Chapter 28

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Well, I'm pretty sure Griffin was trying to kill me before Jasmine ever got her filthy paws on me. After Micah told me about his conversation with Dustin, it became clear that there would be no reasoning with Jasmine.

And that she has absolutely nothing to lose.

I've never heard of a wolf rejecting their mate hoping the one they want is their second chance. There are just so many variables, besides the fact that second chance mates are incredibly rare. I've never met a pair of them, or even heard of it happening. It's almost like the concept is some sort of myth. I won't pretend to understand what that girl is thinking, all I can do is train my ass off to beat her.

"Faster, Hannah!" Grif yells as I try to dodge his blows, gulping in air as my lungs burn in protest. "Jasmine's fast as fuck. You're going to have to wear her down before you go on the attack." He growls as he manages to swipe my belly. I huff in frustration and shove him, catching him off guard and making him land on his ass. He scowls at me before pushing himself to his feet.

"Don't get mad at me." He starts. "I'm doing this because I want to watch you shred that little girl to pieces. So get your fucking head into it!" He yells as Micah walks in the gym. Even though I'm hot, drenched in sweat and exhausted, the sight of him makes my heart patter with excitement.

"He's right, sweetness. Jasmine is fast and methodical. But she relies too heavily on her brute strength." Micah points out and I nod in agreement.

"She is also overly emotional. Too arrogant. I can use that against her." I muse and both men look at me with pride.

"What?" I ask with a smirk. They both smile and look at each other.

"Little Hannah Quaid." Grif coos.

"Our girl all grown up!" Micah wails as they throw themselves in each other's arms and pretend to sob. I crack up at the sight, grabbing my already sore abdomen and falling to the ground.

"It feels good down here." I say closing my eyes. "I think I'll stay here."

"Not so fast, sweetness. You've got more training to do." Micah says, grabbing my arm and pulling me up.

I groan and we continue to train.

After what feels like hours Micah and Grif have decided they've tortured me enough and set me free. Micah lifts me and carries me back to my room in the packhouse, plopping me on the bed before turning the water on for a bath. He comes back to my room and kneels before me in between my legs. He wraps his arms around my waist, tucking his face in my neck.

"You look so fucking sexy all hot and sweaty like this." He murmurs, trailing his lips along my heated skin. I groan at the sensation of his lips on me, his closeness and the heat his body is putting off.

He trails his hands down my sides to my hips and curls his fingers under my shirt. His bare skin against mine makes tingles erupt at the spot and I lean forward into him, reveling in the sensation. I can feel his mouth curve into a smile against my skin.

"We haven't talked about what I said." He murmurs into my ear and I'm pulled from my dreamy state.

"What?" I ask, eyeing him curiously.

"When I said I love you." He says with a sheepish smile. I smile in response and cup his cheek.

"I thought you just kind of... said it. I wasn't sure if you meant it." I admit and his cheeks heat under my scrutiny. He sits up and nuzzles his cheek against mine before turning his head to kiss me gently.

"I meant it, sweetness. I don't expect you to say it back, I just want you to know I love you." He says, kissing me again before standing and going into the bathroom. I hear him fiddling with things as my heart tries to return to normal after his declaration.

Part of me wants to say it back, part of me doesn't want to say it just because he did. In all honesty, I'm not sure if there's a name for how I feel about Micah, but love seems about as close as it can get. He comes back out to my room and my eyes dart to him. He takes my hands and leads me into the bathroom, walking backwards so I follow him. When we get into the bathroom, his hands skim under my shirt as he silently asks permission to remove it. I lift my hands above my head and he slips the damp material over my head, eyeing me hungrily as my heavy breasts fall and bounce. He reaches up to palm one, running the pad of his thumb along my nipple. A little whimper leaves my mouth and Micah's eyes flit to mine, seemingly pulled from his daze. He smiles and encircles my waist, pulling me flush against him.

"You're so beautiful." He murmurs and I smile shyly as I lift his shirt over his head, throwing it across the room and tracing the strong lines of his chest with my fingertips. I hear his wolf rumble low in his chest at the feeling of me admiring him. I run my hand along his chest up to his biceps, curling my fingers and trailing my nails down his arm. His eyes close and jaw clenches as I move closer. I wrap my arms around him, sneaking my fingers into the band of his shorts and running them around to the front before slipping them down his body. His eyes pop open and gone is the cocky smirk I'm used to. All that's in his eyes is a burning desire, flooding my senses from sight, smell, touch to in my very soul from the bond that seems to be growing stronger of it's own volition.

"Let's get you a bath." He murmurs, voice husky with need. I nod as I allow him to strip off my pants, leaving us both naked, open and vulnerable to each other in a way we haven't experienced before.

I step into the bath and sink into the hot water and groan as it relaxes my sore muscles. He slips in behind me and pulls me against his firm chest. I allow my head to tip back and relax against him. He lathers soap onto a washcloth and massages my shoulders before slipping down and giving my breasts some attention.

He must think they need a lot of washing with the amount of time he spends on them.

He helps me rinse my hair before I turn around to straddle him. He groans when my heated core rubs against his firm cock. The feeling sends shivers of pleasure through my body and I can't stop myself from rubbing against him. He grips my hips tightly in a silent plea to take mercy on him. I stop my movements and wash his torso before tucking my face into his neck. He runs his hands along my back, cupping the warm water in his large hands and letting it fall down my back so I don't get cold.

I stay stuck to him for a long time, neither of us saying anything. We don't need to. We just relax and enjoy the closeness of each other, the simple intimacy. It's in that exact moment that I make an important decision.

"Come on, sweetness. Let's get you into bed. You should get a good night's sleep before Griffin kicks your ass again tomorrow." He says with a gentle smile. I nod and stand, the water rippling down my body. I don't miss him watching the motion his eyes darkening before he pulls himself out of his thoughts. We snuggle into bed, both still naked, and he pulls me tightly into his side, running his hands everywhere he can reach as if making sure I'm really there with him.

That this is real.

I tilt my head up to peck kisses along his collarbone and run my hand along his abdomen, running my fingers through the trail of dark hair that leads to his firm member.

"Micah?" I say to get his attention. His eyes pop open and he looks down at me. Even in the darkness of night his green eyes seem to shine.

"Hmmm?" He hums to reassure me he's listening.

"I've decided something." I tell him firmly making him smile.

"Oh yeah? And what have you decided, sweetness?" I take a deep breath before looking up at him.

"After this fight, if things go my way, I want to mark you."

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