Tsundere Ran x Male Reader

723 20 10

Requested by CeoStriker

Location - Shopping District

Your POV

Hey, how's it going? My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and throughout my whole life, I've always wanted to be with someone who understands me. But no matter how hard I tried, I can never find a girl to connect with. Well, that is until recently, when I bumped into someone on my way home.

On that day, the rain came down hard, and I didn't have an umbrella with me. I just had my school bag over my head as I walked down the sidewalk. I looked at the sky for a few seconds, then sighed a bit.

"This rain never ends, huh?" I said to myself. By this point, my school uniform was already wet, and I couldn't wait to change out of it.

Further down the block was another girl in front of me. She had short black hair with a red streak on it. She had dark red eyes, and she looked around desperately. She probably wants to get out of this rain as much as I do. I walked over towards her.

"Excuse me, do you need some help getting out of this rain?" I asked.

She looked at me like I was nothing more than a stranger to her. But she knew that this isn't the time to be judgemental.

"I guess so." She softly replied.

"Same here." I replied, and I know where we can go, too.

I grabbed her hand and we headed off somewhere. People might think this is kidnapping, but considering that this is nothing than a fictional story, that probably won't matter.

A few minutes later...

I took the girl to a big tree that is in the neighborhood. Good thing it had a good amount of leaves to protect us. The girl looked at me in confusion after a while.

"Why did you bring me?" She asked.

"Well, I would feel bad if I left you out there in the rain." I replied.

Her cheeks went red, and began to stutter.

"D-Don't be silly. It's not like I wanted your help or anything."

Oh, she is giving off Tsundere vibes here. As I looked at her, she spoke up again.

"But... umm... thank you for helping me back there." She said softly as her cheeks were still red.

I couldn't help but smile at this. I rarely know her, yet her Tsundere personality is so adorable.

"It's no problem. By the way, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). What's your name?"

"It's umm... Mitake Ran." 

"Ran, huh? That's a cool-"

But then, a flash of lightning struck, which made Ran jump, and hugged me tight. I was surprised by this, but it made me happy nonetheless. It was also when I decided to tease her a little bit.

"Hehe, I didn't know you like to hug me that much." I said, making her face red.

"I-It's not like I wanted to hug you." Ran protested. "I was just startled by the lightning."

"Hehe, sure it was."

After a few minutes, it was to rain less now. Now I can get home, and so can Ran.

"Well, I guess I better get going before my parents start to worry about me." I said and started to walk away from her, but then she hugged my arm.

"Wait..." She started to say. "do you think... you can walk me home?"

I see what is going on here: she wants to be around me to feel safe in the lightning comes back.

"Really? I can walk you home?" I asked.

"I mean... if you want to, of course."

"Sure, I don't mind walking you home." I said.

And so, we began to walk to Ran's house. I start to noticed that Ran wanted to hold my hand, but quickly puts it away every time I look. I met her halfway, and held out my hand, and, feeling embarrassed, she took my hand in return.

Many months later...

During the months I have been hanging out with Ran... they were the best moments of my life so far. After meeting for the first time, she began to warm up to me, and we were able to exchange phone numbers. Ran introduced me to her friends, and I introduced her to some of mine.

As the months went by, I began to feel something towards Ran. The feeling of love. She did had some cute moments before, but I didn't feel anything towards her until now. Now that I know what is up, I don't want this feeling to go away, and I want Ran to be my girlfriend.

"There you are, Ran." I said as I waited for her under the tree where we used to take shelter from the rain.

"Hey, why did you want to meet here?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

This is it, (Y/N). This is where you are going to confess to the most wonderful person you have ever met. You can do it. It's just three words.

"I love you!" I said quickly and out loud.

Ran started blushing.

"You... love me?" She slowly asked.

"Yeah, I do. I liked you for a while now, and I just didn't know how to tell you until now." I said.

Ran's face turned red again, but something different happened this, as well. She gave me a smile, and it was the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

"Hehe, funny you bring that up,, because I love you too." She replied. Somehow, she is more lively than usual. Oh well, no matter.

"Ran, since we love each other, you don't mind if I kiss you, do you?"

"Huh? W-Why would you ask that? Of course you can!" She said as her face went mad red.

That sealed the deal for me as I closed my eyes and gently placed her lips upon mine. Ran had her eyes closed and kissed me back. After we had our kiss, Ran hugged me tight, and wouldn't let go. I was going to tease her about this and let out her Tsundere side again, but this time, I won't, because I was happy enough to have her as my Tsundere girlfriend.

The end

A/N: Okay, here is the one-shot that was supposed to be out this week. I hope you guys liked it, and see you guys in my next update. :)

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