dear, it's because you're in love with this Eve-chan." She answered.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Me being in love with Eve-chan? How did you figure that out?" I asked.

She let out a small chuckle.

"It's because you got your dense side from your mother, and she was in a similar situation before she got together with your father." She explained.

My mother was dense like me? I guess it does explain a lot. But as for me being in love with Eve, could my grandma be right? If this is what being in love is like, then I'll need to tell her, right? This is going to be harder than I thought.

Next week...

Location - Station Entrance

For the last week, I ponder whether or not I should confess my love for Eve, and I decided to just do it. I might be dense on when it comes romance stuff, but that is the way I am, and I have come to accept it. I plan on telling Eve that the next time I see her.

I don't know when, though, but until that time comes, I'm going to go over to the library and be myself for a while. However, I actually did see Eve again as I was making my way over there. Kind of funny that history is repeating itself, huh?

"Hey, I remember you from last week." Eve said as soon as she spotted me.

"Oh, hi Eve-chan." I said. There goes that odd feeling in my stomach again.

"Hi to you, too. Where are you off to?" She asked.

"I was off to the library to read some books." I said.

"Oh! That's an interesting way to spend the day."

"Yeah, it is. And what about you, Eve-chan? Are you going to your agency?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Not today. It is my day off." She said.

"I see. Did you... want to come with me to the library then?" I asked. 

Eve giggled.

"Yes, I would love to join you." She said.

That made me happy. We began to walk over to the library, and I nervously tried to hold her hand but I couldn't. I think Eve knew what I was trying to do, and held my hand the whole way there. Her hand made me feel warm and safe. I am now convinced that she feels the same way about me.

The end

A/N: That is it for this one-shot, and I hoped you guys liked it. 27 one-shots left to go and this book will be completed. My goal is to get it done by summer, and work on the second one-shot book.

See you in the next one-shot and have a good one

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now