Tsugumi x Shy Male Reader [Birthday Special]

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[Non requested idea]

A/N 1: Hello, everyone. This is FantasyWriter241. Before you read the one-shot, I want to take a moment and wished someone a happy birthday. Someone I hold close to my heart for almost a year. She means so much to me that I wrote this one-shot of her favorite BanG Dream character. KiraKenzaki, happy birthday. Thank you so much for being a part of my life. I love you. Make sure you take a moment of your time to wish her a happy birthday, and enjoy the one-shot.

Location - Hazawa Coffee

Your POV

Today was the weekend, and during the weekend, I would find the opportunity to eat cake at my favorite cafe, Hazawa Coffee. There I would see my best friend, Hazawa Tsugumi, and her band, Afterglow.

I found out about Afterglow on the internet. Someone did a livestream of one their shows, and I was watching it. And after a while, I ran into them in the shopping district and was quick to be friends with them, especially Tsugumi. That is how I met Afterglow.

As I shyly walked into Hazawa Coffee, I spotted everyone in Afterglow right away. They all sat at their own table, and they were laughing while having a good time. Even though I am accepted into their friend circle, I am usually too shy to approach them. But Tsugumi would always be the first one to notice me.

"Ah, (Y/N)-kun. Come on in and join us." Tsugumi would say sweetly to me.

"Don't mind... if I do?" I replied in a soft tone.

I sat myself between her and Tomoe, and Tsugumi gave me my usual (f/f) tea.

"Here you go. I made it extra special for you." Tsugumi said with a smile.

"Thanks, you're too kind." I replied as I took a sip.

"So (Y/N)-kun, did anything exciting happened at school this week?" Himari asked.

"Hii-chan, you ask him that every weekend." Moca said.

"You can't blame me for being curious about someone who goes to a private school!" Himari protested. While it is true that she would ask me that every week, I don't blame her for wanting to ask that.

"Well, there's nothing... to report other than... having exams this week." I answered.

"Oof, exams must've been hard on you." Tomoe commented.

"Not really... It ended up being... a lot easier than I thought." I said.

"You've always been so smart. I'm proud of you." Tsugumi said as she gave me a smile and I started to blush.

"T-Thanks, Tsugumi." I stuttered a reply.

I don't know why, but being with her puts me at ease. It's like... I feel some kind of a way towards her. What could this mean...?

The next day...

I came back to Hazawa Coffee the next day, and it was busier than ever. I guess everyone had the same idea as me. Unlike yesterday, though, I spotted one member from Afterglow, and she is sitting by herself. I tried my best to call out to her.

"E-Excuse me, Himari?"

She looked up and smiled.

"Ah, (Y/N)-kun! Perfect timing, I want to ask you something." She said.

"Umm, sure, what's up?" I asked before taking a seat.

"I hope you don't mind me asking this, but... how do you feel about Tsugu?" She asked with a serious expression.

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now