Aya x Agent Male Reader

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Requested by Ayasaki3211

Location - Unknown Island

Your POV

"Agent (L/N), we got your next mission ready for you." My boss said. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, boss."

"Alright, here is your mission." My boss said while displaying the visuals.

"We've been getting word that our enemy, Mr. X, has finally made his move. He's been in all around Japan stealing famous jewels and selling them on the black market, especially this one."

An image of a jewel appeared on the screen, and right away, I knew exactly what it was.

"The Pirate's Eye... one of the rarest jewels on the planet." I said.

"Exactly, and we believe we know where his current location is."

My boss displayed another image on screen. It was a building, but it wasn't just any building...

"This is a famous talent agency that's in town. It's most likely that's where you'll find him."

"I see, but how am I suppose to find him in that building?" I asked.

"I made some arrangements to let you work there part-time." My boss replied. "Keep in mind, though, that Mr. X knows how to put on a disguise, so stay sharp."

"I understand."

As I walked away, I couldn't help but think... that was the talent agency Pastel*Palettes go to a lot. And if Mr. X is hiding in there, then that would mean that... she is at risk of being in danger. I need to get there fast.

Location - Talent Agency

I made it to Japan and the talent agency Pastel*Palettes go to. Of course, I had to go under a fake name while I'm here, so that my cover doesn't get blown. Once I stepped through the front door, I was greeted by an older woman who came closer to me.

"Hi there, you must be Yuko, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's me." I said and bowed. "I look forward to working with you."

"Us, too. Follow me and I'll introduce you to the girls."

I began to follow the woman through the elevator and we went to the top floor. She guided me to the office, and right inside, was the five idols. Hopefully she doesn't recognize me. 

"Girls, I want to introduce you all to someone." She said. "This is Yuko, and he is going to be working part-time here at the agency."

"Hi there, it's nice to meet you all." I said and bowed.

"Nice to meet you, Yuko-kun. My name is Maruyama Aya."

"Hiya! I'm Hikawa Hina."

"Shirasagi Chisato, a pleasure to meet you."

"Hi there, my name is Yamato Maya."

"And I'm Wakamiya Eve, and my heart is guided by bushido."

After getting through introductions, Aya came closer to me and raised an eyebrow.

"Everything okay, Aya-san?" I asked.

"I don't know why, but I have a feeling that you look like (Y/N)-kun." She said.

"(Y/N)-kun? Who's that?" Chisato asked.

"Oh, he's an old friend of mine, and believe it or not, he is an undercover agent." She explained.

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now