Chapter 29

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I think I felt my lungs collapse when Hannah said that. My eyes shot open and I looked at her, my mouth dropped wide and my heart rate was going so fast I thought it would pop out of my chest. She looked at me with a mixture of humor and uncertainty. After a few tense moments, I shook myself out of my amazed stupor and pulled her away from me a little so I could stare at her properly.

"Are you sure, sweetness? I don't want you to feel rushed." I tell her and she nods. I reach out to cup her cheek, enjoying the sparks that simmer across my skin at the touch.

"I'm sure. If I didn't have to fight your psychotic ex booty call to the death in a few days, I'd do it right now." She says with an amused smile. I sigh and look at her guiltily, trailing my thumb across the soft skin of her cheek.

"Just another thing I'm so sorry for." I say quietly and her eyes soften as she looks at me with warm affection.

"Don't be sorry, Micah. It's over and we both need to let the past go if we want to move forward." She says quietly and I sigh in content, pulling her into me and pecking her lips with mine. She's always so soft and melds into me perfectly, like the piece of me I didn't know I was missing.

"I would be honored to wear your mark, Hannah." I whisper in her ear and feel her shudder against me so I tighten my arms around her. She brushes her face gently against my chest and my wolf purrs at the move. He is ecstatic about finally being able to converse with his mate.

I fall asleep in complete bliss, Hannah's naked body pressed against mine.

The next two days were spent training Hannah relentlessly. We pushed her passed her limits, her parents even joining in the training. After having spent years teaching her, they already knew her weaknsesses. I watched her spar with her mom in wolf form and my girl is seriously destructive. She took her mom down in two minutes, and her dad in five.

I've never been so proud.

We worked on her speed the most. I've seen Jasmine fight and she is a fucking blur at times. That was really the only thing that concerned me.

The night before the fight, Hannah was a bundle of nerves. I could tell by her anxious twitches and I could feel it through our bond. After I encouraged her heavily to eat some dinner, I pulled her into my room, hoping my scent would calm her, and wrapped my arms securely around her.

"Sweetness. You're gonna kick ass. Just relax." I tell her, massaging her shoulders. She lets out a nervous chuckle and turns to face me.

"It's not that it's..." She starts and then stops, avoiding eye contact.

"What is it?" I ask, curious what has my girl in such a tizzy.

"I want you to... um... make me feel good." She says nervously. I'm surprised by her request, but smile down at her red cheeks and bright eyes.

"It would be my pleasure." I purr in her ear making her shiver, before I throw her over my shoulder and plop her down on the bed gently. She lets out a surprised breathy laugh and looks up at me with hooded eyes. I slip my shirt off before shimmying her pants down her legs.

I lay down in between them, tracing kisses up her legs until I stop at her thighs.

"What would you like me to use? My mouth?" I ask, licking a trail up to her pussy, already dripping her sweet juices. She shakes her head and looks down at me.

"Your hand. So I can kiss you." She answers breathlessly. I shoot up to her side, locking my lips with hers as I trail my fingertips along her soft skin, skimming over her slit making her moan into my mouth. I thrust my tongue against hers as I twirl her clit with two fingers, making her buck against me.

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