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  It was hard to be anxious with the crowds of people cheering happily as the 4 wizards entered the path of the maze. Although I had been warned of the danger this third and final task presented, I wasn't nervous. Well, maybe a little.

Cedric had passed the first two tests already, so I trusted him. However, my naturally anxious senses led me to wander into dark, deep paths of dread and panic, which I found presented quite a task of getting out of.

  My mind came back to reality, my senses focusing once again.

Hermione Granger, a bushy-haired, buck-teethed girl, and not to mention my closest friend since 1st year, along with Ron Weasley and Harry Potter, was gazing at me with a pinch of worry in her auburn eyes.

   "Are you all right, Sabrina?" she asked.

   "Yeah—just...a bit nervous," I quickly replied, averting my gaze.

I smiled back at her, attempting to hide my obvious expression. My efforts were in vain, for Hermione Granger knew me too well to believe my acting.

"Don't worry. Harry will be fine," Ron said, leaning forward so that I could see him behind Hermione.

I nodded once.

"Oh—and your boyfriend too, of course," the tall redhead teased, referring to the handsome Hufflepuff almost every girl at Hogwarts had fancied, chuckling as he noticed my cheeks flush.

   The audience had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity. The Bulgarian Quidditch player and the Blonde French girl had both come back from the maze empty handed, leaving a possibility for either Cedric or Harry to find the goblet. Either way, both boys were on the same team—that of Hogwarts.

The crowd seemed to get bored as my anxiety grew by the minute. I came up with hundreds of possible situations which could've caused my beloved Cedric's death.  My Cedric, my love, my one and-

   My train of thoughts was interrupted by a noisy sound emitted next to the maze. I heard the audience gasp as they watched Harry lying on the floor, clinging onto Cedric while grasping the shining sapphire goblet.
They won together! I smiled at the thought.

I noticed professors huddling around the two young boys, still laying on the damp grass.

   Suddenly, a loud, girlish shriek echoed around the stadium. I turned to its source, and found a horrified Fleur Delacour, crying and turning away from the two champions.

   I squinted my eyes at the pair on the ground, trying to find the detail that made her screech, when I noticed Hagrid mumble something to the Minister, causing his expression to change and seem more pale.

  Harry turned his blood-tainted face up with an agonising expression.

Dumbledore tried pulling Harry away from Cedric, who was still laying on the grass, yet the famous boy who lived resisted and clung onto the beautiful Hufflepuff.

I got the horrible feeling in my gut I always got when I was nervous.
Something wasn't right.

The music hesitantly stopped.

   As Harry was being pulled away from Cedric, I heard the Headmaster say something to Harry, too muffled for me to understand the words. The students in the audience all seemed to hold their breath in, waiting impatiently for a response from the boy with the lightning scar.

As Harry looked up into Dumbledore's eyes, his pain was still showing through his expression. He was crying, and refused to let go of Cedric.

I felt the blood from my face leave it slowly, moving down to my torso as I waited for him to say something.

He started sobbing.

   "He's back! He's back!" Harry loudly sobbed, holding onto Cedric as though he would die if he were to let go.
   "Voldemort's back! Cedric! He asked me to bring his body back! I couldn't leave him!"
He sobbed again. "Not there!" His face seemed so pained it was indescribable.

Instantly I fell into shock. I didn't know what to do or say. I felt my face go completely pale as stinging tears kept coming from my eyes.

Once I had processed the horrifying truth, I felt my eyes start stinging with tears. I clumsily stumbled down the stairs of the stadium until my feet met the grass Cedric was lying on, his lifeless eyes pointed at the sky.

At that moment, nothing else mattered. My vision was so blurry from all the crying I couldn't even make out whether Cedric's eyes were closed or open anymore.

I crashed my knees to the ground and held my head in my palms, sobbing quietly.

If only I'd convinced him not to do that damn tournament. It was all my fault. I could've prevented this.

   Running Footsteps came crashing towards me, getting closer every second. I knew I heard a grown man's voice, but I couldn't make out the words. All I could think of was that this had to be a dream. No; a terrible, terrible nightmare.

   All I could see was Cedric's unmoving body, laying in the damp grass. His body started to spin. Spinning...spinning...spinning...spinning...

   Suddenly my eyes flew open, a translucent liquid all over my face. I wasn't sure if it was tears or sweat, but judging by the circumstances of my stinging eyes and warm blanket, it was both. I lay in my bed for a while, knowing it was too early since the sun wasn't up yet.

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