Chapter 34

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I gasped as I looked up at the two story home. The light grey color meshed well the the red door and shutters. The little porch had a swing that made it look homey and the lamppost near the street was precious. After scrutinizing the house, I looked back over at Micah to see him watching me anxiously.

"Micah..." I say breathlessly, pulling him into a hug.

"It's beautiful." I tell him, not taking my eyes from our home. I hear him breathe a sigh of relief before gripping my hand and pulling me towards the front door.

"The surprises aren't done yet." He says with a sly smirk before pushing the door open.

It opens into a foyer where I can see a living room with a fireplace and a ton of windows, a spiral staircase leading up to the top floor, and a dining room, glowing with candle light.

I walk into the dining room and smell delicious food. The table is set beautifully and candles are spread all throughout the room, giving off a warm welcoming glow. I look over at Micah in astonishment only to see him eyeing me nervously, his hands in his pockets and his shoulders hunched forward.

"You did all of this?" I ask and he nods. "For me?" His eyes soften as he watches me a moment before he walks up to me, wrapping his arms around me gently.

"Ah, sweetness. You still haven't figured it out yet? I would do anything for you. Anything. It's almost scary how committed to you I am. Things I used to think of as important don't mean shit now. Things I used to look forward to, I don't care about them unless it's you there with me. Things that used to scare me? Well, they don't seem so bad as long as I get to face them with you. So lighting some candles, cooking dinner and finding a house we can live in together until we take over as Alpha and Luna? Sweetness, that was nothing. If you want more just tell me. Hell, I'll build you a house with my bare hands if you don't like this one. It may fall over at the first gust of wind that hits it, but I'd still give it my best shot. For you."

I feel my eyes prick with tears as I stare at this ridiculous man who I never thought I could even like, let alone love. I wipe the one stray tear that falls from my face and wrap my arms around his neck before giving him a beaming smile.

"How important is this dinner to you?" I ask him and he cocks a brow.

"I mean I did put a fair bit of effort into it. Why?" He asks with a confused smile and I chuckle at him.

"How about we skip it and you show me our new bedroom?" I purr and his eyes widen before he nods enthusiastically.

"Yeah. That... that sounds like a better plan." He says kissing my forehead and releasing me gently. "But I am going to blow out these candles. I'd hate for our new house to burn down." He says with a chuckle. I nod and head towards the stairs. I climb them and hear him from downstairs.

"Sweetness? Where'd you go?" He calls out and I smile to myself.

"Come and find me. Alpha." I call out and he growls in response.

I hear his heavy footsteps pound up the stairs and I slip into the first room I find. It's decorated in creams and light blues that give off a soothing feel. A large window faces the sunset, the colors spilling into the room painting it different hues of orange and pink. So distracted by the view, I don't hear Micah creak the door open. I feel his arms wrap around my waist and gasp in surprise. He leans down until his lips are only an inch from my ear.

"Gotcha." He whispers, and the feel of his breath on my skin makes my hair raise in excitement. I feel my heart rate kick up and my knees weaken. He spins me around and latches his lips onto mine.

He lifts me, his hands under my thighs and I wrap them around his waist. He carries me to the bed and lays me down gently, draping his body over mine. He pulls away and his eyes flit all over my face, like he's trying to memorize this moment.

"Are you sure, Hannah? No pressure. We can wait." He says sweetly and I sense nothing but honesty from our bond.

"I'm sure, Micah." I say firmly and he smiles again before sitting up and unbuttoning his shirt. I growl a little and he stops before eyeing me curiously.

"What's wrong?" He asks and I sit up to start undoing the buttons myself.

"You wouldn't open someone else's Christmas presents. Would you?" I ask cheekily and he chuckles before kissing me, distracting my hands from their task. I try to get the next button undone, but my hands are shaking so I decide to pull the fabric apart instead, Micah's warm laughter echoing through the room as I hear the buttons from his shirt tapping across the wood floor.

"Anxious are we?" Micah teases as his hand slips up my leg. I take a deep breath and look up at him. He must be worried about what he sees because he stops.

"Are you nervous?" He asks quietly and I nod my head. He takes a deep breath and pecks my cheek before looking at me again.

"Me too." He admits and I smile at him.

"Really?" I ask and he nods. "Why?" He takes another deep breath before answering.

"Because it's never mattered before. But this right here? This matters to me, Hannah. I want it to be one of the best moments of your life." He says and I curve my fingers into his hair.

"No pressure." I say with a shy grin and he chuckles.

"No pressure." He repeats before his lips meet mine again. He's slower this time. Sweeter. I feel my body heat up with the desire we've been ignoring for weeks now.

Sparks trace my skin everywhere he touches. His hands slip under the side of my panties and he skims them slowly down my legs. I take a few deep breaths to calm my rapidly beating heart.

It would be really embarrassing to pass out right now.

Micah leans over me and kisses me again, slipping on top of me and I can feel his hardness through his pants. I groan at the contact and he inhales quickly before growling, likely smelling my desire as it seeps onto my thighs. I reach down to undo his pants and he sits up to make it easier sliding them down as I watch his hard cock spring forward, biting my lip to keep from moaning at the sight.

He bunches my dress up at my hips and slides it up over my body. My breasts spill free and he eyes them appreciatively, leaning down to capture a hard, pink nipple in his mouth and suck gently. The move is a straight shot of pleasure through my body and I arch my back into him, moaning and gripping his hair tightly in my fingers.

"Micah..." I moan breathlessly and he growls again.

He moves down my body, spreading my legs with his shoulders before inhaling my scent deeply. 

"Fuck you smell so good." He groans before I feel his hot, wet tongue make contact with my clit. I buck my hips into his face making a deep, throaty chuckle leave him.

He pins down my hips with his hands before his tongue begins sliding along my wet folds. He dips it inside of me, twirling around and exploring my most intimate area. I groan and twist my hips, trying to get him deeper. He pushes me back down and growls out a low warning and I whimper in response. A wordless plea for more.

"You're only coming with my cock tonight, sweetness so sit back and enjoy." He says with a diabolical smirk that almost makes me roll my eyes, but the feel of a finger slipping inside of me makes me roll my eyes in a different way.

He pumps his finger in and out of me gently, pushing me higher and higher until my legs begin to shake and I grip the sheets of the bed tightly in my fingers. I get so close, I tip my head back and arch my spine off the bed. He must sense it because he stops his movements quickly. I growl at him and narrow my eyes making him chuckle. He wipes his face off before flinging himself up to me.

"Are you ready?" He asks. I nod and smile at him as he lines himself up at my entrance.

"Use your words, sweetness." He murmurs in my ear as he teases my pussy with his tip. I whimper, begging for more.

"I want you, Micah. I'm ready." I say. He answers with a beaming smile and I feel a fresh rush of love and joy through our bond.

"I've never wanted anything more." He whispers before pressing his lips against mine again and pushing in to me gently.

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