Tomoe x Male Reader

437 16 4

Requested by eirhonjanpalugod

Location - The Park

Your POV

Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I have a strong crush on someone. She and I have been friends for a while, and I noticed that every time I am around her, I would get nothing but butterflies in my stomach. I would start to get nervous around her, and my heart will beat fast.

The person I am talking about is a girl who is the same age as me. Her name is Udagawa Tomoe. We met at the bookstore when I was trying to buy a manga that I liked. She and I ran into each other and got to talking. We discovered that we had a lot in common, and grew close from that day forward.

Today was the day that we were going to hangout with each other once again. This will be the day where I would confess to her, but it was harder than I thought.

"Hey, there you are!" A voice called out to me.

I looked over and there was Tomoe, making her way towards me with a smile. I smiled back at her and responded.

"Hi Tomoe, it's nice to see you again."

We hugged each other and Tomoe continued to look at me, still grinning.

"So, what do you have plan for us today?" Tomoe asked.

"Well, I was thinking we can go for a walk and catch up on everything, if that is okay with you." I said.

Despite being close, Tomoe and I aren't always always around each other a lot. I have my life and she has hers, so a chance to catch up on everything is nice.

"Sure, that's okay with me. I have so much I wanted to talk to you about anyway." She said.

"Really? Me too!" I chuckled as the two of us walked away.

Location - Residential Area

So Tomoe and I began to just walk around the neighborhood. It was a peaceful walk, and we were chatting as we were walking. Tomoe was especially eager to tell me about the interview she was in for a music magazine. You can imagine my reaction to that.

"It was incredible that you had that interview. You weren't nervous at all, were you?" I asked.

"I was at first, but I managed to pull through thanks to the support of Afterglow." She said.

"That's good to know. I am proud of you." I said with a smile.

"Really? Thank you." Tomoe replied and smile back at me.

However, as we were about to cross the street, with Tomoe leading the way, a car came rushing down the road. It looked like it was going to hit Tomoe. Thankfully, I pulled her to safety just as the car went passing by.

"Tomoe! Are you okay?" I asked. 

"Y-Yeah, I think so." She answered, slightly shaken up by what just happened.

"Please be more careful. I don't know what I would've done if I lost you." I told her.

"I promise I will." She said.

I realized I was staring directly into Tomoe's eyes. Before I knew it, my heart started beating like crazy. Wow, I knew Tomoe was pretty before, but now... she is even more precious. After staring at each other in silence for a while, Tomoe spoke up.

"Umm, (Y/N), you can stop staring now." She said.

"Uhh, oh, right..." I replied and stepped away.

"Is everything okay? You're not being yourself." Tomoe said.

Well, this is it? Should I tell her how I feel? If I don't tell her how I feel, then someone else is going to take her from me.

"Tomoe, is it okay if I ask you something random?" I asked.

Tomoe just blinked at me.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Umm, do you like anyone by any chance?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, I do." She replied. "I like my little sister, Ako, my friends from Afterglow, and of course, you."

Tomoe smiled at me, but it really wasn't the kind of like I was talking about.

"Well, alright, but... do you like like anyone?" I asked.

"Like like anyone?"

She pondered for a moment, making me feel nervous already.

"Sorry, but I don't know if I do like like anyone." She said with a disappointing sigh to boot.

"Oh, I see..."

I thought Tomoe was going to say that she had feelings for me, but I guess I was too stupid to think that it was going to happen...

"Say, why did you ask me that anyway?" She asked.

"Huh? Umm... no reason." I replied.

"Come on, tell me, is there someone that you like like, as well?" She asked and began to hug me tight from behind.

Is she starting to catch on? Maybe I can tell her if I am careful with my word choice.

"Well, you could say that." I began.

"Really? Who is it?"

How do I want to say this?

"Well, this person is really beautiful and she is probably the most caring person I have ever met." I told her.

Tomoe grew eager.

"Come on, tell me who it is." She said.

"Well, to give you some kind of a hint, she is currently hugging me from behind."

Tomoe gasped.

"Wait, is it me you're talking about?" She asked.

"Yes, I am."

I was blushing bright red when I said that. Tomoe, on the other hand, was speechless, and blushing too.

"Wow, I am flattered that you have feelings for me, but..." She began but I cut her off.

"No need to say anymore. I know you don't feel the same way about me." I said and started walking away.

"Wait! (Y/N)!"

I turned to face her, but she came forward to kiss me. I was surprised that my best friend kissed me out of nowhere like that. She broke the kiss, and we stared at each other.

"Sorry about that. I just... felt like I had to, you know?" She said.

"Don't worry. I completely understand." I said and I kissed her on the cheek.

She blushed a little, but gave me a smile by the end of the day.

"I love you, Udagawa Tomoe."

"I love you too, (Y/N) (L/N)."

The end

A/N: That is it for this one-shot, and I hoped you guys liked it. This was the hardest one-shot I have ever written. I felt like everything towards the beginning wasn't making sense and I had to rewrite it multiple times.

Also, I'll let you in on a little secret. Everytime you see an update for this book, you can expect the next book update to be The Music Within, and vice versa. These are the next two book I am trying to complete, so bare with me for a while.

See you in the next one-shot, and have a good one. :)

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now