Chapter 27

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"Really, Jasmine? Do you remember what happened the last time you tried to fight me? I'm surprised you want a recap of that." Hannah says smugly from beside me, but I can feel her trepidation leaking through the bond. She doesn't want to fight to the death. Not only does she not want to die, she doesn't want to kill anyone either.

Even if it is Jasmine. I'm half tempted to end her life here and now.

"Jasmine, leave. We will discuss this when everyone has calmed down." My father orders her. She acts like she wants to argue, and looks over at me longingly. I growl at her and she stands, scowling at Hannah.

"Will you come see me later?" She has the nerve to ask me and I huff out a laugh.

"If you see me later, I will be there to kill you." I tell her through clenched teeth. She rolls her eyes before exiting the room, my mother slamming the door behind her.

"That conniving little trollop." My mother mutters and Hannah manages to laugh at that.

"Is it possible what she's feeling is real?" My father asks and Hannah snarls at him more fiercely than I have ever heard her. He widens his eyes in surprise at her and I tuck her gently into my side.

"Relax, sweetness. It's not real." I murmur in her ear as I rub up and down her arms trying to soothe her.

I'd be lying if I said this possesssiveness wasn't hot, but the fight to the death looming over our heads kind of ruins it. Hannah seems to relax against me, but I can still sense her torrent of emotions. She's angry, frustrated and terrified. The fact that anyone made my mate feel this way pisses me off down to the core of who I am.

"Don't worry, Hannah. Everything will be fine." I murmur and she nods, sinking into me.

"There is one simple fix to this." My dad says and we all look at him expectantly. "You two mark each other." I growl at that as Hannah looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Hannah will not be forced to mark me. She will do it when she's ready. When she wants to. When she feels strongly enough about me to tie herself to me forever. That is not an option. I will figure out some other way to deal with Jasmine." I state firmly as visions of her locked in a cell come to mind, easing my wolf's anxiety.

"There is no other option. I have to fight her." Hannah says and I shake my head.

"No. We won't let it come to that." I tell her, squeezing her against me.

"Micah. I have to do this. That's why she told the pack. She knew it would back me into a corner. Everyone knows how strong she is. She would be the pack favorite. If I don't do it, the pack will look at me like a coward and they will never accept me as their Luna." She says and I know she's right, but I refuse to accept it.

"We'll figure something out, but even if you do need to fight, we both know you can take her." I say smugly pulling a smile from Hannah.

"Last time was a fluke. She didn't expect me to be as strong as I am. She'll be ready this time." She says sadly and I feel her lack of confidence through our bond. I sigh and kiss her forehead.

"You'll be fine. But Griffin and I will train you. Dad, schedule the fight for in three days. That will give us some time to sharpen your skills without looking like you're stalling. I will clear the gym for that time. You, Griffin and I will spend every day there. Once you hit that fight, there will be no doubt who the rightful Luna is." I say with a warm smile.

She smiles back, but still doesn't look entirely convinced and I curse to myself. Just when things were going well between us, some bullshit like this just had to pop up and derail our progess. I know she was opening up to me more, getting more comfortable with me. I could feel her feelings for me growing through my side of the bond. I sigh and kiss Hannah again before scooping her up and carrying her towards the gym.

Pack members give us curious looks while Dustin looks at me with pure hatred. I hadn't talked to him since I told him I had picked a new beta, but he had never outrightly scowled at me like that.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I ask him and he averts his gaze. I put Hannah down and lean down next to her ear. "Go to the gym. Griffin's waiting. I'll be there in a minute." She nods and walks away, not even looking at Dustin. Not that I blame her. He was always worse to her than I was, but I never stopped him even egging him on sometimes. What I wouldn't give to go back and do things differently.

"Dustin, I know you're pissed but you need to tamp down the disrespect. I don't want to punish you, but I can't let the pack think that is something that can slide. You can either get over the Beta thing and we can try to salvage our friendship, you can simmer down and go about your life, or you can transfer to another pack. Just give me the word and I'll make it happen." I tell him firmly and he scoffs at me.

"You think I'm pissed about the Beta position?" He laughs humorously and I furrow my brows in confusion.

"What else is it then?" I ask him and he growls under his breath.

"You're gonna let Jasmine kill your mate?" He asks and I growl back at him.

"Jasmine has nothing on Hannah. She's a fucking weapon of mass destruction." I counter angrily and Dustin laughs louder this time.

"We've all seen her train. She's nothing special." He shrugs and I can't stop my own cruel smirk.

"You've seen her train with the pack. You've never seen her go balls to wall with her parents. You think some of the best warriors in this pack would let their daughter walk around unable to protect herself? Just come to the fight and enjoy the show." I say smugly and I see the color drain from his face.

"You can't let her kill Jasmine, Micah. I'm begging you." He pleads and reaches for my arm. I rip away from him and look at him confused.

"What the hell is going on, Dustin?" I ask and let a little of my alpha aura out to make it harder for him to lie. He sighs and runs his hand, through his hair, averting his gaze to the ground. I square my shoulders and cross my arms, standing to my full height. My new training schedule with Griffin has made my biceps and pecs bigger, making me look even more intimidating than before.

"Jasmine is my mate. Well, was." Dustin says sadly and my mouth gapes in shock.

"What happened?" I ask softly. He is obviously suffering.

"She rejected me." He says quietly and my mouth gapes again.

"Why the fuck did she do that? You guys are perfect for each other." I say almost sarcastically. They are two moldy peas in a pod. I shudder to think what their pups might be like.

The horror.

"Because she's obsessed with you, Micah! She always has been! When she heard Hannah rejected you she decided to reject her mate, whoever the poor bastard was, and hope that you two were second chances." Dustin says and I shake my head.

That girl is seriously insane.

"But I didn't accept Hannah's rejection. There is no bond between Jasmine and I." I tell him and he shrugs.

"Why do you think she wants to fight to the death? She thinks if Hannah is dead, a bond will form. She's crazy, man. Just my luck, getting the bat shit mate." He says sadly and I pat his shoulder.

"Did you accept the rejection?" I ask and he nods.

"I don't want a mate that doesn't want me. Maybe I can find a choice mate or I'll get a second chance, I don't know. It'll still hurt like hell to watch if Jasmine dies though." He says and I nod in understanding, pulling him into a quick hug.

"Hannah doesn't want to kill her. But if she doesn't I will have no choice but to banish her. Lying about a mate bond to steal the Luna position is unforgivable." I tell him, he drops his eyes and his shoulders sag in acceptance.

"That's probably better for me so I don't have to see her everyday." He admits.

My heart hurts for my old friend. Even though we aren't on the best of terms, I would never wish a rejection on anyone. Especially after having gone through it myself.

"Maybe if you guys work things out, you can mark each other and be together after all. Maybe we could let her stay then." I tell him and he shakes his head.

"Nah, man. Thanks, but I just need to let her go."

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