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The day of Halloween was soon approaching; it was said there'd be a party to celebrate it; Jessica had been talking about it to no end. Of course—Americans had some sort of folly involving Halloween.
As she constantly rambled on and on about her costume, the food, the makeup, the music &c., I was left alone with my thoughts—the constant chatter eventually dissipated and turned into some description of a buzz in my ears. However, Jessica, rather loudly, exclaimed—
   "So, like, I don't know which one I should choose."
   "Which...what?" I asked hesitantly.
   "Which costume, silly! The cat or the witch?"
   "Oh, er-definitely the cat."
   "Alright, thanks!" she answered before starting, once again, an endless chatter on anything and everything her mild esprit could comprehend.

I'd been invited to a party on October 31st, which was, in North America, a day off. (Again, thanks to American's frenzy during the holiday.) The party was hosted by the school, and it was recommended to wear a costume. I must admit I felt quite ridiculous imagining myself, a 17 year-old girl, strutting around in a costume—object made originally for children.

As for the date with Tyler, I was about to run off on it now. I was nervous—why hadn't I just said no? It isn't that hard. No. No. No.
But for some unknown reason, I felt I owed it to him for even considering wanting to go out with me. I just couldn't say no.

I walked to the town's cinema and stood there, waiting for the moment Tyler would come.
It had been five minutes, and he was tardy.
Five more minutes passed—still nothing.
And so I waited.
And waited.
And waited.
My patience was all in vain; Tyler never came. I angrily decided to promptly march my way back home. I felt hot—both from anger and embarrassment. I could feel my lip quivering and my eyes starting to water. Why—why?—did I really think any boy would find an interest in me? First Edward Cullen, and now this? Would I ever find love again? Or was I doomed to be the hilarious subject of cruel pranks played by playful high school boys? And I couldn't believe I had fallen into the trap. Again. I bit my lip to keep the tears from falling, and partly succeeded. I quickly calmed myself (or tried) and kept walking on, when all of a sudden, a familiar voice called out to me—
I promptly looked up, and there he was. The handsome, curly-haired, blue-eyed boy from English class. My first acquaintance here.
"Oh. Hi Leo," I answered quickly before quietly trying to snort my snot back into my nose.
"Are you...okay?" he asked hesitantly, bending down slightly—he was around ten centimetres taller than me.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine!" I said with a laugh.
"Oh, yeah, okay! It's just you seemed...never mind," he answered whilst nodding.
I simply awkwardly smiled in response.
"So, what're you up to?" he started small talk.
"Oh, er... I just came back from the movies," I said quietly.
"Oh, what did you watch?"
"Er-I didn't end up watching anything."
"Oh. Why not?" he inquired.
"Er... Well, I basically got stood up. By Tyler."
"You? Got stood up? You mean-on-on a date?" he asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah," I answered embarrassedly.
"Oh-I'm sorry..." he hesitantly said.
"No, don't worry! I didn't fancy the guy anyways; he asked me out and I didn't really know how to refuse."
"Oh," he laughed, "Well, win win, I guess!"
"Yeah," I laughed.
After a moment's silence, something clicked.
"Wait-Remember when you told me a friend of yours wanted to know if I was single? Was that Tyler?"
"Huh? Oh-yeah! Yeah yeah yeah! That was him," said he.
"Oooh, alright," I said.
The conversation fell silent.
"I'll be off then-" I said.
"Oh-yeah, yeah, of course. Bye."
I quickly turned around and walked away, increasing my speed as I went. Leo knew I'd been crying, didn't he. And yet he still didn't make a fuss about it. I didn't know why I found him to be such a good confident—he was to me as a diary was to many others—one in which I didn't confide in fully, however.
At least not yet.

Author's Note
Sorry for this short chapter. I hope the next one will be long enough. I'm currently on vacation, spending time with family, up in Norway!
Anyway, see you next time and thank you for reading!

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