Touko x Affectionate Male Reader (Fantasy Season Story #1)

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Requested by SoupSlicker

Your POV

Greetings, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and this is the story to how I got the best Christmas present ever. I hope you guys enjoy the story.

It was starting to get closer and closer to Christmas, and I couldn't hold back the excitement. Christmas does come once a year, and I want to make the most of it this year. My parents would often ask me what do I want for Christmas, and I would always that question in a heartbeat. But this year, there was one thing I want, and I didn't say it to my parents because there is a good chance that they might judge me for it.

What do I want for Christmas this year? That's simple. I want to have a girlfriend that I can be affectionate towards to, but with the way I look and behave, that'll never happen.

I went downstairs to see my parents in Santa hats. My dad was getting the Christmas tree set up, and my mom was making a gingerbread house in the kitchen. My dad spotted me and smiled as well.

"Hey, it's about you time you woke up." My father said.

"Hey there. I see you're both getting into the Christmas spirit, huh?" I said and looked at both of them.

"That's right!" My mom replied. "Even though Christmas is only a few weeks away, we can still get into that Christmas spirit."

"Facts. I better go to the same thing." I said and grabbed my Santa hat, which was hanging by the front door.

"By the way, son, I believe you didn't ask us what you wanted for Christmas this year." My father said.

"Oh yeah, what do you want for Christmas this year?" My mother asked.

My heart sank when I heard that. How the heck am I going to explain this to my parents, who tend to act weird when comes to girls around my age. But if I stall any longer and not tell them, it might not happen.

"I do have one wish this year..." I began to say.

"Oh yeah, that's my kid right there!" My mother said.

"Tell us son, what do you want for Christmas?" My mother followed up with a question.

"Well, I do want to have a girlfriend I can be affectionate towards to." I said.

My mother looked at my dad weirdly.

"He's your kid." She said.

"Damn right!" My father said to my mother before looking towards me.

"Don't worry son, if you just stay true to yourself, a girl will fall in love with you in no time." He said. But of course, it was easier said than done.

A little while later...

Location - The Mall

By the time it was noon, I began to head to the mall, and began to buy some Christmas gifts for my parents. I made sure to step up my game this year and got my parents better gifts than last year.

"Okay, better get myself home." I said to myself and tried to get out of the mall.

While making my way towards the exit, I ended up bumping into someone by accident.

"Sorry, are you okay?" The person asked.

"Yeah, I am okay. I hope I didn't hurt you." I replied.

"No need to worry about me." The person replied.

When I looked up, I got a good look at the person. The person I bumped into was a female around my age with blond hair and matching eyes. She had quite a style going one, and I think I have seen it before, but couldn't put my finger on it.

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now