Chapter 24

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I can't tell if Micah is nervous or excited. Or both. Or maybe he has to poop. I'm not sure, I've never seen this look on his face. He was gone for awhile 'planning' is what he said, before he went to the gym with Griffin. Not gonna lie, he looked like he barely survived his first session. I can't help but smile, thinking about his sweat soaked shirt, bright red face and constant grimace of pain marring his beautiful face. After a hot shower and a short nap that he swore he didn't actually need, he seemed back to normal. He forced me to get dressed and pulled me from my comfortable bed and out of the packhouse. We've been walking through the pack for nearly twenty minutes and I'm starting to get nervous.

"Baby, where are we going?" I ask, knowing he's a sucker for the endearment. He gives me a warm smile before grabbing my hand and lifting it to place a kiss on my palm before entwining his fingers with mine. I watch our joined hands sway gently between us as we walk and marvel at the way they fit perfectly together.

"Dinner, sweetness." Is all he says as we continue to traipse through the pack, getting further away from everyone. I start to get a little annoyed, my leg still not fully healed and getting sore the further we walk. I think he can sense this, as he swings me up into his arms, pecking my cheek and smiling at me.

"It'll be worth it. Promise." He says hopefully and I smile at his boyish excitement. I cling to his neck, tucking my face into it so I can smell him. The gentle swaying of him carrying me allows me to relax in his arms. By the time we get where we're going I've nearly fallen asleep.

"We're here, sweetness." Micah murmurs in my ear, pecking my temple as I open my eyes and look around.

He's cleared a small patch of forest floor, hidden among trees for privacy. A large blanket covered with snacks, drinks and surrounded by wild flowers lay on the ground. I look up, and in the setting sun see dozens of lanterns strung through the trees, giving the area a soft, ethereal glow.

"Wow." I murmur as he sets me gently on the ground. "You did all of this?" I ask and he rubs the back of his neck like he always does when he's nervous.

"Grif helped me hang the lights, but yeah." He says with a sheepish grin. I beam at him, throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a fierce kiss.

"This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." I admit, forcing my tears to stay away.

"You deserve it, sweetness." He murmurs, pulling me in for another gentle kiss before motioning for me to sit on the blanket. I look around at the beautiful flowers.

"They're so pretty." I remark absentmindedly.

"They are why I picked this spot. I wanted to get you flowers, but your mom said you don't like bouquets. If you love something, you don't cut it down. You let it grow. So rather than cutting them to bring them to you, I brought you to them." He says proudly and I feel another crack in the barrier I put around my heart to keep him out.

"That's incredibly thoughtful. Thank you, baby." I say, cupping his cheek. I feel joy through our strained bond every time I call him that, and his joy is quickly becoming my joy as well.

"You look beautiful tonight." He says as he hands me a drink and a plate with some food. I feel myself blush, but meet his gaze regardless.

"You look more beautiful." I say cheekily and he laughs before giving me a smug grin.

"Yeah. Blue is really my color." He says haughtily making me giggle.

We eat and idly chat about random things, continuing to learn about each other. The sun sets while we eat. I devour my dessert, some kind of oreo cheescake that Micah made himself, and I think I about let him mark me right that instant.

As the darkness envelopes us, the light from the lanterns turns more romantic, casting beautiful shadows along the planes and edges of Micah's face, accentuating the green in his eyes and the glints of blonde in his hair. He looks nearly god like in the light glow they cast. His eyes watch me appraise him, and begin to turn dark as they flit along my face, and down to where I know my shirt is showing generous cleavage.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I won't be able to stop myself from kissing you." He murmurs in a warning tone. My eyes meet his and I swear I can see a flash of fire in them, making my skin heat and pebble under his scrutiny.

"So, what's stopping you?" I challenge him lowly. His eyes widen for a fraction of a second before they narrow and a playful smirk traverses his face.

In the next moment I'm pinned beneath him on the forest floor, his heat seeping into me and his eyes blaze fire across my face and body. He doesn't try to keep the want from his eyes as they flit to my mouth, he pokes out his tongue to lick his lips and I feel my breath hitch in my throat. I'm both terrified and exhilarated by his closeness. Nothing has ever felt so right, but I can't stop the twinge of uncertainty that shoots through me as I recall our past. I try to push it away quickly, but he must feel it in our bond.

"That's not me anymore, sweetness. We'll go as fast or as slow as you want. I will never hurt you again. I swear." His voice is husky with emotion as his hand sneaks up to cup my cheek gently. I swallow hard, trying to keep my emotions at bay. I nod before looking at him with pleading eyes. He parts my legs gently before settling against me, bearing most of his weight on his forearms as he looks over my face as if trying to burn it into his memory. He leans down to ghost his lips against mine. I close my eyes, waiting for him to press his against me. When the feeling doesn't come, my eyes flit open to find him studying me.

"I didn't bring you out here for this. I only wanted to spend time with you. If you want me to kiss you, you'll have to ask for it." He whispers and I groan a little in annoyance making him smirk.

"Kiss me. Please, baby." I make my eyes go wide and pout my lip a little making him chuckle and shake his head.

"If you had told me that little Hannah Quaid had the power to get me to do anything she wanted by pouting her lip and calling me baby, I would have said you were crazy. But here we are, me willing to give you the world. All you ever have to do is ask." He declares passionately making my already trembling heart kick up a few more notches before he leans down to sweep my lips in a firm, loving kiss. I can practically feel his devotion seeping into me as our tongues clash. Passion begins to take over where reluctance once sat.

Gone are the uncertain, testing touches that colored our brief moments of intimacy before. Now, unbridled need takes over our bodies as our mouths mesh and our bodies writhe against each other. His hard cock digs into my pussy through my jeans and I whimper into his mouth. He groans at the sound and swivels his hips, giving me a delicious friction I've never experienced before. I reach up to thread my fingers in his hair, pulling tightly making him pull away from my lips. I turn my head, giving him access to my neck. His mouth descends on me, licking, sucking and nipping along my pale flesh, surely leaving evidence of our time together behind. I find I don't mind the signs of possession left on my skin at all. I let my hands trail down his back and under his shirt, my fingers greedily tracing the hard planes of his back, the warmth from his body sinking into my skin and warming me from the inside out. I snake my hands down his body to his firm ass, pressing him harder against me. A loud moan escapes my parted lips and Micah trails kisses up my neck to my ear, pulling the lobe into his mouth and nipping on it gently.

"You're killin me, sweetness. You sound so amazing, smell so good." He says before returning to his efforts of marking my skin and claiming his territory.

I thrust my hips up and nearly come undone under him, my body begging for the pleasure only my mate can provide. Micah growls against my skin at the move, sending pulsing vibrations through my body, only heightening the sensations I'm feeling.

"Micah." His name leaves my mouth in a breathy moan and he growls lowly at the sound, his wolf obviously enjoying it. Soon I feel a new wave of sparks caress my body. Surprised by the intense feeling I slow my rapid movements against the firm mass in Micah's pants. It's then that I realize his canines are extended, trailing along my neck.

Right where his mark should lay.

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