Chapter 13

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I don’t remember falling asleep last night but woke up to the sun streaming through my window. I lean over my bed and look down at Micah. Only to find he isn’t there. His blanket is folded on top of his pillow with a little slip of paper.

‘Had to meet my dad. Will find you later.’

I smile a little at the thoughtfulness of his note. I’m sure there are a few girls he’s spent the night with that would have appreciated the sentiment. The thought irritates me a little, but I chalk it up to the mate bond. I’m also going to ignore the fact that I miss him a little.

His evil plan is working. I can’t allow that.

I have a few online classes to work on, so I decide to go to the library. Changing my environment always seems to help me focus. I’m not sure how long I’ve been engrossed in my book before I hear the front door slam shut and a loud booming voice.

“There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you, sweetness!” Micah yells across the small building making my face heat up in a blush. He bounds over to me and sits next to me on the couch, slinging his arm over my shoulders and kicking his feet up on the table.

“Micah!” I whisper yell. “This is a library. You’re supposed to be quiet.” I say and he looks at me confused.

“Really?” He asks looking around him. “I thought that was just in movies and stuff.” I roll my eyes at him and look back at my screen.

“What are you studying?” He asks, looking down at my computer before he gags at the images of cadavers. “What the fuck is that?” He yells and I smack his chest to quiet him.

“Anatomy.” I say, averting my gaze back to the screen.

“Why are you studying this creepy ass shit?” Micah asks, looking everywhere but at the screen. I can’t help but smile at his squeamishness. I’ve seen him disembowel rogues and this grosses him out?

“I thought I might help in the pack hospital.” I state and Micah’s eyes train on me as his gaze turns affectionate.

“I thought you were doing pack intelligence?” He asks, reaching out to twirl my hair through his fingers. I shrug at him and turn off the computer, since I am apparently done with classes for now.

“I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I know Alpha has a lot of say, but I always hoped he would at least take my happiness into account. I don’t really believe that anymore though.” I say sadly, looking away from Micah. He sighs and runs his hands through his hair.

“Maybe he just knows I’ll do my best to make you happy.” He murmurs. I look up at him, not realizing how close he had gotten. My eyes lock with his, his lips only a few inches away. I see him swallow hard, my eyes trailing the movement as I pull my bottom lip in between my teeth. Micah’s breath hitches and he moves forward a little closer. Before this can go too far, I break the spell and stand, gathering my things.

“Did you talk to Griffin?” I ask him. He looks at me confused, then nods his head.

“Yeah. He was surprised, to say the least, but agreed. My dad was happy with the change. I haven’t talked to Dustin yet, but he’ll be fine. Pissed, but fine.” He says shrugging. He stands and grabs my bag from me to sling it over his shoulder, then wraps an arm around my waist to pull me closer to him.

He leans down and shoves his head in my neck, breathing me in as we walk out of the library. I’m sure no one is sad to see us go.

“I missed you.” He murmurs in my ear, pecking a kiss to the sensitive spot behind it. I can’t stop the giggle from the tickling sensation, then push him away gently. He gives me a sweet smile that makes my traitorous heart skip a beat and I clear my throat, hoping he didn’t hear it.

“Your note was thoughtful.” I say and his smile widens before his eyes turn bright.

“Oh yeah! There was something I wanted to show you!” He says excitedly as he steers me in the opposite direction.

He pushes me towards the packhouse and grabs my hand, leading me up the stairs.

"I've seen your room before, Micah. No need to get so excited." I say and he shakes his head.

"Not my room. Your room." He says, pushing open the door next to his. I eye him suspiciously and enter the room.

It smells like fresh paint and is decorated similar to what my room is now, pastel pinks and greys, with the noticeable addition of a large white bookcase. I wander over to it and notice the desk. Situated on top are oreos lined up to form the shape of a heart. I smile against my wishes and turn to look at him. He's eyeing me for my reaction, but I'm gonna make him work for it.

"When you're ready, I'd like you to come stay here. So you're closer. Part of the reason I'm so needy is that I don't like not being close to protect you." He says shyly and I notice a twinge of a blush on his cheeks. I feel my resolve falter, but then remember why I didn't move into the packhouse in the first place.

"Thank you, Micah. But no one wants me here." I say sadly. He sighs and walks over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I want you here, sweetness. Everyone else will learn to deal. Once they spend time with you they'll see how amazing you are. Just like I do." He murmurs, tucking his face into my neck. I allow him the contact, as it feels soothing to me too. I wrap my arms around him and he stills for a moment before melting into my touch.

"Let me think about it. Ok?" I ask pulling away and giving him a small smile. He nods, his green eyes sparkling. He reaches out and grabs a cookie, shoving the whole thing into his mouth.

"Hey! Those are mine!" I shriek and he gives me a smug grin.

"They were only yours if you agreed to move in. Thinking about it means you have to share." He smiles, handing me one as I giggle at him.

"How'd you know about my obsession with oreos?" I ask curiously, digging into my snack. He shrugs and hits me with another arrogant smile.

"I asked around." He admits, some of that shyness peeking through.

I'm always so used to seeing him in work out clothes, so his jeans and collared shirt are throwing me off. He looks delicious and I hate myself for thinking about unwrapping the package.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks me, reaching his hand out to twirl my hair.

"Nothing. Why?" I ask, trying to settle my excited heart.

"Your eyes turned black. And you didn't seem pissed off." He says suggestively and I snort at him.

"Of course I was pissed off. You ate my oreo. My wolf is very protective over our food." I point out, but Micah raises his eyebrows making it clear he doesn't believe me.

"Whatever you say, sweetness. Whatever you say." He coos as he steps closer to me. I can feel the heat pouring off of his body. He reaches out to run his knuckles down my arm, making goosebumps erupt and a shiver to wrack my spine.

"How about we try out the bed. Make sure it's comfortable." He purrs in my ear and I'm immediately bucked from my trance. I push him away, brows furrowed in frustration.

"Is that why you brought me here? So you could try to fuck me? Is that all I am to you? Some conquest? A challenge?" I seethe and he looks genuinely shocked by my outburst.

"What? No, Hannah. Of course not. We won't do anything until you're ready." He says taking a step back and giving me some space.

"Who said I'll ever be ready?" I ask angrily and I can sense his confusion and concern slip towards anger and frustration.

"What's the other option, sweetness? I'm never going to accept your rejection so you might as well just give me a chance. A real one, not all of this pushing me away and punishing me bull shit. Just act like a real mate and see that it can be good. We could be so good together." He practically yells at me like saying it louder will convince me or something.

"The other option is that I leave. Whether you accept my rejection or not." I say firmly and he growls so loudly the windows quake.

"You will NOT leave." He says low as he stalks towards me. I know this means he's dangerous, but I don't care.

"That just shows how selfish you are, putting yourself above the happiness of your mate." I respond, before turning and running from him.

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