Chapter 40

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1 year later...


"Happy birthday, pretty girl." I coo to Hannah as she rouses from sleep slowly like always. The girl sleeps like the dead, but we've got plans today so I can't let her do her normal routine of rolling around for twenty minutes before she finally graces me with her presence. Her eyes flit open and travel the room, bright sunlight slipping in through the window giving the room a soft glow.

I'll be sad to leave this house in a few months. We agreed to move into "The Alpha House" since it's more strategically placed within the pack and easier to guard, but this little house has been the closest thing to home I've ever felt. Of course with Hannah, anywhere feels like home. She's my sun and I just kind of spin around her, hoping she'll keep me warm. A small smile spreads across her face when she sees the tray I'm carrying, full of cut up fruit, juice, yogurt and her favorite pancakes that I learned how to make just for her.

"Thank you, baby." Her raspy morning voice calls out, shaking me from my stupor of staring at her.

"You know what else today is?" I ask her, smiling brightly as she grips the food from me.

"What?" She asks looking up at me curiously as she starts to cut up her food.

"It's one year of us being mates!" I say excitedly. She smiles and motions me to her. She grips my face and smashes her lips onto mine making me groan as the bulge in my pants begins to grow.

"Can I have that for dessert?" She asks coyly and I shake my head.

"Not today, my love." I tell her and she pouts her little lip out, huffing in annoyance making me chuckle.

"But it's my birthday! I should get what I want!" She exclaims and I smile before kissing her forehead.

"And you will. But we've got things to do. People to see." I tell her and her eyes sneak up to mine.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" She asks, inching her hand to my groin.

"Finish your breakfast like a good girl and you'll see." I say, humor lacing my tone as I sneak into the shower, making her growl in frustration.

I forgot how terrible Hannah is with surprises. Luckily I only had to deal with her incessant badgering for the amount of time it takes to walk to the packhouse. We walk hand in hand, her marveling at how nice the weather is in between her rapid firing questions about her surprise.

"Sweetness, just wait five more minutes." I implore her and she growls at me adorably. I smile and scoop her up into my arms, kissing her gently and carrying her the rest of the way. She rests her head on my shoulder and rumbles of content spill out of her making me smile.

We walk into the packhouse and I take her to the main room and nudge her to open her eyes. She looks around curiously and squeals in excitement before throwing herself from my arms, almost landing on the floor.

"Katie!" She screams, running across the room to her friend.

"Hannah!" Katie cries as they clash in the middle, wrapping each other in tight hugs. I watch with an affectionate smile as my girl clings to her best friend. Hannah had a hard time when Katie left for Alpha Jamie's pack. I know she didn't want to say anything because she was so happy for her friend getting a second chance, but it was hard for Hannah to make friends.

Luckily she doesn't have that problem anymore.

"How has everything been going? Do you love your pack?" Hannah starts asking her and I turn my attention to Jamie and Austin who looks like he's grown a foot since the last time I saw him.

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