Chapter 2

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Waking up on the morning of my nineteenth birthday was like Christmas as a kid. I had a little extra pep in my step and joy in my swagger as I showered and dressed for mandatory morning training. I wasn't even upset about it today. I threw on a pink sports bra with black leggings and admired myself in the mirror.

Girl. You fierce.

Even my wolf was excited, yipping and prancing in my mind like it was the first time we shifted.

I couldn't wait to finish training so I could circle the pack and look for my mate. It's a tradition for us, that a wolf newly able to identify their mate searches their own pack first, then sets out to travel nearby packs. It's very common for a mate to be close by, and I couldn't wait to get the hell out of here. I bounce down the stairs with excited steps and my parents give me warm smiles.

"Happy birthday!" They both yell coming over to give me warm hugs. My dad kisses my forehead like he has since I was a child and affection surges through me. I would miss them if I need to leave to find my mate, but I've also known it's a possibility since I was young. I had always hoped that my mate was in my pack so I wouldn't have to leave my parents, but as the mistreatment continued, the love I had for my pack diminished slowly over time. Now I'm hoping my mate isn't here so I can leave and get the opportunity to grow as a person.

"Who do you think your mate is?" My mom asks excitedly, clapping her hands together. I shrug and take a bite out of an apple.

"I don't know. I doubt he's in this pack though." I say and my parents both frown.

"Why is that?" My dad asks.

"Because everyone treats me like dirt. If one of them were my mate, you'd think they'd at least feel some kind of pull." I reason and my mom shrugs.

"Not really, baby. I was right under your dad's nose for almost a year and he had no clue." My mom says and they both chuckle.

"Or your mate could be younger than you." My dad adds and I roll my eyes.

"You know it's highly unlikely for the female wolf to be older. The male is almost always older." I say and my dad shrugs.

"I know. That's why Alpha didn't freak out when Micah didn't find his mate." My dad says and I grunt.

"Poor girl, whoever she is. It was nice while he was gone searching other packs though." I say wistfully remembering those few months fondly. My parents both grin at me.

"Be nice now, sweetie. He's our future alpha." The thought makes me shudder and I kiss them both on the cheek before darting out the door.

"Mind link us immediately if you find your mate!" My mom yells at me. I wave at her before making my way towards the training grounds.

I'm one of the first wolves there which never happens, since I train so much at home I hate the mandatory stuff. But I was so excited I couldn't contain my nervous energy. I start to warm up, running around the track a little. When I round the bend and get closer to the forest an amazing smell of citrus and vanilla hits me. My heart starts to pound and the sweat from my run drips down my back and in between my breasts causing me to shiver. I stop running and look around, feeling my pony tail swaying behind me. I take another deep breath and my wolf confirms it.

My mate.

I stand stock still, disappointed that my mate is in my pack. I don't make any moves towards the forest to investigate and almost consider turning and running away. Until I hear shuffling footsteps in the fallen leaves and a man emerges from the treeline.


My whole body freezes, eyes wide with shock.

'No no no no no.' I keep thinking to myself. Even my wolf is upset and I didn't know that was possible.

Micah walks towards me, in nothing but black work out shorts with a sheepish look on his face. His hand is on the back of his neck. Apparently even assholes have a nervous tick.

"Hey, Hannah." He says and his voice causes my body to erupt in pleasure.


He walks slowly towards me, like I could flee at any moment.

Which in all fairness I could.

He stops a few feet away from me and his eyes travel my body before darkening. That immediately pulls me out of my lustful haze and makes me feel sick. I cross my arms around my bare waist, praying my nipples don't harden under his prying eyes.

"Look... um... can we talk?" He asks shyly and it takes a moment for his words to sink in.

Talk? He wants to talk? The thought almost makes me laugh. But I still seem unable to form words, as I continue to stare at him.

"Could we just like, start over maybe? Could you forgive me for the way I've treated you and give me a chance to be a good mate?" He asks earnestly and the oxygen rushes from my lungs. I look him over, broad chest, chiseled abs, strong jaw line, shaggy brown hair and beautiful green eyes.

He's gorgeous, always has been. But he's just so ugly on the inside. I mull over his proposition for a moment. Could I forgive him? The pain he's caused me, the fear, the tears I've cried for him treating me like trash for no reason other than I'm a little different? He bounces from foot to foot with nervous energy as he takes another small step towards me.

"Could you just... say something? Please, Hannah?" He pleads and nothing has ever sounded so beautiful as the sound of my name coming off of his lips. I smile a little and take a step towards him.

"Micah." I say and he visibly shudders at his name coming from my mouth. I reach out to cup his cheek with my hand and sparks erupt all the way down my arm. The pull is intense and my wolf has a fleeting thought of him marking us. His eyes widen as he leans into my touch, obviously enjoying the sensation.

"I think I could give you a chance." I say quietly and he let's out a breath of relief. He takes the hand off of his face and places a kiss to my palm before resting it on his chest, covering it with both of his larger hands.

"Really?" He asks hopefully. I give him another wide smile.

Before I narrow my eyes and scowl at him, ripping my hand away from him. His brows furrow in confusion as I take a step back.

"No." I say harshly and his face drops into pure sorrow. It hurts me deeply, deeper than I thought possible. The mate bond is so much stronger than I anticipated, but that only hardens my resolve.

"I, Hannah Quaid, reject you Micah Grey as my mate." I yell at him. He falls to the ground in agony, clutching his chest and groaning in pain. I now know what to expect when he accepts my rejection.

The feelings I had for him just moments ago are abruptly severed. I feel nothing but the hatred I've harbored for years. I will mourn the loss of my mate later, right now there are more important things to worry about. Micah staggers back to his feet and looks at me with a mixture of grief and betrayal. I feel nothing.

"Accept my rejection, Micah." I say firmly and he opens his mouth as if to speak the words, but shakes his head and turns away from me. I'm momentarily shocked, until I start to follow him.

"ACCEPT MY REJECTION!" I scream, but he ignores me. I pound my fists on his back, grabbing at him to turn him around.

"What? After all these years of treating me like trash now you can't face me? Pathetic!" I yell at him and he turns around. I continue my assault on his torso, but he does nothing to stop me.

"If this is what you need to make you feel better, then go ahead." He practically whispers and I stop hitting him, letting out a little sob in the process. His eyes widen as the tears trail down my face. He reaches up to wipe it away but I don't let him.

"This is what you've done to me." I say angrily. "Turned me into someone I'm not. Just accept my rejection, Micah. Do one kind thing for me." I beg. His eyes mist over with tears. He takes one last long look at me, before turning and shifting on the spot, running into the forest.

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