2-Creepy Farmer

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   My ears were getting used to the insufferable ringing provided kindly by the bell, so when it rang to dismiss biology class, I didn't flinch at the sound.
I was about to walk over to Leo's and Mike's desk, when I heard his voice again from behind me.

"So who is this Cedric?"

He's still trying, really? I can't deny he's handsome but that's the only credit I can give him. He's really stuck on trying to find out who Cedric is...

"Just an old friend," I replied, not turning around.

He's probably used to getting what he wants by just asking. I scoffed out loud.

I walked over to my newfound friends' desk. I didn't want to walk to Eric's desk alone, by fear he would start talking and never cease.

After a day of classes, I was completely used to the bell's ringing. I was walking over to my truck, when I noticed a boy leaning on the driver seat's door.

I approached it, hoping to quickly get inside and drive away. "Ahem, excuse me, that's my car sir, so if you wouldn't mind..."

"I know it's yours, chick," he smirked at me.

I knew where this was going but kept playing innocent.

"Well if you know it's mine, is there a reason you're leaning against it? Do you need something?"

He chuckled. "I need you, chick. What's your name?"

"I'm sorry. I really have to get home, so if you wouldn't mind..." I attempted to get past him, but he was too strong. Still, I kept serene.

"Just tell me about you. You're a hot chick, you know? But the lot's getting emptier, and then you can drop the hard to get act, chick."

Is he a farmer or something? Why is he so into chickens?

I looked around.

He was right. The lot was practically empty, and the skies were darkening. Although I might not have wanted to admit it, I could feel a small, but rising feeling of anxiety and maybe even fear within me.

"I still need to get home," I said, more harshly this time.

"Everyone's gone, chick. Drop the act." He smirked at me.

"Look. I'm sorry, but I can't help you. I have to leave and so do you. The school's closing soon."
I tried pushing him off the truck, but my desperate efforts turned out to be in vain.
He chuckled loudly.

Suddenly, his grubby hands grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him, making me drop my bag on the floor. I couldn't take my wand out anymore since he was gripping onto me. I tried getting out of his grip, but couldn't. I could feel my heartbeat accelerating. There was nothing I could do.

"You're so hot, chick," he whispered into my ear.

"Get off me!" I screamed. He only held me tighter.

"You're a naughty chick, you know?" I could feel his disgusting breath.

Suddenly, two cold, solid hands grabbed my arms and pulled me out of the creepy farmer's grip, and pulled me to a tree in the yard.

It all happened so fast I thought I was getting kidnapped. I was about to run to my truck, until I saw Edward running from me towards the creep.

He started punching the male in the face. I watched in shock and relief. I didn't care how or why Edward knew where I was—I was simply glad to be out of that appalling specimen's grip.

Edward was walking towards me, with not a single trace of blood on his skin. He was perfectly composed and steady, as though inflicting harsh physical pain on others with his own fists required no effort from him at all. And perhaps it didn't.

Good thing I'm on his good side, I thought to myself.

He stood there, not even sweating or panting, as if this were something he did regularly.

"Er...Thanks," I awkwardly blurted out, looking at my feet to avoid eye contact.

"No worries," his low voice giving me chills.
I hadn't noticed how deep and almost smooth it was.

"Well, I should get going then. See you in Biology tomorrow?"

I finally looked at him, his eyes a light topaz.
Weren't they darker last time I saw them?
I shook the thought off as he responded.

"Yeah, see you."

I turned to my car and picked up my bag. Thankfully, the wand was still inside.
Once I got in the truck, I looked up at the rear view mirror, and, sure enough, he was out of sight.

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