Lisa x Male Reader

386 9 3

Requested by AmericanNomad8

Location - (L/N) Residence, (Y/N)'s Room

Your POV

Greetings to everyone reading this, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I am one of the best writers from America. I discovered my hidden talent when I was at the age of eight, but it wasn't until I was 16 years old that I started writing my stories for the first time. At the beginning, I was kind of nervous to show anyone my work. I was worried that I would receive harsh criticism, and being told that I can never be good at writing. However, my parents believed that I can be good at anything if I put my mind to do, and that is what I did.

At the beginning, I guess you could say that... my writing wasn't really that good. My sentences always ended up being too long, and I don't put commas in-between sentences. When my parents notice this, they decided to hire a writing tutor to help me with my skills, and when I felt ready enough, I began to write my first story, and submitted it in an online writing contest that happens every month. So far, I haven't won anything yet, but that's okay, I wasn't going to let my dreams of being the best writer die because of it.

Recently, though, I haven't been able to get much writing done. My parents informed me that we would be moving to another country, and packing alone is very time consuming. My family and I lived in America for most of our lives, but due to my mom and her needs, we ended up coming to Japan. I didn't want to leave my home, but there was nothing I could do about it.

After moving in officially, my mom came into my room while trying to come up with a new story.

"Son, it is a nice day outside." She said. "Why not go outside and make some friends?"

"Because no one is going to understand a thing I say." I replied.

"Nonsense! You've been learning how to speak japanese for the last two years now. I'm sure you'll be able to speak it fine in front of others." My mother responded back.

She looked out my bedroom window and noticed something.

"Hey, there are some kids outside hanging out." She said. "Why don't you go out there and say hi?"

I know how stubborn my mom is. Once she has me doing something, it never ends.

"Fine, I'll go out and make some friends." I said and headed outside.

Location - Residential Area

I headed outside to where those kids were. I was nervous about talking to them, but if I am going to live here in Japan, I'll have to at least try.

"Hi there." I called out to them.

"Oh, you're that new kid, right?" One of them asked.

"Umm, yeah, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and-"

"Hang on, you're name is (Y/N) (L/N)?" One kid asked. "What kind of Japanese name is that?"

"Actually, it isn't." I replied.

"So you're not Japanese?" The second kid asked. "Eww, poor!"

"Just leave us alone and go back to your country, outsider!" The third kid said as all them walked away.

Wow, I haven't been here for a week, and I am already feeling rejected by the people here. And now, with no one to talk to, I just went back inside my house, but then...

"Hi there, are you okay?" A voice asked.

I looked to where the voice was coming from. It was coming a girl who looks like she is my age. She has lovely dark ginger hair, with a ponytail to boot. She has wonderful green eyes and a pleasant smile.

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now