Chapter 15

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Waking up next to Micah is much nicer than I will ever admit. He's warm and soft and I just want him to stay curled around me forever. And then I remember the sacrifice he's making for me. I can't imagine how much it will hurt him to let me leave. Spending that much time away from your mate will hurt, both him and his wolf. I honestly didn't think he had it in him, the willingness to put himself aside for a moment. It shows a side of him that I would have begged for years ago. The thought makes me sigh as I watch him sleep. His features are even more beautiful under the relaxation of sleep. I reach out and trace his cheekbones down to his strong jaw. The overwhelming feeling of sadness sweeps over me and I know that I will undoubtedly miss him. At least this new man I am getting to see. Suddenly his hand snaps up and snatches mine. I look back at his eyes to see them twinkling with mischief. He gives me a little smile before kissing my fingertips.

"What cha doin, sweetness?" He asks, his voice deep and raspy from sleep and so yummy I want to eat it for breakfast.

"You're handsome when you're asleep." I admit shyly making his smile bigger.

"More handsome than when I'm awake?" He asks and I giggle.

"Well, you talk when you're awake and that ruins the appeal." I respond cheekily and he barks out a laugh, rolling to his back and slipping an arm under me to pull me close. He reaches out with his other hand and threads it in my hair before leaning down to kiss my head.

"I'm gonna miss your sass, Hannah." He says quietly and I look up at him.

"Really?" I ask and he nods.

"You are very entertaining." He says with a sad smile and I nuzzle my face back into his chest. "You should probably go pack. The first pack is expecting you this afternoon and it's a few hours away." He says sadly while tightening his hold on me.

"My mom is packing for me. I can stay with you for awhile longer. If you want." I say nervously looking up at him. He smiles wide and nods.

"I'll get us some breakfast. You wanna shower in my room?" He asks and I nod, getting out of the bed and I hear him growl a little when he sees me in his clothes. I roll my eyes at him and send him a cheeky grin.

"Like what you see?" I ask with much more confidence than I feel. He chuckles and nods, his eyes flickering to black.

"You know it, sweetness." He says smugly and I blush as I dart out of the room making him laugh a belly laugh.

He orders us breakfast and we sit and eat, spending time together before I leave. I don't know if that will make it harder or easier for him when I leave, but I hope it'll be easier.

"What are you most excited about in leaving?" He asks curiously as he throws a grape in my mouth. I sit and ponder his question while I eat.

"I'm curious how other Alpha's relate to their packs, what the Luna's duties are. How the pack hospital functions, if the people seem happy or oppressed. If they're looked at as a family, or more like worker bees just keeping the pack functioning. Also their training schedules and the strength of their warriors. If they allow women to train. Things like that." I say shrugging and he nods.

"This first pack you're going to, the Alpha's mate died in childbirth, so they don't have a Luna." He explains and a pang of grief goes through me.

"That's sad. Did the pup make it?" I ask and he nods as he chews.

"Yep. A little boy. He's about six now. Cute little shit." Micah says with an affectionate smile that I return. Shortly after his smile falls and I look at him confused.

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