Chapter 33

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I was able to rearrange our days so I could spend most of my time with Hannah. We did training together with the pack as well as with my dad. My mom had started discussing Luna training with Hannah. She said I couldn't go to that with her and I pouted a little, but Hannah didn't change her mind.

I had noticed Hannah eyeing me all day, everytime I caught her eye, she'd blush a little and look away. She was normally so confident and sassy, the bits of shyness had me curious. I felt through our bond and sensed a bit of nervousness from her and I couldn't help but wonder what that was about.

After dinner I gripped her hand and held it as we walked in companionable silence up to our room. I had basically moved into the room I set up for her. My clothes were in the dresser next to hers and my soap was in the shower and I slept next to her every night. Waking up to her was better than I ever could have imagined. My favorite part of the day were those moments right after she wakes up and snuggles into me while she yawns and tries to wake up for the day.

After her fight with Jasmine, we hadn't really discussed living arrangements. She just didn't go back to her parents house and I stuck to her like glue until she told me to leave her alone. Which really didn't happen very often in the week since she had killed Jasmine. I was still a little worried that she hadn't dealt with it emotionally, but I would be here for her if she needed me to be.

Hannah continues to eye me curiously as I pull my shirt off preparing for bed. I see her eyes flash to black and I can't help but smirk. She must notice and walks slowly over to me running her hands up my chest before linking them behind my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist, gripping her hips and pulling her close until she's flush with my body. She feels warm and soft against me, the sweet smell of her arousal teasing my nose, begging for me to get closer.

She pushes herself up on her tiptoes, smashing her lips into mine with a kind of desire I had once only dreamed she would ever feel for me. I kiss her back enthusiastically, allowing her tongue dominance in my mouth. I groan into the kiss, my body heating up as need takes over. She takes a step towards me, making the back of my legs hit the bed. I let her push me down, chuckling as she climbs on top, barely breaking our kiss.

Her hips grind down onto my growing erection making me groan again at the contact. She feels so good, so perfect, like nothing she could ever do to me would be any less than amazing. Part of me is glad we've taken so long to get to this point. We took the time to allow our bond to grow, to get to know each other. It makes it feel even more special, in a way.

She pulls away from my lips and plants kisses down my neck, sucking and nipping at my skin until she gets to the sensitive spot her mark will be. She sucks hard on it and my body tenses, my fingers gripping tight to the shirt she's still wearing. I feel her canines protrude and graze across my skin, making my skin pebble and my heart race in anticipation. I wasn't expecting this tonight, and thought she would want to discuss it more first, but I don't think I'm really in a position to stop her until she pulls away a little.

"I want to mark you, baby." She purrs in my ear. I groan again and tip up my head to rest in the crook of her neck.

"There is nothing I want more than for us to do that, sweetness. But do you think you could wait? Just one more day?" I ask. She stops moving and I feel a pang of pain through our bond. Like she thinks I don't want her. She tries to climb off of me, but I tighten my grip on her and smash my lips against her. I pour my love and loyalty into that kiss, not wanting her to feel unwanted for even a single moment. I pull away and look deeply into her eyes.

"I have a surprise planned for you, but it won't be ready until tomorrow. I wanted to talk about marking each other and I wanted it to be special. So I set something up for when you were ready." I tell her and her pain flows into curiosity.

"What did you plan?" She asks and I smile brightly.

"A surprise." I say simply and she huffs at me.

"Yeah, but what's the surprise?" She asks again.

"You'll find out tomorrow. At dinnertime." I tease her and she growls a little at me.

"But I want it now!" She whines and I can't help but chuckle. Hannah rarely acts childish so when she does it's always highly entertaining.

"You're so cute when you pout." I coo at her making her roll her eyes.

"Fine. I'll wait till tomorrow. But I'm going to be annoying as fuck about it." She says firmly and I throw my head back to laugh at her, pulling her up with me to the head of the bed and curling myself around her.

"I would expect nothing less." I say affectionately making her growl at me.

The next day she stayed true to her word. Every five minutes she asked what her surprise is. I never thought I would enjoy her going with my mom for Luna training, but today I practically pushed her out the door and told mom to keep her as long as she wanted. Both of my parents looked at us with affectionate smiles when Hannah came back for one more kiss and apologized for being annoying.

It was adorbs, not gonna lie.

After training, I hurried up to her room and picked out a dress for her to wear before sneaking into my room and showering. I dressed in a white button up shirt with my sleeves rolled up, dark jeans and dress shoes. I heard her knocking on my door and when I opened it she was still in her clothes for training. She looked me up and down and cocked a brow in confusion.

"Why are you looking so dapper this evening?" She asks curiously and I smile before pulling her back into her room.

"You'll see. Now take a shower and put this on. We have somewhere to be, sweetness." I tell her with a sly smile before kissing her cheek and pushing her towards the bathroom.

I waited in the entryway of the packhouse, knowing if I saw her naked after her shower I would lose my resolve and pounce on her right then and there. And I had put way too much effort into this evening not to get the pay off of seeing the look on her face when she realizes what I've done.

She comes gliding down the stairs, her hair curled into loose waves and some black strappy heels that look fantastic with her light grey dress, but my favorite part is her smile. There was a time I thought she would never smile at me like that. That I would never deserve her smiles. That I would always have to orbit around her, never allowed to get too close. And now the fact that she's anxious to mark me, that she has accepted me. It's humbling.

"You look beautiful, Hannah." I murmur into her hair after I pulled her close and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you. Now let's go!" She says anxiously, pulling me out of the packhouse by the hand. I chuckle at her enthusiasm and stop her as she goes towards my truck.

"We're not leaving pack grounds, sweetness." I tell her with a sly smile and she groans before rolling her eyes.

"Where are we going then?" She asks, bouncing on her toes. I hold my arm out for her and she locks hers with mine as I steer her further into the pack.

"This way, my love. Follow me."

The closer we get to the destination, the harder my heart begins to pound. I start to second guess myself, hoping I'm not being too presumptious, that I don't piss her off on accident.

"What's wrong? Why are you so nervous?" She asks, looking at me concerned. I take a deep breath and tighten my hold on her hand.

"I just want you to like it. I want you to be happy. You know that, right?" I ask and she gives me a warm smile before nodding.

"Yes. I knew that when you let me leave, Micah. I always knew I'd come back to you." She says, her voice full of emotion. I smile and run my hand down her cheek.

"Good. Then this was just good planning on my part." I say, motioning to the house we stopped in front of.

"Whose house is this?" She asks, looking back at me.

"Ours, sweetness. It's ours."

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