Chisato x Manager Male Reader

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Requested by kirigaya_umam-kun

Your POV

Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). I am the manager to the former child actress, Shirasagi Chisato. Prior to this, I was close friends with her and Kaoru. When I found out that she was an actress I couldn't believe it. Then years later, like... high school, Chisato asked a bunch of times if I want to be her manager. I would turn it down, as I think I wouldn't be good at management. But Chisato wouldn't give up on me, as I was the only boy she trusted. So eventually, I gave in and became her manager from this day forward.

It was the end of another busy day. Chisato was starting in a play where the main character is a princess. I will say this, though, Chisato does make a good princess. She definitely plays the role of being locked in a tower, waiting for her true love to come to rescue here. And to be honest, I wish I was that someone... Once rehearsals wrapped up, Chisato came to me.

"Hey (Y/N)-kun, did you see all of that?" She asked.

"Yeah, don't worry, I saw it." I replied. Only because I don't pay attention that much. "And I must say, you're acting is getting better and better."

Chisato gave a cute smile and said...

"That's because I have a manager who is amazing, and knows what's best for me."

Hearing that made my heart skip a beat, not expecting to hear that from Chisato at all. I mean, I have been in love with her since we first met, but... it wouldn't be right for me to date her.

"So, (Y/N)-kun, this is my last assignment for the day, right? What's my schedule like for tomorrow?" Chisato asked curiously.

"Let me check..."

I went over her planner. I make it my responsibility to have it on me at all times, and update it regularly in case there were last minute changes. But thankfully, tomorrow is Saturday, and she has a day off as well.

"Good news, you don't have to be anywhere tomorrow." I told her.

Chisato excitement started to grow.

"Then this perfect. There's this new cafe I am eager to try out, and I was wondering... if you wanted to come with me? As friends?" She offered.

I'd be happier if this was a date, but I guess something like this is quite nice as well.

"Sure, it has been a while since we hung out as friends after all." I said, smiling. This made Chisato smiled, too. And seeing it makes me happy.

"This is great. Come pick me at my place at noon." Chisato said as we went home for the evening.

Location - Shirasagi Residence

It was the next day, and I made it to Chisato's house. I knocked at the door and her mother answered it. I told her I was here to pick up Chisato for our... friendship hang out. She showed up and she smiled at me.

"Hey (Y/N)-kun, are you ready to go?" Chisato asked.

"Yeah, I am." I replied.

And so, the two of us headed to the cafe. As we walked over there, I felt something... unusual. Something was gripping my hand. I looked at it for a little bit, and there it was. It was Chisato's hand. She was holding my hand. I also noticed she was blushing a little bit, too.

"You don't mind me holding your hand, do you?" She asked while blushing.

"N-Not at all." I replied. Wow, now I am starting to feel nervous. Something tells me I am going to be more than Chisato's manager by the end of the day.

Location - The Cafe

As we made to the cafe Chisato wanted to go to, I began to tell that the atmosphere here was quite... pleasant. I have been to more one cafe before, but this place looks better compared to them.

A maid showed up and took us to our table. She gave us a table that was nowhere near windows, which was a good idea, as it allows Chisato to have a little bit of privacy.

"Would any of you like to use the footbath while you're here?" Maid asked as she handed us the menu.

"Yes, I would." Chisato replied. "Would you like one, too, (Y/N)-kun?"

"Nah, I'm good."

The maids gave Chisato a mobile footbath to use, which made happier than before. She took off her shoes and socks, and dipped her feet in. We then looked at the menu while we were trying to decide what to order.

"This fruit cake does look delicious." Chisato said, looking at the menu.

"Yeah, it does. But I think the chocolate cake looks better." I said.

"Hehe, you really do love your chocolate cake, do you?"

"You can't blame me, right?"

"No, not at all."

A few minutes later...

Our cakes soon arrived, along with the tea we ordered, too. Chisato got a sweet honey tea, and I got (f/f) tea. While we were enjoying our snacks, we began a new conversation.

"How is that mobile footbath treating you?" I asked her.

"Wonderful." She replied. "The water feels really good on my feet and between my toes."

I don't know why, but hearing her say that is turning me on. But then she asked me something important.

"(Y/N)-kun, can I ask you something?"

"Of course. I am your manager, and your best friend. You can ask me anything." I said.

"Well, okay..."

She paused for a moment.

"Do you think it's strange for someone to fall in love with their manager?" She asked as she starts to blush.

"Umm, I have no idea." I replied. I never seen a star fall in love with their managers before, so why would she asked that? Wait a minute...

"Chisato, are you..."

" love with you? Yes, I am."

I wasn't expecting that. I mean, I did mention how I had feelings for her, but I never guessed she would love me back since becoming her manager.

"Chisato, I love you, too." I said with a smile. "But I gotta know, why do you love someone like me?"

"Well... I always thought you were cute when we first started hanging out. And having you be my manager might help me overcome my shyness." She explained.

"Oh, I see." I said.

I placed my hand on top of hers and still gave her a smile, even though it felt like she never needed one to begin with.

"I understand your actions, and if it's okay with you, I want to continue being your manager, as well as being your boyfriend." I said.

Chisato's smile grew even more.

"I would love to be your girlfriend, and I promise, if any other girl comes nears you, they're going find a knife to their throats."

Something tells me I should be scared by now... But anyway, my relationship with Shirasagi Chisato has officially begun after all of these years. I might not know what will be in store for us, but I am going to make the most of it.

The end

A/N: Hello, everyone. Thank you for reading this one-shot, and I hoped you guys enjoyed it. If you guys want to make a request, you can do so in the request page, just follow the rules. See you guys in the next one-shot. :)

Update: Based on the votes of my last update, some didn't care, while a few wanted to see this, so here it is.

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now