Kanon x Male Reader

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[Non requested idea]

Your POV

Hi, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I have a strong passion for the guitar. I love it more than life itself. When I told my parents that I want to try playing the guitar, they wouldn't let me, but that was probably because I was ten years old when I asked that. But when my 13th birthday came, my parents pulled through and me my own guitar. I was so happy, and was eager to learn right away. And thankfully, my dad was able to teach me.

It had been a few years since that day, and now I am in my third year of high school. My mom and dad thinks joining a band might be a good idea. But I don't think it'll be for me, I don't mind playing solo, as it gives me a chance to experience freedom a bit.

As I got to my usual spot, which is the station entrance, I set up my guitar and amps, then took a deep breath.

"I wonder what song I should play first?" I asked myself.

Usually, I would play the first song that comes into my mind, but today, I wanted to switch it up, and play a song I don't normally do first.

"Ah, I know..."

I started to tune my guitar and played the song I had in mind. A few people started to watch me play, and after a while, they started clapping and cheering for me.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I said to the people who were clapping for me.

However, there was one person who seem to be interested in my music. She had long blue hair, a side ponytail, purple eyes and a wonderful smile. She came closer to me.

"U-Umm... that was amazing." The girl said.

"Oh, really? Thank you." I said as I start to blush.

The girl giggled at me, but then I asked...

"Would you like to hear another song?"

"Fuee, I can? S-Sure." She responded.

"Awesome. By the way, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)." I said, introducing myself. "What's your name, may I ask?"

"Oh, I'm Matsubara Kanon. Nice to meet you." She said, smiling. So her name is Kanon, huh? What a cute name.

So instead of leaving like most people did, Kanon stayed behind to watch me perform. We sat down on a bench and I tuned my guitar once again. Kanon sat close to me, and after a few minutes, I played another song for her. And while I was singing, I can tell she had a wonderful smile on her face.

A few minutes later...

After performing once again, Kanon started clapping, and smiling. I couldn't help but be happy knowing that I think I have gain a new fan.

"Well Kanon, how was that?" I asked.

"O-Oh, well, i-it was b-beautiful." Kanon said as a blush starts to appear on her face.

"Good to know." I replied, then I began to tease her a little. "You know, the way you blush is a bit cute."

"I-I am?! Fueee!" Kanon exclaimed before covering her face.

I chuckled and I start to notice that I needed home soon, otherwise I'll miss dinner. But... I didn't want to leave Kanon just yet.

"I guess it's time for me to go soon, don't you have to go as well, Kanon?" I asked.

"Yeah, but... I don't have a good sense in direction." She said.

"Oh, in that case, mind if I walk you home?" I offered as Kanon smiled.

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now