Kasumi x Depressed Male Reader

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Requested by Mohd_Hamizan

Your POV

Hey there... my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and life was going pretty good for me until I lost my favorite mother in the whole world. She was battling with depression ever since my father cheated on her and kicked him out of the house when I was eight years old. I like my parents equally, but I like my mom more because I can understand her better. When I ask her if dad was coming home some day, she would say...

"I'm sorry son, but your father might be gone for a while."

I would ask that question, and as I got older, I was able to learn the truth on why I haven't seen my dad. He found himself a new wife, one that is famous, and they had a kid together. My mom was heartbroken and confront him about it, and what he said changed my life forever.

"You're kidding, right? I never loved you or that boy to begin with. You're just an odd woman who would do anything to be with a man. And as for the boy, he is nothing more than a goddamn mistake in my eyes!"

Because of that reasoning, I was forced to go into a state of depression, and so was my mom. But sadly, she took it way worse than me...

One morning, when I woke up early on a school day, there was a note on the kitchen table. It was from my mom.

Dear son,

If you're reading this, then that means I am no longer here. I'm sorry for having to leave you so suddenly, but I want you to know that I love you. I am proud of you. You can become anything you want in life if you work hard for it. Just remember that I am watching over you.

I didn't need a rocket scientist to know that my mom has committed suicide. But since I know what happened, I got even more depressed. I lost my mom, and my dad thinks I am an eyesore. Can't it get any worse?

A few years later...

Location - Riverside

I thought all of my hardships would be over after a few years, but sadly, it just lead to even more hardships. With my mom gone and my dad not giving a shit about me, I had no choice but to live with my grandparents. And I was lucky enough to stay at my old school, though my classmates were giving me nothing but trouble.

Usually after school, I would often go to the bridge and stared now at the water, thinking how awful life has been.

"Oh this was a mistake..." I would say to myself. "Maybe I should disappear and give up now."

Just then, someone came towards me.

"Hey, are you okay?" They asked.

I looked up. The person was a girl with short brown hair, purple eyes, and... why is she wearing cat ears?

"I guess so, just spacing out." I replied, and turned away.

The girl made a sad face.

"It sounds like you have a pretty bad at school." The girl said. Bad day at school? Not even close.

"That's one way to put it." I sighed. "I just come here everyday and think about my mother."

Her facial expression changed.

"Do you want to go somewhere else to talk about it?" She asked.

It sounds like this girl really does care about me, but after looking at the time, I had a feeling that I should get home before my grandparents start to worry.

"S-Sorry... maybe some other time." I said and walked away.

A few days later...

No matter how much time goes by, I am always finding myself back in this particular area, expecting something would change, but I guess not... I wonder if my mom was here on the night that she died. She never said where she was going on that day...

While staring at the river and being lost within my own thoughts, I got a surprise visit by that girl again.

"Oh, fancy seeing you again." She said.

"Oh, hi... nice to see you." I said and looked down.

"Is everything okay? You seem even more sad from the last time I saw you." She said.

"I'm fine, I'm just... thinking to myself." I said, lying a bit.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

It would be nice to get this stuff off of my chest.

"I guess so." I said and the girl started to smile.

She took my hand and we began to go somewhere else.

Location - The Park

The two of us ended up going to the park and we sat down on a bench.

"Before we start, my name is Toyama Kasumi. What's your name?"

"It's... (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Alright, (Y/N)-kun, tell me what is going on." Kasumi said.

I began to pour my heart out. I told Kasumi everything that I was going through ever since I was little. I told her how my dad doesn't love me. I told her how my mom committed suicide a few years ago. I even told how I was an even bigger eyesore to my classmates at school.

After I was done talking, I began to break down and cry. Kasumi came closer and gave me a hug.


"It's okay, just let out. I won't leave your side." She said.

And with that, I kept crying and hugging her, and she hugged me back. After a while, I stopped crying, and looked towards Kasumi.

"Thanks, Kasumi, for being here for me."

"Hehe, you don't have to thank me. I will do anything to see you smile." Kasumi said as a smile appeared on her face once again.

I don't know what it is, but seeing Kasumi smile is making me want to smile as well. And for the first time ever, I let out a small smile.

"Kasumi, you think... we can be friends?" I asked.

"Of course we can!" She said excitedly.

Then she grabbed my hand and began to drag me off somewhere.

The end

A/N: Thanks for reading the one-shot, and I hope you guys like it. And in case people didn't noticed, the book I made for the #Starface writing contest is also up. Check it out if you want to support me. See you in the next update. :)

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