Chapter 7

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I wake up at some point in the middle of the night. I can tell it’s not morning since it’s still very dark. I’m incredibly warm, like sweating warm, and go to roll over so I can reach the pull string for my ceiling fan, when I realize I’m being held in place by giant arms. I look over and see Micah, sleeping soundly and clinging to me like a koala. I take stock of the situation, debate my choices. I sit for a minute and let him hold me. I decided that the mate bond is definitely not severed, but I don’t feel anything near what I did before I rejected him. It still feels good to have him hold me for a minute, but I would never admit that to him. When I get tired and decide I want to go to sleep, I let out a high-pitched scream and kick him in the stomach. He lurches off the bed and I hear a thump as he lands on the ground.

“What the fuck, Hannah?” He yells as my parents come running into my room, obviously alarmed.

“I told you to sleep on the floor. Imagine my surprise when I wake up with a strange person in my bed!” I yell at him and he gives me a sheepish smile as my parents watch amused.

“I’m sorry. The floor is just uncomfortable. I didn’t think you’d notice. Plus I’m not just a person. I’m your mate.” He shrugs and I scoff.

“You thought I wouldn’t notice a large space heater in my bed? I’m literally sweating.” I say reaching up to turn on the fan. My parents snicker at the door before turning to leave. I hear Micah grumble under his breath as he readjusts himself on the floor.

“You could have at least let me sleep until morning.” He murmurs and I reach over to smack him on the shoulder.

“And you could have gone home to sleep in your bed.” I throw back and he pops his head up, his lips only inches from mine.

“But then I couldn’t smell your scent, Sweetness.” He says with a cocky grin and I roll my eyes.

“Why are you calling me that anyway? Banana doesn’t work for you anymore?” I ask sarcastically and his smile drops.

“I thought you didn’t like to be called Banana.” He says.

“I don’t. I hate it. I’m assuming that’s why you always did it.” I say and he nods.

“Yeah. So I’m not going to do it anymore.” He says and my heart gives a traitorous flutter.

Bitch needs to simmer.

“So, what’s with the Sweetness?” I ask genuinely curious.

“Your scent. It’s like… Candy or something. Sweet and tangy. Makes my mouth water.” He says his signature cocky grin back on his face. I roll over in bed away from him and he chuckles at me. The sound is low and warm, and I feel tingles spread through my body.

I hate my body.

I feel my bed dip as Micah leans over me, running his lips along the shell of my ear. My breath hitches as my body shudders under him.

“And I bet you taste delicious.” He whispers in my ear, kissing my neck gently. I feel my body heat under his proximity, and I take a deep breath before shoving him hard. He lets out a very unmanly squeal as he lands on the ground.

“Was that necessary?” He asks annoyed as I laugh at him.

“You’re the one that can’t take a hint.” I say, much more confidently than I thought possible.

“Whatever.” He grumbles as he gets as comfortable as possible on the floor. I burrow back down into my blankets but am barely able to doze off again before my alarm goes off for training.

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