10-Gossip on Edward Cullen

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   It was already October. This month reminded me of the Halloween feasts and Nearly Headless Nick. It reminded me more and more of Harry and Hermione, when everything was simple. When the world was simpler.

I still can't believe I told dad yesterday. I had to do it eventually, so at least the job is done now.

I noticed Edward seems to be quite cautious around me. I can't explain it in words, but he seems odd. He has been ever since yesterday, when I told dad everything. Maybe my overly anxious mind is just tricking me.

I was walking to lunch with Jessica, listening to her endless chatter about how Mike asked her out to the movies, and how she wanted sweet popcorn and to sit at the back. She said she hoped they'd kiss, and after that I stopped listening.

Telling dad had sort of revived a part of me I had been trying to cover up.
Saying the words out loud to someone outside. It was as much a relief as a burden.
Although I had finally let my emotions out, saying the words out loud made me remember what I was trying to forget.
Even though I knew I could never succeed.

I could never forget the day Voldemort announced Harry Potter's death.
I had met him 7 years prior, and had always been close to him.
I never gave up on him.

I would never forget the horrifying screams of Hermione Granger.
I would never forget how abruptly they stopped.
I would never forget the final tear she ever spilled.
I would never forget her lifeless eyes, staring into nothingness.

I would never be capable of forgetting any of that. Ever.
And in a way I was grateful.
If it would've been easy for me to forget them, then they couldn't have been good friends of mine.
But they were.
They were good friends. They were, in fact, the best friends I ever had.
But they're gone now, and I have to accept that.

I can still picture it in my mind, when I was telling Ron that I was leaving.
I remember the sunlight being too bright for my eyes, making me squint.
I remember the yellow grass around us.
I remember the painful silence we were both too scared to break.
"You can come with us to the Burrow after, so we can-"
"I'm not going."
I remember the look on his face when he turned to me.
"I'm not going. To the Burrow."
I remember sighing.
"Ron. You know why. I can't stay here, and-"
"You'll be safe at the Burrow! I won't be going either, I'll fake an illness again and we-"
"I can't!"
I remember the look of surprise on his face—it was the first time I had raised my voice out of anger in weeks.
"I can't."
He asked as if it weren't obvious.
"You know why! If I come, you know damn well I'll have to obliviate my dad!"
"But you-"
   "He's the only one left! I'm done losing people!First mom, then Dobby, Hermione, Harry! You lost Fred, you understand, surely!"
I remember the silence after that. I remember the guilt I felt. I remember his gaze falling on his feet.
"No, no, it's—you're right."

He understood, as I knew he would in the end.
I didn't know if I'd ever see him again. I was losing hope slowly. Would this pointless war ever come to an end? And if Voldemort would get defeated once more, would he come back and cause another war, repeating history over and over again? The hope I once found somewhere in my mind was gone, leaving my body at an alarming pace.

A buzzing in my ears started ringing. It was louder. The sound wasn't buzzing, it was speaking. Someone talking, saying my name...
I blinked, and suddenly Jessica was right there in front of me. What just happened? Did I apparate?
"Finally, you're listening! You looked like a zombie!"
What a relief. I had doubted the idea that I would ever apparate on accident, but the confirmation that theory was wrong was still good news. Better than her asking me why I had just appeared out of thin air. My thoughts were truly taking me to the moon.
"Sorry, I was just thinking."
"Well, anyway. Do you think I should say yes?"
I had no idea what she was talking about, so I answered hoping that would satisfy her.
"Er... yeah"
"Okay, cool! I'll tell him now."
She started rambling again.
To be truthful, I had known Jessica for 2 months, and learned to live with her incessant chattering. I never knew what she was discussing, only that I wouldn't play an important part in the conversation, and I found that to fit me well. I didn't want to talk about my life. Not now.

Jessica and I were standing in line, getting our food. I had gotten used to it, but it would never satisfy me like Hogwarts could. Here, they served mushy, mediocre quality.
I picked potatoes and chicken, and walked over to mine and Jessica's usual table, as well as Leo, Mike, Angela and Erics'. It was nice to have a group of friends, but...
No. It's nice to have a group of friends. Don't be selfish.
Lost in thought, I realised I hadn't taken any water, and with food like this, I would need it. I excused myself from the table and walked over to the stand again, feeling embarrassed. I knew it wasn't the case, but I always felt like I had all eyes on me when I did something out of norm.
I took the bottle, and as I was walking, someone pushed me, and the bottle dropped to the floor.
I bent down slightly to pick it up and fix my mistake, hoping ho one had seen me make it, but a pale, cold hand I recognised beat me to it.
I stood up again, yet he was already there, looking at me.
He held his hand out and I took the bottle from it, looking down.
"Er... Thanks."
This was awkward.
"Of course." he said, looking at me intensely, as if he were reading a book, but his eyes weren't moving. Feeling uncomfortable under his gaze, I looked at my feet, nodded and turned around, walking to my table.
Why did I do that? He probably thinks I'm an idiot. The whole school probably saw that and is laughing at me behind my back. That was the most awkward thing that has ever happened to me!
I sat down as quickly as I could and looked around at my table. Jessica was looking at me expectantly, Angela as if she were a policeman in a murder case, Leo seemed amused, Mike's eyebrows slightly turned down, and Eric was eating his sandwich and looking at me with wide eyes.
They all exchanged looks, leaving me even more confused.
"Edward never speaks to anyone except his weird step-siblings and stuff. Like, he never likes any girls," Jessica intensely said.
"Er... Just because he gave me a bottle, which I dropped, doesn't mean he likes me..." I said, laughing slightly, as if it were a joke. She didn't laugh. They looked deadly serious.
"Okay, okay, he talked to me, so what? I'm sure he doesn't only talk to his family. I mean, that'd be a little sad, to be honest."
Leo laughed slightly, making me smile.
"Yeah, but trust me: he never even looks at girls. Except you. Like, half the school is drooling for him."
I turned my gaze to him quickly, turning around before he had the chance to notice.
He resembled Cedric a lot. Cedric was attractive, and so was Edward, I had to admit. But Cedric was warm, kind, and I had known him for longer than I had known Edward.
"Yeah, you should shoot your shot!" Angela said.
"I don't know, I don't want to get into a relationship right now. He kind of-" I stopped myself. I don't want to cause any drama or rumours.
"He kind of...what?" Jessica asked intently.
"He just... I just don't like him."
"Well, he's super hot. If I were you, I would already be kissing him right now," she answered quietly, probably for Mike not to hear, since they were dating.
"I don't even know him. Plus, if half the school does like him, it wouldn't be easy for me to go with him anyway."
"He only seems interested in you," Eric said, eating his sandwich in a gross manner.
"Right..." I said, glancing at his food. I turned around, not wanting to vomit today.
I told myself they were all exaggerating. And even if they weren't, I didn't want to commit myself to another relationship with anyone. I still loved Cedric.

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