Chapter 39

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Alpha worked quickly when it came to his parties, and the man enjoyed throwing them. He only gave the pack a week to prepare for the festivities. I tried to ignore that it was happening at all, but when Micah put on dress pants and a button down shirt I all of a sudden wasn't quite so annoyed.

"You look beautiful, sweetness." He murmurs in my ear. His eyes are bright with excitement as he helps me slip a necklace around my neck. I smile shyly at him and look down at my pale blue dress a little hesitantly.

"You don't think it's too much?" I ask of the sparkly dress that Katie damn near demanded I wear. He shakes his head as his eyes trail my exposed legs and black heels.

"No. You look amazing. Although it'll look great on the floor later too." He says before chuckling at his own joke. I roll my eyes and he grips my hand, pulling me towards the packhouse.

I was able to talk Alpha into having a more barbecue type style party rather than some extravagent affair. So the party was being held outside with food being cooked on grills, lots of lemonade and tea as well as pies. It was a communal type of gathering that made the pack feel more relaxed. More like a family.

I smiled at the sight of some of the children trying to fly a kite. There was a makeshift football game going on with some of the highschoolers and Micah grinned.

"I'm gonna kick their asses later." He says smugly making me giggle.

"You're twice the size of any of those kids." I admonish him and he shrugs.

"Good. They should see how fierce their future Alpha is." He says brightly and I shake my head at him before pulling him towards the largest group of people. I find Katie in the group and she pulls me along with her.

"I told you that dress would look fantastic." She says smugly, taking a sip of her drink. I steal it from her and gulp it down making her huff in annoyance.

"Yeah. Micah's a fan." I say with a smirk making her laugh.

"Hannah! Hannah!" I hear being called from behind me. I turn to see little Austin barreling towards me like a torpedo.

I lean down and hold my arms out for him and he launches himself at me, almost knocking me over. I pull him in close and he tucks his little face into my neck. I feel him relax in my firm grip and smile as I kiss the top of his head, breathing in the smell of his shampoo. He pulls away gently and looks up at me.

"I've missed you." He says, his high child voice ringing out loudly. I smile and boop his nose making him grin.

"I've missed you too, buddy." I say fondly and his eyes drift up to Katie.

"Who's that? She's pretty." He says quietly and I smile.

"This is my friend Katie. Katie, this is Austin. Alpha Jamie's son." I explain and she nods in understanding. Austin shimmies from my hold and runs to Katie, wrapping his arms around her waist. She looks at me surprised and I just shrug, not really sure why he's taken to her so quickly. She leans down to pick him up, resting him on her hip as he encircles his little arms around her neck and rests his head on her shoulder

"Are you ok, Austin?" I ask him, pushing his hair back out of his eyes. He nods and looks up at me with his deep brown eyes.

"Yes. She just seems nice. I want to stay with her." He says and my heart melts, as does Katie's.

"Aww. You're the sweetest boy I've ever met in my whole life." She coos to him, pecking a kiss on his forehead. He smiles sweetly before digging his face back into her neck.

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