Chapter 23

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Waking up next to Hannah felt like I was still dreaming. Her soft snores filled the otherwise quiet room, and I kept my arms wrapped around her tightly. I was thrilled when she said she would give me a chance. Hopefully that means no more pushing me away. I'll understand if she still gets upset and angry sometimes, I don't expect five years of assholery to be erased by the mate bond. Well, my side of the mate bond. Knowing that she can feel it a little now too, well, that's amazing. I tuck my face into her neck to breathe her in, keeping the rest of me still so she can sleep some more. She was exhausted, hurt and scared. I'm hoping that's not the only reason she kissed me because that kiss was the most amazing thing I've felt in my entire life. She rolls a little in my arms to face me and nuzzles her face into my chest before letting out a little rumble in her chest. I smile at the affection, knowing even in her sleep she's enjoying my closeness. I watch her sleep for a while longer, my eyes still starved for her while she was gone.

Yeah, I'm pretty much obsessed with her at this point.

I ignore repeated questions in my mind from my parents wanting to know where I am and what I'm doing. They'll be fine once we explain things, but I don't want to burst this bubble I'm in with Hannah. I just took off last night on a whim. Didn't tell anyone where I was going or why. In hindsight that was probably stupid, but I just had a nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen. When I got there and saw Hannah's tired wolf and mangled leg, I about lost it. I could have killed every wolf there. Well, with the help of Griffin. His wolf looked like it could eat me for breakfast.

I'm going to start joining him in the gym.

I let my mind wander, just enjoying the feel of Hannah's breath across my skin. It feels so good to be with her again. I loved talking with her and I was surprised how much she linked me while she was gone, but there is nothing better than the feel of her next to me. Eventually she begins to stir, and I cling a little tighter to her, willing her to go back to sleep so I don't have to let her go. Her sleepy eyes look around the room, then up at me and a sweet smile flits across her face.

"Hey there, pretty girl." I murmur and her smile grows.

"How long have I been sleeping?" She asks with a little yawn that makes my wolf purr with content.

"Not very long. You can go back to sleep." I practically beg, smooshing her as close to me as I can while still letting her breathe. She giggles and pushes away from me and my wolf whines a little. She looks at me affectionately and cups my cheek.

"I'm not leaving. You're just making me sweaty." She says, scrunching her nose in annoyance. I chuckle and kiss her nose before tucking my face into her neck. I only meant to take a quick whiff of her beautiful scent, but I'm so comfortable and unbelievably happy in this moment I can't bear to pull myself away. Luckily, Hannah doesn't make me. She let's me relax into her and threads her fingers through the hair on the back of my head, scratching gently at my scalp making my pathetic wolf purr for her. I feel her chest rumble with her laughter and I smile against her skin, kissing her gently.

"Will you spend the day with me?" I ask her quietly and she nods.

"Yes, but I should see my parents." She says and I nod against her shoulder, skating my lips across her soft skin, enjoying the sparks I've been missing for over a week.

"My dad wants to see us too. And I'm going to the gym with Griffin." I say and she barks out a laugh.

"Did you see his wolf? Dude looks like a beast!" She exclaims making me chuckle.

"Exactly. I shouldn't be afraid of my own Beta." I point out making her laugh again. She rolls a little so I can lay halfway on top of her, my head resting on her chest as she continues to play with my hair. I close my eyes, enjoying the sensation.

"I could stay like this forever." I tell her honestly and she leans down to press a kiss to my head.

"You've never snuggled before?" She asks curiously and I stiffen a little, not wanting to ruin the moment discussing my past with other women.

"No. You're the only one I'll ever snuggle with." I murmur against her skin, running my hand along her belly. She shivers at my touch making me smile.

"I'm not mad at you for being with other girls before we were mates. That wouldn't be fair." She says, but I can feel a spark of jealousy in the bond from her. I look up into her eyes and smile.

"You're a better person than me. If you had been with someone before me, he'd already be dead. Or maimed at the very least." I admit and she giggles and shakes her head, eyeing me affectionately and I kick myself mentally again for the horrible way I treated her before.

"Hannah," I say, pushing myself to hover over her. "I don't know if I've said this before, so I want you to know, I really am sorry for the way I treated you. I was stupid and selfish and very wrong. I just... I'm sorry." I try to push as much honesty and regret through our bond that I can, so she may be able to feel a little of it. Her eyes soften at me and she reaches up to hold my face in her hands.

"I believe you, baby. But trust isn't something that's built in a day or a week. It takes time. Just be patient and let me learn to love you for you, not because the mate bond is pushing it on me. That will make it even more special. Don't you think?" She asks with a beautiful smile and I nod before burying my face back into her neck and sniffing her, pushing the air out of my nose so it tickles her. Her sweet giggles fill the room and I smile as she tries to push me off of her. I go to move when I hear booming footsteps pounding up the stairs and my name being yelled.

"Micah! I swear to God if you are in there with some tramp, I will murder you myself!" I hear my dad scream as the bedroom door is flung open. His face his red with anger and exertion and his eyes flick wildly through the room taking in the scene. He gives Hannah a sheepish smile as his body relaxes.

"Oh. Hannah, sweetheart. I didn't know you were back." He says quietly, taking a step back. Hannah giggles at him and tries to push me away, but I stay over her blocking her from my dad's view. She's not wearing a bra and no man gets to see her like that.

Well, except me.

"Hey, Alpha. I appreciate you protecting my honor in my absence. That's very thoughtful." She says still grinning wildly and my father's face blushes.

Actually blushes.

"He was very good while you were gone." Dad says and I interject at his tone.

"I'm not a dog." I say annoyed. Hannah giggles and rubs her fingers along my belly making my wolf purr.

"God damn it." I mutter to myself while both Hannah and my father laugh.

"I'm glad he behaved while I was gone. I'm going to keep him for the rest of the day if that's alright with you. I'll feed him and take him for a walk." Hannah says with mirth in her eyes and even though she's picking on me, I'll take it for the joy spread across her face.

"Yes, that's fine. Luna and I would like you both to come to dinner tonight." My dad says.

"Tomorrow." I tell him and they both eye me curiously.

"I may have uh... planned something. For tonight. For us. Just the two of... us." I babble and Hannah smiles while my dad gives me an approving look, one of few I have received in my life.

"Tomorrow then. I'll tell your mom." He says and turns to leave.

"And what do you have planned for tonight?" Hannah asks me curiously and I know my face is blushing.

"Just dinner. And oreos." I tell her and she throws her head back and laughs before leaning forward to catch my lips in a bruising kiss.

"You really are trying to get me to love you. Aren't you?"

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