Chapter 10

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I grab her fist as she brings it down towards my face and bend her arm back at an awkward angle, making her let out an uncomfortable squawk. She tries to twist out of my grasp, but I sweep her feet out from underneath her and wrap my arm around her neck as she falls. I pull it tight, cutting off her airway as her claws extend, slicing through my arm. Luckily, the adrenaline keeps me from feeling the pain. Just as her flailing slows and I sense she’s about to lose consciousness, I feel strong arms wrap around my waist.

“Let her go, sweetness.” Micah murmurs in my ear. I instantly release my hold and Jasmine falls to the ground sputtering, coughing and gasping for air. She looks up at me horrified with bloodshot eyes as her hands cling to her throat where bruises are forming.

“How the fuck did you do that?” She asks, her voice raspy. I snarl at her and Micah’s hold on me tightens. I pat his hands to let him know I’m ok, so he releases me reluctantly. I lean down to get into her face and pull my lip back in a sneer.

“Just because I’m smart, doesn’t mean I’m not a fucking bad ass. You’re lucky Micah was here to stop me. Fuck with me again, you won’t be so lucky.” I whisper dangerously and her eyes widen as she backs away from me in fear. I laugh at her and turn on my heel to walk away. Micah follows and after a few moments, grips my arm and lifts it to inspect it. He begins to lick the claw wounds she left, and I let him.

They sting like a bitch.

“What did she say to you to set you off like that?” He asks quietly. I huff out a laugh.

“Nothing. She tried to punch me. I showed her who’s boss.” I say proudly and he looks at me surprised.

“She attacked you?” He growls and I shrug.

“I handled it.” I say and he sighs, running his hand through his hair. He grips my hand and threads our fingers together. I let him because I’m on edge and don’t mind the calming vibes. I turn to look behind me, and Jasmine is still watching us walk away, her gaze firmly set on our conjoined hands. Her eyes meet mine when she sees me watching and I smirk at her. Her expression instantly turns dark, and she huffs before jumping up and shifting, running the opposite way into the forest.

“Did you think she was your mate?” I ask Micah, he shrugs and looks out into the forest.

“I didn’t really think about it. I figured I’d find her when I was meant to. Wasn’t worth worrying about.” He says and I huff.

“Or worth waiting for.” I say quietly and feel his hand tighten on mine.

“I should have waited. If I had known you were going to be my mate, I would have.” He says honestly, never breaking eye contact. I sigh and look away defeatedly.

“Why?” I ask, unable to curb my curiosity.

“Because I know you would have waited for me.” He says simply and I look back over at him with a nod.

“How’d you find me anyway?” I ask and he smirks.

“Well, when you left me laying there all by my lonesome, I freaked out a little when I woke up. You weren’t in the house so I started walking around until I could smell you. When I finally found you, you had Jasmine in a head lock. I didn’t see anything before that.” He says.

“She asked me to reject you so she could have you.” I say with a sly smile. He laughs at my comment and shakes his head.

“I’d never pick her anyway. She’s whiny and needy. I like an independent woman. One that leaves me sleeping on the couch alone to go and do her own thing.” He says amused and I giggle at him.

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