Kokoro x Happy Female Reader

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[Non requested idea]

Location - Daycare Center

Your POV

Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), a classic high school girl who does her best to stay positive as much as possible. I do this by getting myself involved as much after school clubs as I could. I didn't do all of them, though. If I did that, I would be drained mentally. Outside of school, however, there was one thing I liked to do more than anything. Seeing my aunt at the daycare center, and seeing the happy faces of all the children.

"Onee-chan!" The kids said as they came running towards me.

"Hi there, are you all doing good and not give my aunt any trouble?" I asked.

"Trust me, they've been saints all day." My aunt said as she came closer to me.

"Is that so?"

"Onee-chan! Can you tell us a story?" One of the kids asked.

"Sure. What story do you want to hear?" I asked in return.

"Tell us why you're so happy all the time!" Another kid said.

"Really? Well, okay then..."

The kids gathered around me and I sat down in a chair as I told my story.

Flashback - a year ago

Location - The Park

When I was little, I was often bullied a lot. I kept to myself, and when I hear people talking about me, I start to get sensitive and get upset. This continued until I entered my first here of high school.

I was at the park by myself when this interesting girl walks up to me.

"What's the matter with you?" She asked.

I looked up and I was staring at a girl with blond hair and matching yellow eyes to boot. I can tell she was concerned about me even though she doesn't know me that well.

"Nothing..." I said before looking down at the ground.

"What happened to your smile?" She asked.

"Sorry, but I don't feel like smiling..." I replied.

"Then come with me!" The girl said as she took my hand and dragged me off somewhere.

"Huh? Where are we going?"

"We're going to go do a bunch of fun stuff to make you smile." She said.

Well, this is probably going to be a lot better than sitting somewhere and crying my heart out.

A few hours later...

Location - Residential Area

The last few hours have been filled with mystery, but at the same time, filled with excitement. Being around this girl made me forget what I was going through, and because of our outing, I actually smiled for the first time.

"There's your smile!" She pointed out.

"My smile?"

"Yep. Seeing you smile is already making my day." The girl said.

"Oh, well, that's good to know." I said.

"Oh right! I haven't even introduced myself yet."

"My name is Tsurumaki Kokoro. What's your name?" She asked.

"Oh, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)." I said.

"(Y/N), huh?" She said. "I like that name."

"You do?"

"Yep. It makes me happy, and you should try to be happy, too, even if things in your life haven't been going your way."

Hearing that made me realize that she had a point. I got a lot of life left in me, and I can't spend it being sad all the time. I smiled happily in front of Kokoro.

"Thanks Kokoro-chan." I said. "I'm going to follow your lead and try to smile everywhere I go."

"That's what I like to hear!"

End of flashback...

Location - Daycare Center

"And to this day, I still owe Kokoro-chan for showing me that there is a brighter side to life." I said as I concluded the story.

"Wow! What a story!" One kid said.

"That was the best story I ever heard!" Another kid said.

"I'm glad that you like it so much." I smiled at them.

"Onee-chan, can you tell us another story?" The third kid asked.

"Sure what story do you want to hear next?" I asked with a smile. If Kokoro was here right now, she'll be happy to see that I am doing well.

The end

A/N: And we have reached the end of this one-shot. Thank you guys for reading, and be sure to look forward to more one-shots from this book. Have a good one. :)

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now