Chapter 9

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After training, well my training and Micah staring at me like a creep the whole time, I try to sneak out of the packhouse by myself while Micah was talking to his dad.

It didn’t work.

“Micah. You have to stop following me everywhere. It’s weird. We went years with hardly being in the same room as each other. This is a big adjustment for me.” I tell him and he gives me sad eyes.


“I just wanted to ask you something.” He says, pouting out his lower lip and shuffling his feet. I sigh a little but turn to face him.

“What would you like to ask?”

“Will you spend the whole day with me?” He asks with bright eyes and a wide smile. I groan and turn away from him, but he hurries to catch up.

“Come on, Hannah!” He says and I growl at him.

“Don’t you have future Alpha things to do?” I ask annoyed, but he just shakes his head.

“Nope. Dad said getting you to love me is the most important thing I could do for the pack right now.” I grunt in response and can’t help but laugh.

“Love? Try tolerate first.” I say and he smiles at me.

“How can I do that if we don’t spend any time together?” He asks reaching for my hand. I let him take it and he seems surprised, until I let my claws come out and sink them into his skin.

“Ah, Fuck! Damn, Hannah. You don’t have to be so aggressive.” He says annoyed and I feel a little guilty. I take his hand and lick the wounds I made, and I see his body shiver as he watches me. The wounds heal nearly instantly, and he stands dumbfounded for a few seconds.

“I didn’t realize it was that effective.” He says, observing his hand.

“You’d learn a lot of things if you paid attention.” I tell him and he groans.

“I know. But shit is so boring.”

“The way the pack works, how mates work, werewolf culture in general, is not boring. And it’s important.” He sighs and runs his hand through his hair, and I fight the urge to do the same.

“I know. You’re right. I’ll start making more of an effort.” He says and my eyes balk at him.

“Really?” I ask incredulously. He smirks at me and moves a little closer.

“Yep. Because now I have a reason to.” He says smugly and I roll my eyes and push him away from me.

“Where are we going anyway?” He asks and I shrug.

“I’m going to my house. I don’t know where you’re going.” I say and he smiles mischievously at me.

“I’ll go wherever you go, sweetness.”

I hate that I like that pet name.

“Micah. A girl needs alone time. Quiet time to… ponder the complexities of the universe.” I say profoundly and he barks out a laugh.

“You mean watch funny youtube videos and put gunk on your face.” He states.

“Same difference.” I mutter and he chuckles. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, and I have basically given up trying to keep him from touching me. I know it’s not completely his fault. The pull of the mate bond is strong, and Micah has never been one to resist temptation anyway.

Our interaction gains a few curious gazes from pack members that we walk by, but Micah seems oblivious to it all. I breathe a sigh of relief when we finally get to my house. I run up to my room and change into comfy clothes before whipping up some lunch.

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