Chapter 38

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After dinner, Micah has me tucked comfortably into his side laying next to me in bed. His naked skin pressed against mine spreads warmth and comforting sparks across my body. He says I'm not allowed to wear clothes to bed, but I make him follow the same rule so I'm not complaining. My head is resting on his chest, legs tangled with his as he runs his hand through my hair affectionately, his other arm wrapped around me, holding me close. He places gentle kisses against my forehead making me melt into him. If someone had told me that Micah Grey could be so incredibly tender, I would have laughed in their face. But this man has never been anything but sweet to me since we found out we were mates and I am so grateful for him now.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, how'd your visit to the preschool with my mom go today?" He asks, breaking the contented silence we had been sharing. I smile at the memories of earlier today.

"It actually went really well. They were all sweet, stepping over each other to get our attention. They practically jumped your mom, but they all showed us the pictures they were coloring and introducing us to their friends. It was great." I admit. I was a little surprised myself by how much I enjoyed the experience and could see it quickly becoming one my favorite things to do. I feel Micah's lips curl into a smile against my forehead as his hand slips gently up and down my back.

"Good. I'm glad. You would be an amazing mom." He says quietly and I choke on air and sit up on the bed. He chuckles a little as I cough, trying to suck oxygen into my lungs. "Relax, sweetness." He says with a nervous smile and I look at him with wide eyes.

"I can't believe you said that." I say and I feel a pang of hurt from our bond.

"You don't want pups?" He asks a little sadly and I reach out to cup his cheek.

"Of course I want pups." I tell him and he relaxes a little.

"With me?" He asks and I can't help but giggle.

"No, with Ryan Reynolds." I say and he growls at me a little. "Of course with you. You're my mate. I'm just surprised you've thought about it." I say earnestly and he nods. "Just not right away. I'd like to get adjusted to being Luna before throwing a tiny person into the mix." I say and he nods in agreement before grinning at me.

"Have you thought of how many you want?" He asks excitedly and I chuckle before shaking my head.

"Honestly? Not really. I know I want more than one. Being an only child is lonely." He nods vehemently before looking out the window.

"Yeah it is. I always wanted a little brother to be my beta. I would have loved that." He says quietly and I smile warmly at him.

"I'll give you more than one, baby. Don't worry." I say and he smiles brightly at me before pulling me into his arms.

"I love you, sweetness. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." He says, throat clogging with emotion. Our bond hums with his honesty and I feel my eyes threaten tears as they flit across his face, trying to memorize every detail. 

"Micah. I love you too. So much. It may have started out rocky, but you have been good for me too." I say and he leans in to kiss me sweetly. I tuck my face back into his neck, laying back down scooching in next to him and breathe him in, enjoying this closeness.

"You're right though. We can wait for awhile. I want to be greedy with you. I want all of your attention for awhile." He says with a mischevious smirk and I giggle back.

"We can practice though...."

The next morning I walk into the packhouse and am pulled aside by Katie.

"Um... When were you going to tell me about the party the Alpha is throwing for you?" She asks accusedly and I look at her confused.

"What party?" I ask and she rolls her eyes.

"Of course. You're so aversed to parties you don't even know when one is being thrown for you. The Alpha is celebrating you and Micah completing your bond." She says excitedly and my mouth gapes.

"HE'S THROWING A PARTY BECAUSE I HAD SEX WITH HIS SON!?" I shout in absolute horror and a few ladies walking nearby giggle as they smile at me. My face heats up into a blush and I pull Katie with me to the office. I don't knock, which is highly unlike me but I'm severely agitated right now.

"ALPHA!" I scream as I push into his room. He and Micah are sitting looking at maps of the pack and some paperwork. Both of their heads pop up to me and Micah stands walking over to me.

"What's wrong, sweetness?" He asks worriedly, but I don't take my eyes off of his father.

"Please tell me you're not throwing a party because Micah and I completed our bond." I say and he shrugs.

"I'm not throwing a party because you and Micah completed your bond." He says simply and I sigh in relief. "Now would you like to hear the truth?" He asks and I snarl at him.

"Dad. Why didn't you ask first? You know how Hannah feels about parties. That's rude and so unlike you." Micah asks, putting himself between his father and I as he senses my shortening patience. Alpha sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose before responding.

"I'm not doing it because you completed your bond. It's not abnormal to throw a party when a future Alpha finds his mate. Considering you were a dick to your mate and we weren't sure she would accept you, we put it off. But now that you're marked, she's stuck with you. We also have been meaning to invite our allies to the pack. It strengthens bonds, spreads goodwill all that bullshit. This is just the perfect oppportunity. Alpha Jamie will be here. He let Hannah come to his pack and we haven't seen Austin in awhile, it'll be good to have them." He says and my heart leaps at that.

"I did love Austin. He was the sweetest kid." I say wistfully and Micah eyes me affectionately.

"Rethinking our conversation from last night already?" He asks coyly and I snort before rolling my eyes.

"No. I'm not ready for a tiny you. I'm still learning to deal with the one I have." I say firmly and Alpha's ears perk up.

"Pups? You're talking pups?" He asks excitedly and I groan as Micah shaks his head.

"No, dad. Not yet. Don't tell-"

"Just wait until I tell your mother!" Alpha exclaims and Micah shakes his head, flailing his arms in front of his father's face.

"No! Don't do that! She'll freak the fuck-" Just then a loud shriek echoes from down the hall.

"PUPS! OH MY GOD PUPS!" Micah's mother yells and comes barreling into the room, squeezing me in a tight hug, then letting go quickly and looking at my stomach.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. Are you pregnant already? Oh god I squished my grandpup!" She exclaims and I roll my eyes, looking at Micah.

"This is your fault. You fix it." I say firmly, exiting the room and pulling Katie with me.

"Sweetness! Don't leave me like this!" I hear Micah plead just as the door clicks behind me.

"Ugh. That idiot should have known better than to mention pups." I mutter to Katie who finally lets the laughter she's been barely containing explode from her. After she's done wiping the tears from her eyes she links her arm with mine.

"Well, one good thing did come of this little meeting." She says happily and I eye her wearily. Usually when she gets excited about something like this, it means she's about to force me to do something I don't want to.

"And what good thing came of this meeting, other than the entire pack probably thinking I'm pregnant right now?" I ask with mock sweetness, but she just gives me a wide smile.

"We now know for a fact that their will be a party and you will be the guest of honor. Which means we get to go dress shopping!"

Ugh. Kill me now.

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