Hina x Male Reader (Fantasy Season Story #2)

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[Non requested idea]

A week before Christmas...

Your POV

Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I got the best friend I could ever ask for. Her name was Hikawa Hina, she is a genius, the guitarist for the idol band known as Pastel*Palettes, and she is really kind as well. How exactly did we meet? I'll keep it short.

I was at a Pastel*Palettes show last summer, and by some miracle, I was able to become friends from Hina. After spending a lot of time with her, we've grown very close with each other and became good friends, then one thing led to another, and I felt like I was a member of the Pastel*Palettes group. Indeed, things were swell.

After a lot of months have gone by, Christmas was a week away, and the girls are planning to have a Christmas party at the talent agency. Hina couldn't help but get excited about it as the two of us were walking home.

"This Christmas party is going to be so Boppin'!" She said.

"Yeah, though we have a whole week before that happens." I said. 

"I know, but this year's Christmas is going to be special." She said.

"How so? Does it involve Sayo?" I asked. Yes, I clearly know about her twin sister.

"Well, yeah, but no, not what I am talking about." She said.

"Oh, then you got me. What is it?" I asked.

"Simple, you're going to be there." Hina replied and boop me on the nose.

"I guess you're right. This will be our first Christmas together." I said.

"Yeah, and I want to make the most of it, too." Hina said.

Soon we arrived at the Hikawa Residence, and Hina faced me with a smile. Her house was closer than mine, so I had to make sure that she always got home safely.

"Thanks for bringing me home. As always, you're such a good friend." Hina said with a boppin' smile.

"No need to thank me. You know I am always going to get you home safely." I said and smiled myself.

Hina giggled.

"Yeah, and that's why I like you so much."

The two of us shared a hug. We hugged each other for a while, Hina went inside her home, and I began to head back to my house. I am happy that Hina thinks of me as a good friend, but to be honest, I wish we were more that...

A few days before Christmas...

Location - Talent Agency

Hina's POV

Everything is starting to come together nicely. This will be one boppin' of a Christmas party, that's for sure. It was decided that we would decorate our practice room for food and such, and the main office for hanging out. Aya and I are in charge of doing the practice room, and the others worked on the main office.

"This is starting to come together nicely, isn't it?" Aya asked.

"Yeah, this is going to be the best Christmas party ever!" I replied.

Aya giggled.

"You're really looking forward to this party, aren't you?" Aya asked.

"(Y/N)-kun and Sayo-chan are going to join us, right?" She asked.

"(Y/N)-kun, yes. Sis, no." I replied.


"But as long as I have one or the other, I'll be fine." I said, still smiling.

"Hehe, that sounds like you, Hina-chan." Aya said.

"By the way, where is (Y/N)-kun? I haven't seen him at all lately." Aya asked.

"Oh, he's busy at the moment. But he should be able to come to the party." I said, but as soon as I said that, my phone alerted me of a text message. It was from (Y/N), and I didn't waste time in reading it.

Your text: Hey Hina, due to some awful circumstances, I don't think I'll be able to come to the Christmas party. I hope you and the other girls have fun, though.

After reading that text, my heart began to sink.

"What's wrong, Hina-chan?" She asked.

"Looks like (Y/N)-kun is not coming to the party." I said with a sad expression.

"Oh, that's too bad."

Why won't he come, though? Does he have something more important to attend to? I guess I can ask him later, but still... it hurts knowing he won't be there with me.

The day of the party...

Today is finally the Christmas party, and even though my best friend isn't here, I'm not going to let that stop me from having a good time with my friends in Pastel*Palettes.

We ate food that we brought over, had a nice moment doing Secret Santa, and watched a Christmas movie to end things off. Towards the end of the party, I stayed out in the hallway to be alone for a while. I was having fun, but what would be the point in that if (Y/N) isn't here?

"Are you okay, Hina-chan?"

I looked up and saw Chisato with a smile on her face.

"Oh, Chisato-chan, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I noticed you weren't watching the movie with us, so I figured I would come check on you." She said and sat down beside me.

"Oh, I'm fine." I said.

"Are you sad that (Y/N)-kun isn't year?" She asked.

"Yeah. I really thought this year was going to be boppin' because this is our first Christmas together, but I guess I was wrong..." I said and sighed.

There was a moment of silence before Chisato spoke up.

"I wouldn't be so sure." She said before pointing.

I looked up, then widened my eyes. There was (Y/N), and he had something behind his back.

"Hey bestie, I'm not late, am I?"

I ran over to give him a big hug.

"I thought you couldn't make it." I said as tears came out of my eyes.

"I know I said that, but it was a cover up to get you this." He said and handed me a small box.

I opened the box and inside it was a beautiful heart shaped pendant. He... actually got this for me?

"(Y/N)-kun... this is amazing. I love it."

"I'm glad that you think so." He said.

"So, care to join us for the rest of the Christmas party?" Chisato asked me.

"Sure. I'd be happy to." He replied, and the three of us went back to everyone else.



"Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you too."

The end

A/N: Here is the second Fantasy Season Story. Thank you for reading and I hoped you guys liked it. See you in the third Fantasy Season story, and have a good one. :)

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