Chapter 11

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Walking away from Hannah was one of the hardest things I’ve done in a long time. Even for a few hours, it felt like a form of torture. My wolf was constantly craving her. Her smell, her smile even her snarky attitude is endearing in a way. But I know she’s right. She needs some time to adjust to things. Logically, I know if I push her too hard, she’ll only push back harder. But damn it’s hard.  She’s so independent, I’ve never seen a wolf that enjoys being alone so much.

And I hate how that is mostly my fault.

If I hadn’t been such a jerk, ostracizing her from the pack, maybe she’d be more social, have more friends. Well, friends that aren’t like Jasmine. That girl is a fucking cancer. Maybe I should pay her a little visit to, as Hannah said, remind her who’s boss.

I bound up the stairs to the packhouse towards her room. Most unmated wolves move into the packhouse after they graduated high school. I never really thought about why Hannah didn’t, but after the way I saw the other girls treat her, it makes sense. She probably feels more comfortable at home with her parents. I wonder if I can talk her into moving into the room next to mine. Whoever is in there now can move.

I come up to Jasmine’s door and pound on it until she answers. Her eyes are red and puffy like she’s been crying, but they go wide with fear and confusion. I glance down at her neck and see bruises from Hannah’s arm. My wolf puffs in pride at how strong his mate is.

Lovesick pup.

Jasmine notices my straying eyes and must take that for something it isn’t, because she gives me one of those flirty smiles I used to fall for so easily.

Now they make me sick.

This girl would sleep with anyone, especially a higher ranked wolf, if it gave her any kind of advantage. Not my Hannah, that girl waited for me. Well, not for me exactly, but she waited nonetheless. Just another reminder I’m not worth the dirt on her shoe. Is this how I made her feel all of those years?

God I’m such an asshole.

“Finally come to your senses, Micah?” Jasmine purrs as she reaches out and runs her hand down my chest. I scoff and push it away, making her shoulders fall.

“Yeah. I did. Which is why I’m here to warn you. Stay away from Hannah. Be respectful. The only reason I’m not kicking you out of this pack for attacking her is because your birthday is in a few weeks. You’ll either find your mate and settle your ass down, or you’ll leave and never come back. Those are your options. Try anything else, you will become rogue. Then no mate would want you. You understand?” I ask harshly and she nods, looking terrified.

I let a little of my aura out. It’s not as strong as my father’s yet, but strong enough to let her know I’m serious. When I’m confident she has soaked in my message, I nod and turn to head up to my room. I enter and strip, throwing the shirt that Jasmine touched straight into the garbage. She stinks and the last thing I need is Hannah smelling her on me. Knowing that girl she’d try to reject me again.

I decide to hit the gym and work out a little, hoping the burn in my muscles will distract me from the ache of missing my mate. I don't know how anyone gets anything done if being away from them is this fucking distracting. Walking into the gym, I see Chris and Dustin working out. They stop when they see me and come running up to me like they're lost puppies who finally found their way home.

"Hey Micah where you been?" Chris asks, out of breath from his exercise. I shrug and walk up to the punching bag.

"With Hannah. Trying to get her to accept me." I say with no hint of embarrassment. Both guys laugh as if I've just told a hilarious joke.

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