Chapter 26

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The next week went by quickly while Micah and I fell into a comfortable pattern. He returned to his alpha preparation and other duties around the pack as well as his new fitness regime with Griffin. I could already tell that he was getting faster and stronger. At training, he took down everyone, including Griffin, and barely broke a sweat. I was thoroughly impressed.

He slept in my bed at the packhouse every night. He never pushed me for more than I was ready for and I was pleased with his self restraint. He seemed content to just sleep next to me and hold me all night. He was getting a little clingier, and I think his wolf was really struggling with the fact that I wasn't marked yet. I felt like I was becoming more comfortable with the idea, I just wasn't there yet.

I know my feelings for Micah are growing and he's burrowing his own little place into the heart I tried so hard to steel against him. I wasn't sure at what point I should accept the inevitable and allow him to mark me, and mark him in return. I felt like I may always have that seed of doubt, the memories of the way he treated me never fully pushed to the back of my mind. I tried not to think about it too much. I did promise him I would give him a real chance and make every effort to be a mate to him. The closer we became, the more anxious my own wolf became as well. She had taken to Micah much faster than I thought she would. She was anxious to communicate with his wolf and complete our bond. As a result, she pushed sexual thoughts of our mate into my mind at the most inconvenient times. I had to leave training early one day as the scent of my arousal wafted across the field and Micah nearly hunted me down.

I had taken sanctuary in the library most days, throwing myself into my classes and training with Alpha. He had to start training Micah and I separately because the horny wolf couldn't focus on anything other than me. His constant touching and furtive looks became so distracting I was gettin nothing from the sessions and Alpha was getting annoyed at us.

I can't say I blame him.

I was in the library studying when a sudden feeling of unease washed over me. I looked around, but nothing was out of the ordinary. It was similar to the last pack Grif and I were in before they were attacked. I tried to ignore it, knowing Micah would tell me if there was danger around, but the feeling continued to escalate until my wolf was prowling around my mind, anxious to break free. I couldn't understand her behavior. My wolf and I have always been incredibly well balanced and she has never tried to force control from me. The sensation has me standing and gathering my things in case I need to shift. I'm about to leave the library when I feel Micah's presence in my mind.

'Sweetness. I need you to come to my office.' He says gravely and my heart drops.

'What's going on? My wolf is going crazy.' I ask and I hear him sigh heavily.

'It's bullshit. I will explain everything when you get here. I just need you to know it's a lie and nothing between us is changing. Can you remember that for me?' He begs and nerves roil my stomach.

'Fine.' I tell him and cut the link before hurrying to the packhouse.

It's quieter than usual and that makes me even more on edge. I'm used to noise, people bustling around, pots banging in the kitchen, rowdy teenagers running through the halls.

Stillness is not good for werewolves.

I walk up to Micah's office and don't bother to knock. We've been spending a lot of time here together, me helping him with as much paperwork as I can. We even fell asleep on the couch one afternoon and woke up when we fell off, giggling together like kids. I push open the door and see Micah behind his desk with a firm look on his face. His parents are on the couch looking between us nervously. I go over to him and he stands, pulling me into a firm hug before kissing me almost aggressively. I hear a loud growl from the corner and turn to look, finding Jasmine standing in the corner. Her arms crossed across her chest, eyes narrowed at me. She snarls again and walks towards me, only for Micah to take a protective stance in front of me, pushing me behind his back. Alpha grabs Jasmine and pushes her down roughly into a chair, letting some of his aura out until she is forced to bare her neck in submission.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask, coming out from behind Micah's back and slipping my hand into his. Jasmine growls again and I look at her with confusion.

"Get your fucking hands off of my mate." She growls.

It takes me a moment to process what she said, my mouth gaping in shock when I do. I let out my own growl as my wolf presses forward, begging to be released so she can tear this little bitch who dares to claim what is ours to pieces. Micah growls at her and pulls me in closer to him, wrapping his arm tightly around my waist. Her eyes darken as her wolf tries to press forward, her claws shifting forcing Alpha to let more of his aura out. Jasmine whimpers in response and seems to settle.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Micah is my mate." I sneer at her and she growls in response.

"No he's not. You rejected him and my wolf has claimed him. Maybe our original mate died and we are each other's second chances. I don't know. All I know is that he is MINE!" She growls and I roll my eyes at her.

"This is a new fucking low, Jasmine. Don't be ridiculous." I scoff and Micah lowers his face in my neck, breathing in my scent.

"I knew you'd see through her bullshit." Micah murmurs against my skin and I can feel his relief through our bond. He was worried I would believe her, that I would pull away from him again.

"It's not bullshit. Today is my birthday. I was running around the pack and smelled his scent. I came looking for my mate, only to find Micah. There were no other scents in this room!" Jasmine screams and Micah growls at her again.

"It's not possible, Jasmine. I never accepted Hannah's rejection. Our bond is still there. I cannot be your mate." Micah says firmly and Jasmine snarls, trying to stand, but Alpha stops her.

"If you just accepted her rejection, you would feel our bond! I told you, Micah! I always felt like we were mates!" She screeches and I flinch at her high pitched, annoying tone. Micah growls in frustration and runs his hand through his hair, never taking his arm from around me.

"No. This is your pathetic bid to become Luna. You need to drop this. I will NEVER accept Hannah's rejection. She's the one I want. She's the one I love!" He screams before his eyes widen when he realizes what he said. He looks down at me nervously, but I give him a reassuring smile in response, pushing myself to my toes to press my lips against his. He returns my kiss eagerly, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me flush against him. I pull away when Jasmine snarls at us again and throw her an annoyed, withering look.

"I could just reject her." Micah says to me and I roll my eyes.

"There's no bond to reject. She's just doing this for attention." I say and he nods.

"I could banish her then." He shrugs and Jasmine growls again from the corner.

"Shut up, Jasmine. You brought this on yourself." Micah snarls at her and she almost looks afraid for a moment.

"You can't banish me. The pack would never forgive you." She says arrogantly, making me roll my eyes again.

"They never need to know about this little charade." Micah quips back and Jasmine grins.

"It's too late for that. They already know. I told everyone." Micah snarls at that bit of information and my heart drops to my stomach as her plan finally comes to fruition in my mind.

"You want to challenge me." I state. She grins again, her eyes sparkling with malice.

"I do." She says joyfully. "To the death."

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