Kokoro x Rich Male Reader (Fantasy Season Story #3)

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Requested by Classified45

Your POV

Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and my family is pretty rich. If you want to believe that we are the richest family in the world, then that is kind of pushing it a little bit. However, having a lot of money was unexpected at first. The reason for it is my dad is in charge of the biggest financial company in Japan, and my mom is the vice president of said financial company.

And as for myself, I am enjoying my rich life, but having a normal life is far more better. Sadly, however, that all came to an end when my parents revealed some news that will eventually lead to something unbelievable.

"Tsurumaki Kokoro?" I questioned them one cold morning.

"Yes. You see, the Tsurumaki family has always been really good friend of ours, and nothing will please us more if you became friends with their daughter." My father said.

Do they seriously expect me to believe that? I know what to expect from them at this point. This has always been the case with parents. They would find a nice rich couple that has a daughter around my age, get me to be friends with her, which eventually leads to us being a couple. The reason why it doesn't work out all the time because I would find a way to break their hearts and they never talk to me again, and this will be no different.

I'm guessing why they didn't ask the Tsurumaki family earlier is because they're too nice, and didn't want me to break their daughter's heart. I guess they must be desperate.

"Do you think you can try to be friends with her, for us?" My mother asked.

"Alright, I guess I can give it a try." I said and sighed a little bit. Somehow, I have a feeling I am going to regret this.

"That's our son." Mother smiled.

"I'll go give them a call right now." My father said as he stepped out of the room and gave them a call.

A few minutes later...

It wouldn't be long before a black limo pulled up by our mansion, and I noticed a blond girl with yellow eyes stepping out of it with two adults. That must be the Tsurumaki family, and their daughter, Kokoro. Even after looking at her for a few seconds, I can tell she is going to cause a lot of trouble.

Nonetheless, my father still invited them inside, and spoke to the parents like they were apart for years. Meanwhile, Kokoro noticed me and walked over towards me while giving me a smile.

"Hello, you must be (Y/N), right?" She asked. 

"Yeah, I am." I said, sounding bored.

"Nice to meet you! My name is Tsurumaki Kokoro!" She said and hugged me.

That came out of nowhere... Most of the girls I was forced to hang out with just shook my hand, but... I guess there is something different about this one.

"Hm? Are you okay?" She asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm okay." I answered. Strange, why do I feel so different around her?

"Son, how about you take Kokoro-chan to your room while the adults talk?" My mother suggested.

"And remember son, if you don't hit her from the back, then do it from the front." He smirked.


"Well come on, let's see your room, (Y/N)!" Kokoro said.

"Okay. Follow me." I said and began to guide Kokoro to my room. Something tells me this won't be so bad after all.

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