Chapter 19

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We reached the next pack pretty late. We only managed to meet the Alpha and he was kind enough to show us our rooms himself. We were in the farthest part of the packhouse that had the fewest occupants. Apparently Micah had told him of my aversion to noisy packhouses. His thoughtfulness made me smile. It didn't take long after we had arrived for me to make myself comfortable in bed. I mind linked Micah quickly to tell him goodnight and fell asleep quickly.

"Hey sweetness." I hear Micah murmur lowly in my ear. I feel his weight on top of me, his warmth sinking into my skin. His lips trail a line fire along my jaw and up to my ear.

"You want me to make you feel good?" He asks, his breath on my flesh making goosebumps erupt all along my body.

"Yes, Micah. Please." I whimper, reaching out to cling to him. A dark husky laugh permeates from him as his hand trails down my body.

"Good girl. I love when you beg for me. Don't worry, sweetness. I'll take good care of you." He murmurs as his hand slips up my bare thigh, under the shirt I'm wearing, his shirt, to cup my swollen, wet sex. He groans in my ear when he feels how ready I am.

"You're so sexy, Hannah. So beautiful." He says as his finger trails my outer lips. He places gentle kisses on my neck as the tip of his finger presses into me gently, sliding easily along my wet-

"Ah!" I cry out, sitting up in bed and panting. My body covered in a slick sheen of sweat from my sexy dream. I try to get my breathing under control as my body continues to buzz from my state of arousal.

'Sweetness? You ok?' I hear Micah's voice ring out in my head deep and gruff from sleep and I moan a little in pleasure. 'You felt all... jittery in the bond.' He says as I take a few deep breaths.

'Yeah. I'm fine. I'm sorry I just had a um... dream.' I say and I feel him instantly perk to attention in my mind.

'Oh yeah? What kind of dream?' He asks with a hint of amusement.

'A um... good dream.' I say breathily and I hear a low growl in my mind from Micah. The sound makes waves of need crash over me and I whimper through our link.

'Was I there, sweetness?' He asks.

'Mmhmm...' is all the response I can muster.

'And what was I doing?' He prods and I stifle a groan thinking about it.

'Your hands were...' I start but not quite sure what to say.

'Was I making you feel good, baby?' He asks, his voice gruff and husky. I can't stop the moan this time.

'Yes.' I say quietly.

'What are you wearing right now?' He asks and my hands trail along my body.

'Just a shirt. Your shirt.' I admit and he growls again, louder this time.

'Fuck, Hannah. You're killing me here.' He groans. 'Is your pussy wet, sweetness? Is it wet for me?' He asks and I nod, but then realize he can't see me.

'Yes, Micah.' I respond.

'Good. I want you to reach your hand down and feel how wet that sweet pussy is, baby.' He says and my hand follows his instructions without a thought. I run a finger through my slit and the wetness coats me immediately. 'Now take your finger and rub that little clit for me. Pretend it's me doing it for you. I want you to feel good.' He purrs in my mind and I do as he says, twirling my clit with my fingers as I begin to writhe on the bed. I let out a loud moan, only in my head as I try to stay quiet otherwise.

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