Chpater 35

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I sink into her warm, wet heat and nothing has ever felt so amazing. She's tight around me, sparks flowing everywhere my body touches her soft, naked skin. I try to go slow, but I hear her hiss in pain. I immediately still and look down into her eyes.

"You ok, sweetness?" I ask concerned. The last thing I want to do is hurt her. She nods and grips my face with her hands.

"Yes, just kiss me." She begs and I smile.

"Don't have to ask me twice." I respond before linking my lips with hers. She moans quietly and I slip a little further into her. I hear her gasp, but it doesn't seem like I'm hurting her so I rock gently, thrusting a little further into her each time.

I break the kiss and descend on her neck, sucking and biting, my canines already extended, ready to finally claim what is mine. Her fingers twine in my hair, holding tight as she moans lowly in my ear again.

"God, Hannah. You feel so good." I groan when I'm entirely within her. I still for a moment to let her adjust to my intrusion. She twirls her hips a little and I barely keep myself from pounding into her.

"Move, Micah." She begs and I pull out before thrusting in gently. She moans a little with every gentle thrust I give her, tightening her legs around me and scratching her nails down my back. I pull back to look down at her, her eyes are closed, her teeth sunk into her bottom lip.

The picture of perfection.

"Does it feel good?" I ask her and she nods enthusiastically before peeking her eyes open at me.

"Faster, baby." She says with a smirk that makes me chuckle. I follow her direction, increasing my speed and pounding a little harder. The sound of our bodies smacking, the wet heat of her pussy along with my sweat begins to fill the room.

"Oh fuck, Micah! Right there!" She cries as she arches her back, pressing her breasts into my chest. I push up onto my knees and grip her waist, pulling back and pushing into her firmly. She gasps in surprise as I go deeper and reaches up to grip the rungs of the headboard as my hips push her upwards.

"Like that, baby? Is that how you want it?" I egg her on, the moans she's spilling turning me on more than anything.

"Yes, please, harder." She begs and I oblige, increasing the pressure of my thrusts, my hips meeting hers as I bury myself in her body and soul.

I lean back down over her and catch her nipple in my mouth. She screams at the sensation and curls her arms back around my neck, using the leverage to meet me thrust for thrust. The sight nearly makes me come undone, but I push off my orgasm wanting her to get there first.

I snake my hand between us and use my finger to rub circles on her clit. She bites her lip again and moans, so I speed up my efforts. I look down and watch her breasts bounce every time I push back into her. I groan and sink my claws into my hand to prevent myself from blowing.

"Micah I'm so close. Don't stop, baby. Just like that." She pleads and I speed up just a little more. I lean back down over her and prepare myself to sink my teeth into her.

All of a sudden she stills under me, her body rigid and she screams my name. I feel her pussy clenching my cock as she comes. She leans forward and sinks her canines into my neck, an explosion of joy, pleasure and excitement traverses through me. It sets off my own orgasm and I lean down to that special spot on her neck, puncturing it with my teeth and sinking in until I feel bone. She moans across my skin where her teeth are still embedded in me. The vibrations travel across my body and prolong my orgasm. I feel our bond click into place, her emotions and memories flooding into me.

I can hear her thoughts, how happy she is, how much she loves me. There is no regret or lingering  anger at our past. Only fierce loyalty and optimism for our future.

I slowly remove my teeth and lick her wound to close it before tucking my face in her neck and breathing in her new scent. Her, with a touch of me. Nothing could be better.

"You ok, sweetness?" I murmur in her ear, not wanting to pull away from her. She nods and moves her head to kiss my temple. The move so sweet I feel my heart practically burst.

"That was amazing, Micah." She says quietly and I look up at her with a cocky smile.

"Yeah?" I ask, wanting to hear her say it again. She must have read my thoughts because she laughs a little while nodding. I feel concern from the bond and look at her worriedly.

"What's wrong?" I ask and she avoids eye contact with me.

"Was that um... good? For you?" She asks and I am stunned for a moment before I pull myself out of it.

"Sweetness. That was the best moment of my entire life. You are incredible. I love you so much." I tell her earnestly, leaning down to kiss her firmly. I feel relief flood through her and remind myself to tell her over and over again how amazing she is.

"This feels weird." She says when I break the kiss.

"Oh, sorry." I say going to get off of her. She giggles and wraps herself around me tighter.

"No. Not that. Just... being able to feel everything you feel, hear everything you think. It's crazy being so connected to another person." She says, nuzzling her face into my neck and breathing me in.

The bond affecting her so strongly is still new to me. I'm not used to her doing little things like that, touching me so she can feel the sparks, sucking in my scent so deeply. I didn't realize how much I was missing out on by only having my half of the bond. Now that it's complete, I never want to be without it again.

"I love being so close to you." I tell her making her smile.

"I like it too." She admits shyly. I pull out from her slowly and she grimaces a little in pain. I feel guilty and pull her onto my chest, tucking her head under my chin. She pops her head up to look around a little and I do the same, not even realizing what room we stumbled into.

"Is this our room?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No, this is one of two guest rooms. But I turned the other one into a library." I tell her and her eyes brighten with joy.

"Really?" She asks excitedly and I chuckle while nodding.

"Yep. All of your books are here, but there's plenty of room for more." I tell her and she squeals while trying to climb off of me, but I tighten my hold around her and look at her confused.

"Where do you think you're going?" I ask her and she huffs in annoyance.

"Um, to see my library. Obviously." She says rolling her eyes. I shake my head and pull her closer.

"You're going to stay right here with me, young lady. The tour can wait." I say firmly and she huffs.

"Can I at least see our room?" She asks and I ponder this for a moment before nodding.

I stand and lift her with me, carrying her down the hall and into our room. The bed in this one is bigger and it also has it's own bathroom.

"Micah, it's beautiful." She exclaims, looking around the room. I carry her into the bathroom and set her down gently and she turns on the shower with all the different heads and nobs, squealing with excitement as water spurts from the walls and ceiling.

"I'm never leaving this room." She says as she stands in the water. I watch as it glides down her body, making her shimmer in the light.

"That's fine with me. You'll always be naked." I say coyly, climbing in behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist, tucking my face into her neck and kissing her gently. She giggles and looks up at me.

"I have a feeling I'm going to be spending a lot of my time naked for awhile." She says with a smirk and I chuckle, kissing her temple and holding her close.

"See, sweetness? That's why I love you. You're so damn smart."

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