Yandere Lisa x Male Reader

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Requested by JusnWhy

Location - Live House CiRCLE, cafe

Your POV

Did you ever get the feeling that one of your closest friends is always watching you? Especially if that friend is female, and a yandere? Believe it or not, this has happened to me before. I don't know what made her act this way to begin with... it just kind of happened.

Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I hang out with these five girls that are in a band called Roselia. They were kind enough to accept me as their friend, minus a few complications along the way. Out of all the members, though, there was one member I had a strong connection with.

Her name is Imai Lisa, and she has always been there for me. She's like a sister to me, but she has been acting strange since I first laid my eyes on her. However, the reason behind that began to reveal itself on the day she and I were alone at CiRCLE cafe.

"Hey, thanks for coming out to hangout with me." Lisa said as we sat down at one of the tables.

"No problem at all. I was a bit surprised that you wanted to hangout with me, and not another member of Roselia." I said.

"Yeah well, everyone was busy, so it couldn't be helped." She replied.

"Yeah, I guess."

The two of us began to eat our snacks, and chatted away like we were old friends. As we were talking, someone came over to us. It was Ushigome Rimi from Poppin' Party.

"Good afternoon, Lisa-san, (Y/N)-kun." She said with a sweet smile.

"Ah, it's Rimi. Hiya." Lisa said.

"Hi Rimi, how is your bass sounding?" I asked.

"It is sounding much better thanks to your help." Rimi replied with a smile.

I smiled back at her, but it looked like Lisa didn't approve of that. Before she could say something, we heard the sound of someone's phone going off.

"Oh, that's me." Rimi said as she checked her phone.

"Oh, it's Himari-chan asking where I am." She said. "I better get going."

"Alright, Rimi, take care."

Rimi went on her way. As she was out of earshot, I noticed Lisa giving me an odd look. What could be bothering her?

"Sounds like you were being a little too friendly towards Rimi earlier." She said.

"I mean, yeah, she is a friend, right?"

"Friend... sure."

What kind of a response was that anyway? I hope I didn't offend her...

A few hours later...

Location - Shopping Mall

After having our snacks at CiRCLE, Lisa and I decided to spend more time with each other. We headed over to the mall to do a little window shopping. During this visit to the mall, Lisa was holding onto my hand, making sure I didn't leave her side to talk to other girls.

"So, (Y/N), which store do you want to check out?" She asked.

"Let's see..."

As I thought about this for a moment, we were approached by another girl. This time it was Yamato Maya from Paste(*Palettes. She gave a smile.

"Ah, hello you two. Are you doing some shopping?" Maya asked.

"That's right! My dear (Y/N) said he wanted to spoil me until the day we die together." Lisa said and began to hug my arm.

"I-Is that so? Good for you." Maya awkwardly replied.

"And what about you, Maya? Are you here to do some shopping?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm suppose to be here with Aya-san, but I guess she is running a bit late." Maya replied before letting out a small sigh.

"I see. Well, I hope Aya shows up soon then." I said.

"Yeah, me too." Maya replied before Lisa cut in.

"Alright, I think the two of us are going to get going now." Lisa said as she starts dragging me away from Maya.

"Oh, umm... okay then." Maya said, but of course, I didn't hear her say that.

I honestly don't get why Lisa is behaving this way. She's almost acting like a yandere- Wait a minute, a yandere? Has Lisa been a yandere during the time I have known her? I guess that will explain a lot. Maybe I should talk to her about it, and see why she is doing this.


Location - Imai Residence

Even though she acted like a yandere for most of the day, I still had a good time being around Lisa. She held onto me the whole time, and she had a wonderful smile on her face. I was a bit upset that we had to end our time together. Huh, maybe I have feelings for Lisa after all.

As I dropped Lisa off at her house, I decided it was a perfect time to bring up today's events.

"Lisa, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. Ask away."

"Do you have a problem with me talking to other girls?" I asked.

Lisa looked away for a moment.

"I mean, not really..." She replied.

"Are you sure? You look bothered when I was smiling at Rimi and Maya earlier." I said.

"I-Is that so?" She nervously asked.

"Lisa, please, just tell me what is going on." I begged.

Lisa gathered some courage to take both of my hands, and looked at me seriously in the eyes.

"(Y/N), the reason why I behaved like this is because I love you. And I felt like I stayed close to you, I would have the courage to tell you my feelings." She said. 

"I see..."

"But I understand... you probably don't want to be around someone who acted like a yandere all day." She said as she frown.

"Is that what you think?" I asked.


"Lisa, I love you too, and I don't care if you act like a yandere or not. All I want is to be with you."

Lisa smiled as she suddenly gave me a kiss on the lips. I was blushing like crazy when she pulled away. Of course, she had to giggle at the fact that I was embarrassed.

"You know, you are cute when you blush like that." She said.

"Hehe, please keep the teasing to a minimum." I pleaded.

"I will, but only if you agree to be my boyfriend." She smirked.

I couldn't help but chuckle. I knew what she did.

"Alright, Lisa, I'll be your boyfriend." I said as I came closer to her, and gave her a kiss.

The end

A/N: That is it for this one-shot, and I hoped you guys enjoyed it. This book is slowly coming to a close, and remember, the request page for the second one-shot book is open. If you like to make a request, go for it, just follow the rules.

See you in the next one-shot, and have a good one. :)

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now