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4 Years Later...


"God damnit!" I mutter to myself as I lift Drake out of the mess he just made. I groan in frustration as I prepare to clean up the fiftieth mess for today.

"What's wrong, sweetness?" I hear Micah call from the doorway as he closes the door behind him. I feel tears of frustration start to trail down my face as he walks in the room despite my efforts to sniffle them back. He looks around then his eyes land on me and his face drops.

"Baby, what's wrong? Is the baby ok?" He asks, worriedly, running to me and holding my belly gently. I nod and then cry even harder, feeling guilty for making him worry.

"What's wrong, love? Just talk to me." He begs and I take a few shuddering breaths.

"Drake spilled milk all over the place and he's just been a handful all day and my back is killing me." I whine and a little smile spreads across his face.

"Well, that all sounds like things I can handle. Come on, love. Park your sweet ass over here on the couch and let the Alpha get to work." He says with a smug smile as he lays me on the couch and props my swollen feet up.

He leans down to press a kiss to my swollen belly, and the baby kicks in response making him smile.

"How's daddy's little guy doing?" He coos. He got his dream, two boys to run the pack as brothers.

I was praying for a girl.

"DRAKE!" He bellows and the banging sound that was coming from upstairs stops suddenly. Our almost three year old boy sneaks down the stairs quietly and eyes his father nervously.

"What did I tell you, son? Mommy is busy growing another baby. You need to take it easy on her the days she stays home with you." He admonishes our son. Even when he's upset, Micah always seems to have love leaking from every word when he talks to Drake. Drake's bright green eyes, his father's eyes, fill with tears at the disappointment on his father's face and he runs to Micah who scoops him up and kisses his head before sitting next to me on the couch.

"I sowy, Mama." My baby coos and my wolf and I both melt at his voice.

"He's too cute for his own good." I mutter making Micah laugh and nod his head in agreement.

"I have an idea. How about he stays with Nana and Papa tonight, while daddy takes care of mommy." Micah says slyly and I smile while Drake gasps and his eyes go wide with excitement.

"Go Papa! Go Papa!" He yells and Micah chuckles.

"What about Nana?" Micah asks and Drake huffs before climbing off his lap, gathering as many toy cars as his little arms can carry to take with him.

As if he doesn't have a whole trunk full at his grandparent's house.

"Nana doesn't let him ride her wolf the way Papa does. He fights dirty for that favorite grandparent position." I point out to Micah and he shakes his head at his father's antics.

"Just wait until they each have one." He says, running his hand gently along my belly with a warm affectionate smile that makes love for this man swell inside of me. I smile and cover his hand with mine as the little boy within me rolls and kicks.

"Oof. He's going to be busy boy. Just like his brother." I say and Micah smiles wide.

"They get that from me." He announces proudly and I roll my eyes.

"No arguments from me on that." I say and Micah stands, running up the stairs.

Awhile later he comes down with an overnight bag for Drake and helps me off the couch, leading me up the stairs and into our bathroom. He has lit candles throughout the small room and a bubble bath has already filled the tub.

"I'll cook you some dinner after I drop off Drake. Ok, sweetness?" He asks and I nod before pulling him in close and kissing him firmly.

"And I want you for dessert." I say seductively and he smiles nervously.

"Are you sure it won't hurt the baby?" He asks and I giggle.

"I'm sure. The baby will be fine. Mommy on the other hand..." I warn and he smiles before helping me into the water. I slide down into the warm water and groan in ecstasy as floating in the warm water takes some pressure off of my back.

"Keep making those noises I'll put another baby in there." Micah mutters making me laugh. He leans down to kiss me gently again before I hear him take Drake and leave quietly.

I sit back and bask in the silence that has been so hard to come by since being mated to Micah. I used to thrive in the quiet, the solitude. An afternoon spent alone, maybe reading was the highlight of my week. Now the sounds of Drake running and playing with Micah. Of walking around our pack, seeing people laugh and children play. My life would feel empty now without the constant noise and activity. I love this new life he has introduced me to. The woman I have grown to be beside my mate.

I would never want to go back.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please consider following me or checking out my profile, I have other completed books as well!

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