Kasumi x Grandson Male Reader

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Requested by herooftimex3ds

Location - Live House SPACE

Your POV

Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and this is my story. I have always been interested in music, and when my parents noticed this, they decided to send me to send me to my grandma, who happens to own a live house. You might know her as the owner of Live House Space. You might think she is scary and strict, but she just has high expectations, which makes it impossible for anyone to perform there. Outside of that, though, she's the best grandma anyone can ask for.

One day I was coming back from school, I paid my grandma a visit at Space. As I entered the front door, she was talking to my girlfriend, Hanazono Tae.

"Umm, did I show up at a bad time?" I asked.

"No, not at all." Tae said as she came over to give me to give me a kiss.

"Hey (Y/N), how was school?" My grandma asked with a smile.

"It was amazing! I ace my math test!" I said and showed her.

"Oh wow, that's my grandson for you."

"(Y/N)-kun, do you think you can help me out with my math homework sometime?" Tae asked as she gave me a sad look.

"Of course. I'll definitely help you out." I said with a smile. 

"Thanks, sweetheart."

That evening...

Location - Residential Area

When it got dark outside, Tae and I walked home. We held hands as we walked under the starry sky. As we were walking, I can tell that Tae has been eager to say something to me.

"Oh yeah, you won't believe what happened to me." She said.

"What is it?"

"I'm in a band now."

"Tae, being in a band with your army of rabbits doesn't count." I said. She might be a weirdo, but... she's my weirdo.

"No, I mean with actual people." She said.

"Oh, that is good news." I said. "What position are you in?"

"I'm the lead guitarist." She answered.

"Interesting." I simply replied before continuing.

"How many of you are there, and what do they play?" I asked.

"There's four of us." She said. "There's Kasumi the vocalist, but she plays guitar as well. Then you got Rimi who plays the bass, and finally, you got Arisa who plays the keyboard."

"Four, huh? You lot don't have a drummer yet?" I asked.

"No, not yet. But I'm sure we'll find one soon." She said.

"Oh I see." 

Then an idea sparked into Tae's head.

"Hey, I know, how about you meet them?" She suggested. "I know you're going to like them."

"Sure, I would love to meet them."

I wonder what they're going to be like.

The next day...

Location - Live House Space

I walked into Space the next day. Tae and I agreed that I would meet her new friends here at Space. I was the first to show up. I had to wait a while for them to show up.

"Hey, sorry if we were late." Tae said as she gave me a hug.

"It's fine. I just got here myself." I replied and hugged her back.

"But anyway, these are the bandmates I told you about."

I looked at them, and I remember seeing them from the last time Space had a major event, especially the one with the short brown hair and purple hair.

"Oh, I heard so much about you from Tae and my grandma." I said with a smile.

"Your grandma?"

"You see, (Y/N)-kun's grandma is the owner of Space." Tae explained.

"He is?!"

That same girl came closer to me.

"Hi there, my name is Toyama Kasumi! And I'm a guitarist!"

"Umm, yeah, nice to meet you too." I said awkwardly.

"I guess we're introducing ourselves, huh? Alright then..." The girl with the pigtails said as she cleared her throat.

"Hi there, my name is Ichigaya Arisa."

"And I'm Ushigome Rimi." 

"Nice to meet the both of you."

"Hey... (Y/N)-kun, right? Did the Owner say anything about us?"

"Yeah. She said you were an interesting bunch, but she told me about how this airhead who saved Space's last event, and I guess that might be you." I said.


"He's not wrong you know." Arisa said with a smirk.


Several months later...

Many months have gone by since I have met Tae's bandmates. Based on what my grandma told me, I should be prepared for any weirdness that Kasumi girl might get thrown at me, but so far, she doesn't seem that bad.

Overtime, Tae's band got a new member. Her name is Saaya and she is the drummer. They even have a name for this band. They called themselves Poppin' Party, and I think that name fits them to a T. I also started hanging out with Kasumi more. She was fun to be around with, but the more time I spent with her, I began to like her even more. I might be falling in love with her. Tae knew this, and when she spoke to me about it, she suggested we should break up and follow my heart instead. And even though it wasn't an easy decision for me to make, I did it anyway.

I asked Kasumi to meet me out of Space. I was lucky that it was closed for the night.

"Hey (Y/N)-kun, I'm surprised you wanted to see me at this hour." Kasumi said.

"Yeah, I know it's sudden, but I really need to tell you something." I said.

"Really? What is it?"

I took a deep breath, and I said...

"I love you, Toyama Kasumi." 

"Huh? Love me?"

"Yes. I've been in love with you ever since I first met you."

"Really? But what about O-Tae? Aren't you in a relationship with her?"

"Actually, she knew that I liked you, so we broke up so I can do this." 

I came closer to her and placed my lips upon hers. She and I kissed each other for a while. After a while, the kiss was broken, and she smiled at me.


"So, do you feel the same way about me?" I asked.

"Yes! Yes I do!" She said with excitement.

"But wait, do you think the owner is going to hate me for dating her grandson?" She asked.

"If she has a problem with it, then I would deal with it." I smiled.

"Do you mean it?"

"Yes I do."

And with that, I leaned in and gave her another kiss.

The end

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this one-shot. I hoped you guys liked it, and join me next time for the final one-shot in this book. Have a good one. :)

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now