Chapter 30

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I smirk at Jasmine and she snarls as she heaves heavy breaths as she tries to deal with her anger. I knew flaunting my relationship with Micah would piss her off, and a pissed off Jasmine wasn't at the top of her game. I could use that to my advantage. I have seen Jasmine fight while she's emotional. She uses too much energy and tires out quickly. Before she was able to lunge at me, Alpha stepped in between us, smirking at what I had just said, and holds his hands up to get everyones attention.

"We're gonna keep this fight clean. The first to submit, will lose. The other will be future Luna." He yells firmly. Micah snarls at this.

"But Micah's mate is his choice." He clarifies and I blow a kiss to Micah making him smirk. I catch both of my parents watching with solemn gazes, obviously worried. I tried to send them a reassuring smile, but refocused on my opponent. She was bouncing anxiously and biting her cheek, making her cheek look sunken in. It did nothing to accentuate her already ugly face.

"Shift!" Alpha yells. Jasmine and I both jump into the air, landing on our paws. I shake out my dark brown fur, allowing my wolf to take over. She snarls at Jasmine, tired of this bitch pretending to be something she's not. She wasn't born to be Luna.

I was.

She huffs at me, baring her teeth as she digs her claws into the dirt. I pace back and forth watching her, knowing her making the first move will put me at an advantage. She doesn't wait long before lunging at me, trying to get her teeth around my throat. I dodge out of her way and rake my claws across her back. She growls loud at the movement. I don't wait for her to recuperate before lunging at her, getting my teeth around her neck. She rolls on her back and uses her back paws to kick me off, her nails digging painfully into my belly.

The scratches sting, and I wait for my healing to kick in.

Only it doesn't.

The pain in the claw marks only increases as my pain begins to travel through my body. I look down at them and see them fiery red and agitated. I look over at Micah, my eyes wide with fear.

'She's got silver on her claws.' I link him. He face curls into a snarl as his fists clench.

'That fucking bitch. I'm stopping this fight.' He links back, but I shake my head at him as I dodge another blow from Jasmine.

'Don't you dare. I can do this.' I tell him. I can feel his concern through our bond, but I ignore it as I continue to dodge Jasmine's attacks.

She's fast like I already knew she was, and I have to move quickly to keep away from her poisonous claws. I can't believe she would be so bold as to cheat in a fight of this importance. She'll never win the pack over that way. Of course if my death was her only goal, that's the best way to achieve it. My concern turns to fury as pain courses through me. I see Micah's face contort as he feels what I'm feeling. I snarl at Jasmine and leap at her, clinging to her back as my teeth sink into her shoulder. I pull back and rip a chunk of fur covered flesh from her. She roars in pain and shakes me off. I carry the piece of my opponent over to Alpha and drop it at his feet. He chuckles in response before I turn back to her, pushing herself up from the dirt and shaking out her fur.

She comes at me again, this time raking her claws against my face. I whine at the pain, so much stronger from the silver covering her claws. I decide to take away that advantage, twisting my neck quickly and gripping what would be her wrist, just above her paw, and biting down until I hear a sickening snap. She whines in pain as her paw hangs limply from her arm. She steadies her self on three legs. Before she can recenter herself, I lunge at her flinging her on her back and gripping her throat with my teeth. I could kill her, but I don't want to. I tighten my grip hoping that she'll submit. I step on her broken paw, she snarls in response and I think she's about to submit, but instead she uses her back paws to dig into my stomach and side. She claws me over and over, the pain growing and the silver weakening me. I dig down harder with my teeth in her neck, about to rip it out and end her life if she refuses to submit, before she kicks me hard in the chest. The force throws me off of her and across the circle at Alpha's feet. He looks down at me with a concerned face before he looks over at Luna.

"Why isn't she healing?" He asks, and I'm relieved he noticed that this fight isn't fair.

My legs tremble weakly under me as I push myself up to standing. I breathe deep as possible, trying to get oxygen into my lungs while trying to ignore the pain gripping me, making it almost impossible to think clearly. I look at Jasmine, and even in her wolf form and I can tell she's pleased by my state. The thought pisses me the fuck off. I snarl at her, and she huffs at me. She knows I won this. She knows I bested her, that I beat her even with silver coursing through me.

She hunches down, before pushing off hard with her back paws, flinging herself at me. I barely have enough energy to move out of the way, but she corrects herself at the last moment and is able to tackle me, climbing on top of me and getting my neck in her jaws. I claw furiously at her belly and sides, but I barely make a scratch as what remaining strength I have wanes. Exhaustion overtakes my muscles as the silver continues to take over my system.

She tightens her grip on my neck, and I can feel her canines sinking into my flesh, her saliva dripping down my fur. I can't bring myself to submit to her. I know she's a lesser wolf and we both know it. She knew that even before the fight, judging by the fact that she felt the need to cheat.

I open my eyes and find Micah watching me, staring intently into my eyes. I feel a surge from our bond, a click in my soul. I realize somehow that it's our bond reforming on it's own. I hear an audible snap in my mind as a rush of his thoughts and feelings run through me. He must sense it as his eyes widen in surprise. I feel his affection, his pride and his fierce loyalty run through me.

Then I feel a surge of his strength.

The pain leaves me for a fraction of a second and he lends me his power. I'm able to throw Jasmine off of me. Surprised by my sudden movement, she's taken off guard. I use her lowered guard to throw her to the ground. I step on her chest, digging my claws in right where her heart is. She roars, a mix of pain, anger and fear, as I continue to burrow deeper into her chest cavity with my sharp nails.

I look her dead in the eye as I bare my teeth and snarl at her. Her eyes widen as fear takes over, she begins to thrash under me, but my claws buried deep in her body don't allow her any movement. She whines, cries and practically begs in wolf form for mercy. I lower my face to her neck and wrap my jaw around it. I sink my teeth in until I feel her blood pour into my mouth. She continues to thrash against me, but her movements become more erratic, fueled by desperation rather than any kind of technique. She whines desperately as she tries to right herself, but I put more of my weight on her, causing my claws to dig deeper and making it harder for her to breath.

My claws are so deep in her chest I can feel her heart pumping, the movement registering against my paw.

I squeeze my jaw one last time, warning her if she doesn't submit, I will end her life. She snarls again, trying to twist her face to snap at me. I look at Micah one last time and all he does is nod firmly. I don't need to read his mind to know what that means.

I bite down firmly until I reach bone, then rip her throat out with my teeth, her blood dripping from my muzzle. I drop her esophagus on the ground, and hear her wheeze her last breath.

It's the last sound I register before my vision fades to black.

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