Chapter 3

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I watch as he runs from me, standing still in shock. Once he is gone from my view my resolve cracks and I break, falling to the ground as harsh sobs rack my body. Luckily I followed him into the forest, away from prying eyes.

I'm not crying for him. Hell no. I'm crying for the loss of my mate. My hope. The bond I was so looking forward to having. I would have cherished the fuck out of my mate.

If it had been anyone else.

I have no idea why he didn't accept my rejection. He never liked me anyway, I can't imagine the mate bond would change his feelings so drastically. It sure as hell didn't for me. I can feel my wolf whining in my head, but she's not mad at me. She agreed with my decision and respects it.

I eventually stem the flow of tears and push myself off the forest floor, trudging myself home. I missed training, but I think the Alpha would give me a pass considering the situation. I scoff at the thought. What will his reaction be? I can't help but wonder. Or maybe Micah won't tell him at all. Maybe he'll just pretend he never found his mate. I'd be alright with that. Then I could travel, pretending I'm looking for my mate. I could escape this pack and never have to look at him again.

The idea warms me and I decide to talk to Micah about it later. I arrive home and shower, changing into comfy clothes then proceed to eat my feelings and watch crap TV for a few hours when suddenly I hear a knock on my door. I go answer it and, when I swing the door open, see our massive beta. The guy is well over six foot tall and is built like a tank. The scars across his left cheek do nothing but add to his intimidating demeanor.

"Afternoon, Beta." I say baring my neck in submission. "What brings you to our humble abode this fine afternoon?" I ask with a chipper attitude. He cocks his brow in suspicion at me then urges me to follow him.

"Alpha would like to see you." Is all he says as he walks back towards the SUV. He turns back around and looks at me questioningly again when he realizes I'm not following him. I clear my throat before speaking.

"Is it because I missed training this morning? I'm really sorry. I overslept. I'll make it up this week, do two extra sessions. No reason for you all to go out of your way for me." I say brightly, trying to sneak back into the house. The beta growls at me and points to the SUV. He's a man of few words. Something I appreciate.

I slip into the front seat and wait for him to take off. When he doesn't I look over at him. He sighs heavily.

"Seatbelt." His deep voice rings out and I nod, clicking the belt into place. The drive to the packhouse only takes about ten minutes and it looks nearly deserted.

"Where is everyone?" I murmur mostly to myself, not expecting Beta to answer.

"Alpha sent them away. He wants this conversation to be private." He clarifies and my stomach drops.

"This isn't about me missing training, is it?" I ask and the Beta shakes his head at me before getting out and opening my door.

"Such a gentleman." I quip and he snorts in response.

"He's waiting in his office." I nod and walk up the stairs. He doesn't need to show me, I've been there plenty over the years. He and the Luna took a special interest in me when I was young. They saw an aptitude for pack dynamics and took time to train me, hone my skills and help me grow. I love them both.

I just don't love their son.

I knock on the door and the alpha calls for me to go in. I step into the office and look around. The alpha, Luna and Micah are there as well as my parents. They both look annoyed and I turn on Micah.

"You told them? You idiot you ruined my plan!" I scream and he looks at me confused.

"What plan?" He asks irritated and I huff at him.

"To get out of this pack." He and the alpha both growl at me.

"You're not going anywhere." Micah seethes and I roll my eyes at him.

"You don't have any say over that." I say and Micah growls again. The Alpha holds his hands up to get our attention and motions me to a chair in between my parents.

"Why don't we talk this over?" He says diplomatically and I have to hold in my eye roll.

"Now, Hannah. Why did you reject Micah?" He asks and I can't stop my eye roll this time. My mom pinches my thigh in response and I growl at her, surprising everyone. I'm normally a very docile wolf.

"No offense, Alpha. But your son's a dick. You know, before today I haven't heard him say my actual name in years. You know what he calls me? Bitch, slut, whore or sometimes he gets a little more creative. Depends on the day." I rant and the Luna smacks Micah on the back of the head making me smile.

"You called your mate such filthy things?" She asks horrified and Micah gets defensive.

"I didn't know she was my mate!" He yells.

"That's no excuse to speak to pack members like that." Alpha cuts in before he turns his attention back to me. "But maybe we shouldn't hold grudges over things people do when they're younger, Hannah. People grow... mature."

"It was three days ago." I say boredly, my arms crossed over my chest. Luna smacks him again and I give her an appreciative look. My dad and Alpha both growl at him and he sinks lower in his chair.

"It really is ironic though, if you think about it. He calls me a whore, but I waited for my mate. Did you wait for me, Micah? Did you?" I ask him as I pin him with a firm glare, he doesn't answer, only looks to the floor.

"That's what I thought." I mutter. Alpha sighs heavily and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Hannah. My son is an asshole. But I need you to put that aside for a minute. I need you to give him a chance. Not just for you, but for the pack." He says, obviously exasperated.

Sorry the imploding of my pathetic love life is such an inconvenience to you, Alpha.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, irritation lacing my tone.

"Watch yourself, Hannah." My mom mutters to me.

If ever I've had a right to be disrespectful, it's now.

"It's not just that you are rejecting Micah as your mate. You are rejecting the whole pack. You are meant to be Luna." Alpha explains and the realization dawns on me.

Holy shit how could I have not realized that before? I try to calm my beating heart as my thoughts begin to race. I start to hyperventilate and my parents try to soothe me. Micah comes up to me and rests his hands on my back.

"Don't touch me!" I spit at him and he pulls away surprised.

"Isn't my touch calming to you?" He asks and I let out a humorless laugh.

"Not since I rejected you. I feel nothing." I say and I don't bother to hide my satisfaction at the truth. Micah looks even more crestfallen than before.

"You can't feel our bond?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No. So I guess it's just your bond now." I say and he goes back to his chair, flopping down defeatedly. Once my breathing is back under control Alpha continues.

"Normally Hannah, I'd say you have every right to reject your mate, but this is bigger than you and Micah. This is the future of our pack. It's strength. Doesn't that matter to you?" He asks and I nod.

"It does. That's why I want to leave." Alpha cocks a curious brow at me, as does everyone else.

"Explain." He says and I sigh, knowing they are all about to be annoyed by me.

"I don't think Micah will be a good Alpha." I say firmly and they all gasp while Micah growls at me.

"And why is that?" Alpha asks, obviously trying to rein in his temper. I sit up a little straighter and take a deep breath.

"He's rude, selfish, self centered, egotistical and short sighted. He's power hungry and stubborn. He will make this pack implode." I state. No one speaks for a long while. Surprisingly it's Micah who opens house mouth first.

"I, Micah Grey, accept-"

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