Sayo x Introvert Female Reader

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[Non requested idea]

Location - Hanasakigawa Girls Academy, Class 3-A

Your POV

"Ladies, I would like to introduce you all to a new student who just transferred here today." The teacher said as I walked into the room.

A lot of eyes were staring at me as I wrote my name on the board. After I was done writing my name. I turned around to face my new classmates, and that was the easy part. The hard part was actually speaking in front of them.

"Go on, just say your name." The teacher said kindly to me.

"M-My name is (Y/N) (L/N)..." I said shyly. "I-It's nice to meet you."

"Why don't you take that seat over there?"

The teacher pointed to an empty seat in front of the class. I sat down in it, and that's when someone spoke up to me. It was another third year with all teal hair.

"(L/N)-san, right?"

"Y-Yeah, that's me."

"My name is Hikawa Sayo, and if you ever need any help, don't be shy to ask." She said with a kind smile.

I was happy that this Sayo person wants to help me since I was a new student and all, but there was something that she didn't know about...

Near the end of the day...

I was able to make it through the end of my first day without any problems. I still had trouble talking to the other students, though. It's not my fault I'm like that. The life of an introvert...

"Ah, there you are." A voice said to me.

I jumped slightly and turned around to see where the voice was coming from. Turns out it was that Sayo girl that I was sitting next to in class this morning.

"Oh, umm... Sayo-san. Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon. How are settling into life at Hanasakigawa?" She asked.

"Not bad, I guess..." I replied shyly. I so want to cover my face right now.

"Have there been any issues with your new schedule?" She asked.

"No, my schedule is easy to understand." I said.

"Oh, but you make it look like you got a problem." She said.


"Please, share with me your problem." Sayo pleaded.

"I guess it's me."


"*gulp* You see... I'm an introvert, and because of that, I often have a hard time making friends." I explained.

"Oh, I see."

"But it's fine, though." I went on. "An introvert like myself will never have any friends."

"I wouldn't say that." Sayo said as she placed her hand on my shoulder, and I stared into her eyes in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I would gladly be your friend, if that's okay with you." She said as her face went red a little.

Hearing an offer like that made me happy. Sayo was the first person to talk to me, and she wants to be my friend. That made me even happier.

"I would like that very much. Thanks, Sayo-san."

"No need to thank me, and..."


"You can just call me Sayo."

"Oh, then... thank you for becoming my friend, Sayo-chan."

The end

A/N: We have reach the end of this one-shot. I hoped you guys liked it, and I'll see you in the next one-shot. Have a good one. :)

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now