Saaya x Best Friend Female Reader

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[Non requested idea]

Location - Ichigaya Residence, Basement

Your POV

Hi, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). I am a second year high school student at Hanasakigawa Girls Academy. I go there with my best friend, Yamabuki Saaya, and the rest of her other friends. The five of them are in a band called Poppin' Party, and I am mostly with them for moral support.

They make a pretty good team: there was Toyama Kasumi, the vocalist, Hanazono Tae, the guitarist, Ushigome Rimi, the bassist, Yamabuki Saaya, the drummer, and finally, there was Ichigaya Arisa, the keyboardist. They would invite me for band rehearsals and live performances. I was happy with how much they grew since day one, but I was even more happy when Saaya decided to join them.

"Alright, I think we should call it quits for today." Kasumi said after getting through another round of band rehearsals.

"Good work, everyone." I said as I pulled out some candy. "Here, you guys can have some."

"Yay! Thanks (Y/N)!" Kasumi and Tae said together, and took one piece of candy out of the bag.

"Do the rest of you want some candy as well?" I asked them.

"I don't mind taking a piece." Saaya said, and did just that. "Tell your parents I said thank you."

Saaya and I smiled at each other, then Kasumi just had to ask the obvious.

"(Y/N), you and Saaya have always been friends, right?" She asked.

"Yeah. She and I have been friends since we were kids." I replied.

"You know... I don't think you ever told us how you two met." Arisa pondered.

Saaya and I looked at each other, smiled, then looked back at everyone.

"Do you think you can tell us about it?" Rimi asked.

"I guess so. It is a bit embarrassing, though." Saaya said.

"I don't have any problems with telling it." I said.

And so, everyone listened to my story, about the day I met my best friend.

Flashback - ten years ago...

When I was a little girl, I was always by myself. I had no siblings, my cousins, aunts and uncles have always been mean to me because of the way I look. This has put me in a sad state of depression. However, I did have one friend who didn't care about how I look, and thanks to her, I was able to experience happiness for the first time. As to how we met, it happened while I was on the swings, feeling too shy to play with the other kids.

"Excuse me, are you okay?"

I looked up towards the girl and she had a worried expression on her face.

"Umm... I'm okay..." I replied to her softly. This is the first time someone spoke to me like this...

"Do you want to play with me in the sandbox?" She asked, giving me the sweetest smile I have ever seen.

"Y-Yeah, I would like that very much." I replied as she took my hand and we went over to the sandbox.

As we started playing, I was beginning to smile. I usually don't often smile that much when I am with my family, due to how badly I am mistreated.

"Your name?"


"I want to know your name." She said and smiled at me.

"It's umm... (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Nice to meet you (Y/N)-chan." The girl said to me with a smile on her face.

"And umm... what about you? What's your name?" I asked back.

"Yamabuki Saaya." She replied. Her name is Saaya, huh? What an amazing name.

"Saaya-chan, do you think... we'll be friends forever?" I asked.

"Of course. I'd love that." Saaya said with a smile on her face.

From that moment onward, Saaya and I became good friends. We did everything together everytime we came over to the park, and we would ask our parents we could come over to each others' houses for more playdates. Thankfully, they said yes.

Some days, I would have Saaya come over to my house, and some days,I would be invited to her place. Those were the good times, and those good times went on until we were a few years older.

As we were in junior high, however, my mom got a new job in a different town, and I was forced to move away from Saaya.

When Saaya came to see me on the day I was moving, I can see tears coming out of her house.

"(Y/N)-chan... is this it? Is this the end of our friendship?" She asked.

I can tell that she was upset, and it was breaking my heart to see her like this, so I pulled her into a hug and said...

"This isn't the end, Saaya-chan. No matter how far away we are, we will always be friends. We can find a way to stay in touch with each other, even if it's looks impossible."

Saaya didn't say anything right away, she still had tears coming out of her eyes, but she did nod in an agreement though, and gave a small smile.

"I guess you're right." She replied. "But promise me that you'll come back one day."

"Don't worry, I will." I replied, then I got into my parents' car and we drove away, leaving everything behind.

Present time...

Location - Ichigaya Residence, Basement

"And then, you came back home so you and Saaya-chan can be together for high school?" Rimi asked as the story ended.

"Yep, and it was the best decision I have ever made."

Saaya and I looked each other and smiled happily. There was nothing else for me to say other than I was happy to be reunited with my best friend, Yamabuki Saaya.

The end

A/N: This one-shot should've been out last week, but I was too tired and just forgot all about it. My bad.

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