Chapter 17

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Letting Hannah go was just the first agonizing part of this whole ordeal. The second part was when I felt her leave the border. The ache in my chest intensified and my wolf howled so loud in my mind I thought my head would explode. I couldn't contain my pain, I went outside and shifted, running in the opposite direction of the car that was carrying Hannah away from me. Shortly after, I felt waves of grief stricken pain from her through our bond. I wanted to reach out to her, but I knew if I heard her voice my resolve would falter and I would chase her down.

'Is she ok?' I link Griffin.

'Yeah, just upset.' He answers. My wolf whines sadly and I lay down on the forest floor.

'She's not happy to be gone?' I ask curiously. Maybe he can get insight she's not willing to share with me.

'I get the sense she wants to stay with you, but doesn't think the pack will accept her.' He says. That makes me wolf growl.

'They will. I know they will.' I respond.

'I agree. I'll do my best to convince her.' He responds and hope builds in me.

'You'll be a great Beta, Grif.' I tell him.

'I know.' He responds and my wolf huffs out a small laugh.

I push myself up to four paws and run until I nearly pass out from exhaustion, hoping the ache in my body will distract me from the ache in my soul. I shower and lay in bed and suddenly feel Hannah reaching out in my mind. Our conversation is short, but it makes me feel a little better. Her voice soothes me and I feel my tense body relax before I fall into a fitful sleep.

The next morning I decide to do something I've been putting off.

Talking to Dustin.

I call him to my office and he shows up so fast I think he ran the whole way. I roll my eyes at the thought. Why I ever thought he'd be a good Beta, I'll never know.

"Micah what's up?" He asks, a little short of breath as he sits across from me.

"Listen Dustin. I've decided to make some changes to the pack leadership when I take over." I explain and he sighs as if in relief.

"So you decided to accept Hannah's rejection?" He asks and I feel my hackles raise.

"No." I state firmly, narrowing my eyes at him. He looks confused, his eyebrows furrowing and his stupid confused look only annoys me more.

"Oh. I just figured since she left. Jasmine saw her leave with Griffin yesterday. We figured you sent her to another pack." He says and I shake my head.

"No. She's been training with pack intelligence. She's observing allied packs for suggestions on improving our efficiency." I state, which isn't entirely a lie, but he doesn't need to know the precarious state of my relationship with Hannah.

"Oh. Well then what changes are you making?" He asks and I pinch the bridge of my nose, not at all excited for this conversation.

"I have picked a different Beta." I say simply and I allow him a few moments for my words to sink in. I can see the moment he realizes what I've said as his face contorts in rage and he has to hold back a shift.

"Control yourself, Dustin." I tell him firmly and he growls at me.

"What the fuck, Micah? We've been friends since we were kids. Why the fuck would you toss me aside now?" He spits in anger and I just shrug.

"You've been slacking. Coasting by on knowing you had the position. You don't push yourself or me in training anymore. You don't put forth new ideas or solutions to pack issues and you were not supportive of Hannah as my mate." I explain and he starts to breathe heavy, his claws slipping from his fingers.

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