Chapter 21

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Griffin and I were surrounded by at least twelve rogues, all of them snarling and stinking like rotting flesh. Griffin tried to stand in front of me protectively, but he and I both knew that even he couldn't take on this many at once.

'Shift.' I told him and we both jumped, landing on our paws.

It had been a long time since I had seen Griffin's wolf and the brown monstrosity somehow looked like even it was on steroids. I had never seen so much muscle on a wolf and I was hoping that would translate to strength while still maintaining some speed because these rogues were lean, meaning they were fast. My light brown wolf shook out her fur and puffed out her chest, giving the illusion of confidence.

Which in all honesty wasn't that misplaced. Both of my parents are fierce warriors. I got my mom's speed and agility mixed with my father's quick thinking. I could use some work on the brute force front, but my lean frame allowed me to be faster which mixed with quick decision making is more lethal than strength a lot of the time.

'We only need to stall them until Micah gets here. He'll be here soon.' I link Grif and see him nod, not taking his eyes off the closest wolf.

We stand back to back and twirl in a slow circle, snarling and nipping at any one wolf that gets too close. A young one makes the poor decision of leaping at Griffin, only to have his throat ripped out in a half a second.

'One down, way too fucking many to go.' He says as he licks the blood from his snout while snarling.

'Micah?' I ask him nervously.

'Almost there, Hannah where are you?' He asks.

'North side of the packhouse.' I tell him and I can hear him panting in my mind. 'Don't tire yourself out. We'll need your help.'

'I'll never be too tired to kill for you, sweetness.' He says with a cocky lilt and I almost huff out a laugh.

A rogue senses that I'm distracted and lunges for me. I sweep my paw up, trapping him under it before extending my claws and ripping through his neck. I hear him gargle his last breath and let out a howl of victory.

'Hell yeah, baby. Keep it up.' Micah coos in my mind and my heart flutters that he's close enough to hear me, but the excitement doesn't last long as the remaining rogues descend on us.

Luckily they're sloppy and not well trained. Too many come at us at one time and they push each other out of the way, taking them off balance and making them easier to take down. I rip through fur, muscle and bone, chomping on everything that smells like shit. That's the only way I can keep from attacking Griffin. I'm not paying attention to what he's doing, but I know he's getting the brunt of the attack. His larger size signaling a bigger threat. I hear him let out a pained howl and turn to see a rogue on his back, ripping the flesh from his right shoulder.

I jump on the rogue and sink my teeth into it's neck while clawing it's soft belly adamantly. It let's go of Griffin trying to get to me, and Griffin turns in time to rip it's neck out. Turning around left my back exposed and I felt the teeth of a rogue latching on to my back left leg. I howled in pain as he pulled back, then heard the sickening crunch of my bone as he ground his teeth down on it. I snarled at him and kicked him in the face with my other foot. Griffin landed on him a second later and he was dead before he hit the ground. I pushed myself up on to three paws, my left leg hanging limply at an awkward angle. It stung like a bitch, but I tried to ignore the pain as another rogue came at me. I was about to dodge him when a large grey wolf landed on his back, ripping his spine out with his teeth.

The familiar green eyes met mine and relief flooded through me.

'I got you, Hannah. Stay beside me.' He says bumping his forehead with mine before pushing me in between he and Griffin.

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