Chapter 12

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It was weird sitting around a dinner table with people other than my parents. I honestly couldn't remember the last time I even had dinner with them. I should probably make more of an effort to spend time with them. Maybe Hannah would like to go too...

My mind wanders like this for a bit before I remember something I wanted to talk to Hannah about.

"Hey, Hannah?" I ask sweetly and she glares at me.

Aww. I feel the love.

"What?" She snaps at me and my wolf sighs in content at hearing our mate's voice.

Bro is pathetic.

"What do you think about Dustin as my Beta?" I ask and she snorts on the water she was drinking.

"What?" She chokes out between her coughs.

"I had planned to make Dustin my Beta. I'm curious what you think of that choice." I say simply and her brow shoots up in disbelief.

"Why?" She asks and both of her parents sit quietly, watching us.

"Because you'll be my Luna and because you have a proclivity for pack dynamics. I'm curious what you think." I explain and she blushes a little which is incredibly cute and I smile at her a little.

"Well, I think it's a terrible choice." She states firmly.

All cuteness, gone.

"And why is that?" I ask, trying not to get defensive. She sighs and rolls her eyes, which is way less adorable the hundredth time.

"Look, I know he's your bestie-" I cut her off here.

"Alpha's don't have besties." I proclaim and she huffs.

"Yes they do. They're called Betas. Now don't interrupt me again or I'll stab you with my fork." I open my mouth to say something but her little growl cuts me off.

She's always had such an adorable growl. Like a kitten or something. I don't think she'd appreciate the comparison though.

"As I was saying, I know he's your bestie, but he does everything you say. That doesn't make a good Beta. You want someone who will challenge you, question you and be honest with you. Dustin would rather eat his own foot than tell you you're wrong. That's no way for a pack to function." She finishes with a shrug and goes back to her food as I sit in contemplation.

She's right of course. Dustin would never tell me I'm wrong. He never challenges me. Doesn't even push himself when he's training against me. That's why I stopped sparing with him. He always went easy and it was fucking annoying.

"Who do you think would be a good Beta then?" I ask her curiously and she narrows her eyes at me.

"Do you actually care what I think or are you only asking to get brownie points?" She questions and this time I roll my eyes.

"I genuinely want to know what you think. I have someone in mind and I want to know if you're thinking the same thing." I say and she thinks for a second before she nods.

"Griffin." She says and I nod in agreement.

"That's what I was thinking." I say.

"Why were you thinking him?" She asks and I take a deep breath.

I feel like this is a test.

"He always pushes me during training, shows me how to improve. Tells me his opinion, he's smart, like how you're smart. He sees holes in things like patrol schedules and honestly, the dude is jacked. He's fucking scary." I conclude and Hannah gives me a little nod with a smile.

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