Chapter 18

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The rest of the week seems to crawl by. The people in the pack are nice, but they didn't seem willing to include Griffin and I in anything. And since this pack is so far away from any kind of civilization, there was nothing to do. No movie theaters, no stores, not even a cafe or something. So we spent most of our time in our cabin. My conversations with Micah started becoming the highlight of my day. I couldn't tell if he liked me linking him three times in a day, but he didn't complain about it.

I didn't think I would be so excited to move on to the next pack, but the only thing I'll miss around here is Austin. The little guy even had a sleep over last night and we watched cartoons and ate snacks like it was going out of style. For a four year old he's an excellent conversationalist. Much better than Griffin who would rather chop wood or throw tractor tires around for hours than have a twenty minute conversation.

As the day to leave arrives, I sent Griffin on a run since the drive to the next pack is nearly four hours and I don't need him whining about being stuck in the car the whole time, so I go to say goodbye to the Alpha myself. He calls me into his office and I sit across from him.

"Thank you again for allowing us to visit." I tell him politely and he nods while eyeing me curiously.

"Were you ever going to tell me you're Micah's mate?" He asks, stunning me. My mouth gapes and I stumble over my next words.

"How... um... did you know?" I ask and he continues to study me.

"Well first it was his threat of war if any harm came to you while you were here, second were his nearly daily phone calls to check in on your well being, but the thing that really convinced me was the way Austin took to you." He explains.

"What do you mean?" I ask and he sighs.

"He isn't great with people. Especially women. So when he became attached to your hip, I realized it's because you give off those warm, soothing Luna vibes. He was naturally attracted to you the way most children are to a Luna." He says and I can't deny that I'm impressed.

"You're very observant." I say and he nods.

"Now, after my discretion and hospitality, I think you owe me at least a bit of an explanation. Don't you?" He presses and I nod.

"Micah was... an asshole to me for a long time before we found out we were mates. I rejected him and our parents as well as Micah asked me to reconsider. Things weren't progressing smoothly so Micah gave me the option of seeing other packs so if things didn't work out, I could choose somewhere to transition." I explain and his eyebrows shoot up.

"I wasn't expecting that. Well, the rejection doesn't entirely surprise me the kid was always kind of a douche but the fact that he would let you leave... well it's impressive. I'm sure it took a lot of willpower on his part." He says and I nod in agreement.

"Yes. But being away, him not being able to smother me but us still communicating by mind link has been nice." I admit and he smiles a little.

"Good. But if things don't work out I would like to offer you a... proposition of sorts." He says and I eye him curiously.

"What do you mean?" I ask and he takes a deep breath.

"I'm sure you've noticed in your time here that my pack isn't exactly... warm and friendly." He admits and I nod.

"I think it has to do with the loss of my mate. Not having a Luna isn't good for a pack. You're needed for a myriad of things and I've been doing my best, but there's no substitute for a good Luna. So. If things don't work out with Micah, I'd like to give you the option to come here and take the role of Luna." He says and my mouth gapes in astonishment again.

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