25-Rekindled Heart

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   When Cedric died, I never thought I'd love anyone again.
I never thought I'd even get in a relationship again. I didn't have any more playful schoolgirl crushes, I wasn't attracted to anyone romantically, and I used to think it would remain like that forever.
Now I know that was a foolish prediction.
With time comes age, and with age comes maturity.
A year ago, I would've rejected any feeling whatsoever towards any boy. I would've thought it disloyal and mischievous.
But he truly knew me now, and I knew him. He comforted me. He liked me for me.
Well, almost me.
But the fact that he did not know of my traumatising background actually made this connection between us more enjoyable somehow—because when I was with him, I forgot all the bad things that were happening. It was like we were hidden in a little innocent bubble, away from the rest of the world.
Leo Blythe felt somewhat secure to me, and so did my growing feelings for him.

I had lately been walking with him to classes, rather than Jessica. I had been speaking with him at lunch and partnering with him in group projects. We acted like friends, but I couldn't help but feel a certain attachment to him which reached further than that.

And maybe it was because he was the first person I had truly felt safe with for a long time. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. But I had decided to close my internal debate and simply live alongside this newfound friend—for now. And so I had lived. For weeks. And it was now November the 22nd. I had grown so close to him that we spent every second we could together. He was very pleasant company.
And I had decided the night before that, after much pondering, I would tell him everything today. About my past, my background, my scars...
I trusted him enough.
It was a foolish, childish thought, of course. But after months of hiding, I wanted desperately to tell someone, and he was the most trustworthy choice.

I felt a nervous lump in my stomach as I walked around the hallways, trying to find the library, where we'd agreed to meet. And when I did get to it, he was there, mesmerisingly sitting at a table, alone.
I breathed in and walked up to him.
"Hey," he looked up at me and said.
"Hey," I replied.
"What's up? Anything new with Cullen?" he laughed.
"Well, I haven't seen him today."
"Y'know, I'm still not giving up what I said. He for sure has a crush on you."
I felt my cheeks flush in response.
"Shhh! What if he heard you!"
"Ha! You're not denying it!"
"Wh-Well, I am now. He doesn't like me. He just toys around with girls' feelings until he can't use them anymore."
Leo raised his eyebrows.
"What makes you say that?"
"At Mike's party, when I went out for some air, he followed me outside. He was standing so close to me that I could feel his breath on my neck and. And he was talking in an odd, low voice... It was strange. But, it was quite obvious what he was trying to do. He even got me a drink! And then, all of a sudden, he decided I didn't pique his interest anymore. Just like that! He just ran away to some other girl, probably. And Jessica told me he's a heartbreaker too, so..." I let out all my frustration to Leo.
"Wow... Edward Cullen... flirted with you? That's-"
"I know, it's odd. Well-I mean, please don't take this the wrong way—I'm not implying that I'm some extremely attractive supermodel goddess or—well, I—it's just—he, well, I-"
"Woah, woah, slow down! What?"
"Sorry. I just meant to say that I'm not trying to make myself sound like Aphrodite or something," I quickly replied, embarrassed.
"Aphrodite? The Greek Goddess of beauty?"
"Well, yes—I don't want you to think I'm so full of myself as to think that all boys fancy me. Well, that's not even what I was saying, but—well, you know."
"Er... Yeah," he hesitantly answered.
I sighed.
"Er, so, what about you?" I asked to break the silence.
"Well, nothing much. Still don't have a girlfriend," he joked. I laughed with him.
"Well, I'm sure you'll find one."
"What about you?" he asked, almost hesitantly, "Is there anyone you've got your eye on?"
I gulped.
"Er-well... I suppose," I quietly answered.
His lips curled upwards, but his eyes did not scrunch up like they usually did when he smiled.
"Oh. Who is it?"
"I can't tell," I felt like an immature primary school girl saying this, but I was much too afraid of rejection to confess my feelings to the boy in front of me.
"But now I'll die of curiosity!"
"Well, that's too bad," I jokingly said.
"Alright, alright. So... This guy; does he have light hair or dark hair?"
"Really?" I asked sarcastically.
As he didn't answer, I simply sighed and said—
His eyes scrunched up the tiniest bit.
"And...his eyes?"
"They're light," said I.
"And do you know him well?"
"Well enough."
"When was the last time you spoke?"
"I can't answer that."
"What? No! But we were going so well!"
"I'm sorry, Blythe," I dramatically sighed,"but this is a secret I can not reveal."
"Fine," he jokingly answered, and our conversation flowed onto another topic.

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